Crazy CP rumors and stories.

Wow Dude you are pretty funny.

"Meesa okee day"- Jar Jar Binks
Does that mean lotsa people scona die?"-Jar Jar Binks
There is this dumb kid I know that said the Mean Streak op said that they put spikes on wooden coasters to make them shakey.
Also laast year one person told me that he rode a coaster in Wasington( there is only three coasters in washington all three are wood, I think) went down over a 150 degrees angle and went over 120 miles per hour. Also this person said the coaster was 800 feet tall.
What is wrong with your friends, dude? Seriously, get them some help.

Thank you for riding Raptor and enjoy your day here at Cedar Point, America's RollerCoast!
I was riding the red train of the Mean Streak this summer with my uncle. When we were waiting for the train in the station to leave I found a bolt that had broken off from the inside of the car. I kept the bolt. It's in a zip lock bag sitting on my shelves with all of my Cedar Point things. The funny thing about riding the Mean Streak that day before I found the bolt on near my feet was, that the car that we were in kept going to the left. It felt like a wheel had broken off. By the way I checked out where the bolt had broken off from. It was located on the inside of the car right before the black part is where your feet sit.

It would have great to know if I rode after you that MS's cars were coming apart...;)
Greensburg PA
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
84 days until the real "Millennium"
Some person sent me an instant message told and told me:

Speaking of wild and crazy rumors, the folks from B&M were just recently at the park doing some measurements for a tunnel for the florrless thats coming in the park very soon. Because of its location in the park the CP & LE railroad will have to be removed.

Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
Raptor - I once heard that a 12yearold girl died from a heart attack.
Meanstreak - I heard when they were testing the ride, a train didnt make it up the the 2nd hill, came backwards, and crashed into an oncoming train.
Magnum XL-200 - The adding of 50feet to the lift, sinking, being sold.blah blah blah blah..oh yeah, train flying off the second hill into lake erie.
PowerTower - While testing the ride, they had too much preasure on a space shot, and it went over the top of the ride and came back onto the turbo drop side. Face being ripped off, turbo drop not stopping at the end...blah blah blah blah
Disaster transport - one of the lazers cut off someones arm
As I end this thought, i must say how much I HATE stupidity..even though it is really funny for about 5 minutes.
Forgot one!!!
Cedar Point is going to tear down everything and start from scratch

"Its 242.9 miles to CedarPoint. We've got a full
tank of gas, half-pack of cigarettes, its night,
and we're wearing sunglasses."
Servo -

NO ONE *EVER* died on The Edge at SFGAm. Three teenage boys were injured with the worst having a bruised kidney. Repeat, no one EVER died on The Edge at SFGAm. It was a rumor tha got out of hand and I guarantee you will not find that in any newspaper. In fact, there has never been a ride related fatality in SFGAm's history.
I always heard about someone dying on Wildcat of a heart attack. PLEASE of all the rides to have a heart attack on....heh. Also, Magnum being sold and/or sinking (surprise) and remember the Corkscrew incident this past summer? Everyone thought people died on it. I got a million questions about that when I was working as a sweeperette. "I heard someone died on the Corkscrew last week!!" Riiiiight.

Zone 3 Sweeps ATL 2000
I remember a stupid one: Cedar Point is to build a 300 foot tall cosater. I'm sure we all remember that one! :)
Jeff's avatar
Actually, someone did die right after a ride on Wildcat from some kind of heart problem.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
ive heard one from a person who goes to my school, they said that their uncle worked on the corkscrew, and that 2 peices of track didnt fit together they welded them together with extra metal. (after a few more questions i noticed that this person was extreemly gulable)
One of the crazist stories that I've ever heard was when three over-weight men rode Ripcord, the wires broke and they landed in Choo Choo Lagoon.
President Clinton and the CP intern in the dark on DT.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
This is true:

Last year I went on Magnum and somebody left some batteries in the car. When we went over the 2nd hill they looked as if they levitated a foot off the floor. Talk about airtime!
Cartman -
Those rumors come directly from the Ripcord crew! Over the years we've made up many just to mess with people that are already freaking out! Pretty sick, huh?? :) Most of the time they're so far fetched that you'd have to be incredibly gullible to even think twice about it!

Carrie's Cedar Point Employee Page
Hey Ripcord.. want to talk about telling people things that are so far fetched that they would have to be incredibly gullible to believe them?.... about 6 years ago another employee and I wrote an article for the "Behind the Lines" Newsletter. In this article we talked about how Disaster Transport was being moved to our newly aquired sister park, Gorky Park, in Russia. The Cedar's Men's dorm was bieng taken apart piece by piece and rebuilt in an underground cavern that would be temperature and moisture controlled to prevent woodrot. The Magnum was going to be moved to the current location of the Cedar's. Why would we move the Magnum? Because it was SINKING. I never, in my wildest dreams... imagined all this because of a little article that we thought NO ONE in their right mind would ever believe.
Jeff's avatar
So Jenn finally comes clean publicly about the sinking rumor. You wrote me personally about this a year or two ago, I never thought you'd set the record straight! There were rumors about the rumor!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Well, I am hoping to set the record straight!! Now, if only my partner in crime.. the real creative genius behind that article will come forward. He's probably sitting at his desk ( at one of our other parks) laughing ... you have to admit is is kind of funny. A few years prior to that article, another manger wrote a story for the employee newsletter that told everyone how Cedar Point was working on a special hybrid carp for the lagoons. The park flew them to Florida each winter so that the cold temperatures would not harm them, and in the summer the lagoons were warmed to a temperature of 72 degrees. A special hybrid popcorn was also being developed that was safe for humans and would add beauty and luster to the carp's scales. One of the special fish.. named Ladyfish.. had reached a size of about 6 feet and had been reported to have turned over one of the paddlewheel boats. A man fell in and was "suckered" by all the giant carp. He had been rushed to the hospital and was doing fine. Well, after reading this article a day didn't go by that you didn't see an employee looking in the lagoons to see if they could find Ladyfish. And.. I was pissed that we would spend 1 million a year to send the carp to Florida ( I was seasonal at the time)..I'll even admit that I spent a few minutes looking in the lagoon that was located where Snake River is now.. and I thought I saw her :) My cohort and I were talking about how the employees had believed the Ladyfish article as we were writing the one about Magnum, Disaster, and the Cedars. We should have known better. So, if anyone ever asks how the rumor about the Magnum got started.. that's the story.

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