Dress code,tattoos, and scarification

JuggaLotus's avatar

MrScott, its a little bit of that, but its also about taking true ownership of one of the few remaining things people (the government) can't take away from you. Tattoos, at least for most of the people I know who have them, have been done to mark times in their life (as complex as the passing of my friends father, to another friend who got a mustang tattoo when she got her mustang).

This is one of the reasons I don't like the Tribal/Chinese Letter tattoos. Anyone can do that, and its not even close to original and are usually gotten by people who just want to say "look at me, I got a tattoo too".

Goodbye MrScott


e x i t english's avatar

Has anyone else gotten the impression that MrScott doesn't want to see that type of thing??

Because I'm not sure if that's what he's trying to say.


Jeff's avatar

Yeah, and your opinion is narrow because you can't get your mind around anything else. Like I said, read the psychology and get back to me with a more informed opinion. Attention whoring is not what it's about.

It's not uncommon for young girls, especially with body image issues, to cut themselves under their clothes. They do so to superceded emotional pain with physical pain, take ownership of their bodies and make a physical connection to the moment, with a higher awareness of their own presence in that moment of time.

That same concept can actually be translated to well-adjusted people who genuinely are at peace with themselves as well. I know that when I got pierced it put a lot of things in perspective for me and served as a reminder to eat better, exercise and generally take care of myself. Those brief instances of pain shocked my brain into realizing it can't get along without a body, and I've got the reminder of that with me all of the time.

And as for pain... some people do enjoy it. People into BDSM are probably the most well-adjusted people I've ever met because they understand boundaries and the importance of physical sensation as it relates to the mind. It's the sexual equivalent to jumping out of an airplane or bungee jumping.

So if you're going to start forming opinions about things, try understanding them first.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

e x i t english's avatar

And on that note, I think I'm going to go get my lip re-pierced for the 3rd time.

I keep taking it out and it closes up, but I really love having that peircing. It's fun to play with, and with the way I dress (preppy, abercrombie and fitch/hollister usually) girls always tell me it looks cute and they love it.


Jugga, tattoos were not what I was refering to above. I was refering to what Jeff mentioned above: Cutting yourself because it makes you feel in control of your life. IMO, you have some pretty serious mental issues if you do this.

Tattoos, while I would never get one, don't bother me as much as carving yourself like a turkey. I'm really not into piercings either. Especially if there are more than 3 on someone's face/head. Some people like them and some don't. I don't. If me believing that these things are done to draw attenion to oneself leads some to think that my "opinion is narrow"...so what? I just may happen to think the same is true of them. Or that their opinion is excessively wide. That's why it's called an "opinion".

Oh, and we missed one. Bright pink or purple spiked hair...Tell me THAT isn't done to draw attention to themselves...

MrScott (an old fuddy duddy...)

Mayor, Lighthouse Point

I got my first tattoo 3 years ago at 44 years old. I now have two more and am planning to get another one before my trip to CP in August. I have come to view tattoos and piercings as personal forms of art and while I don't like the way some people display their "artwork" I don't think less of them for doing so. To look at me you would never know that I have tattoos. Hopefully the stereotypes are fading away.

A cheap tattoo ain't good and a good tattoo ain't cheap.

I wasn't going to comment on this because what I have to say doesn't have to do with what CP thinks about tats & scars, but it seems that the thread has already been hijacked, so...

First, to all of you who ask "Why do that, isn't it to draw attention?": Why do you choose to wear the clothing you do? I assume most of you don't choose to dress like crap. You wear what you do to look good, or if not "good," at least decent. Sure, tats, colored hair and the like are beyond the normal and required clothing, but have you ever worn a hat? Not a "required" article. It's something you wear because you like it. Maybe not to draw attention to yourself, but it's something you like on your body (see: tats, colored hair, etc.).

Second, in my mind, scars and scarification are different. Scarification is more of a "body mod" thing. "Scars" are like biting your nails until they bleed. Last time I was at CP (here's my CP-related tie-in), I had a big, fresh, nasty scar on each of my forearms. Did that make me any less of a good person when playing cards with other guests while I was waiting for the rain to stop in line for Mantis? Did that make me less polite to the waitress while getting dinner at Macaroni's? Uh-uh. Yeah, I've got problems. That's why I cut and scar. I don't do it for mods. I don't do it for attention. I've got scars on my chest that 99% of the people will never see. To tell the truth, I'm not exactly sure why I do it.

But I do.

That doesn't mean I'm any less of a loving uncle to my niece. That doesn't mean I'm any less of a friend to my friends. That doesn't mean I kick puppies or rape babies.

I can understand how any family park wouldn't want their people to show anything beyond "the norm." I can understand why they would want such things to be covered by a shirt sleeve or an ace bandage or something else. What I can't understand is why people are so afraid of anyone that looks different than they do.

You want to be afraid of someone at CP? How about the dude with the mullet and beer gut wearing the "Fear This" shirt (and Lord knows there's enough of them around the park)? Hell, he's TELLING you to fear him!

To sum this up, sure, CP should be able to tell employees to cover up anything outside of the standard uniform. That's why it's called a "uniform." As far as John Q. Public goes, don't judge people on the way they they look, be it tats, colored hair, or scars. If you do, I had better not see you in anything less than a white polo shirt and khaki slacks.

I'm not afraid of you, scooter. I just don't care to see "body carvings" or a dozen piercings.

Do you want to see me walking around naked? The same argument applies.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

Jeff's avatar

Nobody said anything about being naked. Don't change what it is you don't want to see and change the subject.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Just trying to offer comparison, Jeff.

Mayor, Lighthouse Point

No, MrScott, I do not want to see you naked. That's why I mentioned "required clothing."

And, as far as not wanting to see certain people that look a certain way... well, I'll just leave it there...

I agree with Mr. Scott. I don't want to see people's body carvings.

If you want to express yourself, why don't you write a song or a poem, or even exercise.

Scarificaton is self-mutilation (injury or disfigurement of oneself)
*** Edited 7/6/2005 10:18:06 PM UTC by bbll24***

Ok, bbll24, as far as things I don't want to see go, I don't want to go to the park and see some ginormous chick in a skimpy bathing suit. But, you know what? I do. And it falls under the current rules of attire at CP. So I cope.

Tying this to employees, if I see the same girl working as a ride op, as long as she's in the same uniform as every other worker, I'm not going to think a thing about it. I'm not going to say "Oh, she doesn't take care of her body, I don't trust her to take care of mine! Her own personal safety has a direct effect on my personal safety!" That's just as silly as saying "Oh, that person has cut their arm! They're not concerned about their own well-being, so I should fear for my own life as they're checking my seatbelt!"

You can not-want-to-see things all day long. That's your choice, and your right. Don't crucify people for the way they look, though.

And, duh, "Scarificaton is self-mutilation." You want to argue about self mutilation? So is being overweight. There's a reason it's called "being at an unhealthy weight." If you (not you specifically, just anyone reading this) are over your recommended BMI, or know someone who is, I suggest you take a good, hard look at what you're arguing against. Is it the unhealthy behavior, or is it your ignorance and prejudice that drive you?

Uh, I don't think a crusification has taken place for 2000 years.

I don't like the way it looks. Would you raise such a stink if we were talking about the lenght of your pants?

I don't think so.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

First, the word is "crucifixion." dictionary.com. Check it out.

Second, my use of the word is obviously not literal. I'm pretty sure no one is showing up on anybody's doorstep with a cross, a hammer, and three nails, looking for death. Don't be stupid. If you want to be a schmuck, I can say you're not really James Doohan, I'm not a real scooter, and I don't hear any actual buzzing from this website, therefore, it is not an actual point"buzz."

Third, yes, if the "length" of my pants were in question, I would have a problem. I wear big, baggy "raver" pants when it's cold, and long, baggy shorts when it's warm. I do not have a problem with long shorts, short shorts, tight or baggy pants, etc. My problem comes in when someone says I can't wear them, unless it falls under employee uniform guidelines.

Like Jeff told you not two hours ago, "Don't change what it is you don't want to see and change the subject." Pants, schmants. what kind of crap is that?

If you want to hold a real conversation about what is and is not acceptable as far as public dress or personal adornment, let me know. Otherwise, well, as I'm not a mod here, I can't tell you what to do.

I'll bet you can take a pretty good guess at what I'd like to say, though. *** Edited 7/7/2005 12:11:27 AM UTC by scooter1979***

kylepark's avatar

MrScott said:
Cutting yourself because it makes you feel in control of your life. IMO, you have some pretty serious mental issues if you do this.

Tattoos, while I would never get one, don't bother me as much as carving yourself like a turkey. I'm really not into piercings either. Especially if there are more than 3 on someone's face/head. Some people like them and some don't. I don't. If me believing that these things are done to draw attenion to oneself leads some to think that my "opinion is narrow"...so what? I just may happen to think the same is true of them. Or that their opinion is excessively wide. That's why it's called an "opinion".

MrScott (an old fuddy duddy...)

I agree. There was a program on TV once about tattoos and piercings. A man featured in the show had his entire face tattooed and tongue split at the end to resemble a snake.

Personally, I think tatoos and piercings are defacing one's body. It's just not my ball of wax, only my opinion! :)

- Uncle Jay

Thanks for the response, kylepark. And I thank you for the correction, mrscooter.

Scooter, your posting style is familer...

Hmmm...just who are you?

Mayor, Lighthouse Point

I'm just me, MrScott. Swear to you. If I'm familiar, it may be from 971fm.net (local Detroit radio site, which is currently down) or davelog.com (staffer there... good stuff). Other than that, I'm only me here. I hate that "Ooo, I'll be sneaky and create a new username" stuff. Childish. I've never been booted from here (or, anywhere else that I know of, for that matter), so no need to create a new name. I'm just Scooter.

By the by, please do not think I'm trying to rip you, or anyone else, a new one. I simply enjoy talk and debate beyond "MS sux lol maggies my favorite lolwtfomgbbq." If I come off as harsh, please forgive me.

See you in the funny pages.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

bholcomb's avatar

I thought I saw MrScott on the Michigan Broadcasting Boards...

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