Saturday, February 12, 2000 8:38 PM
With the recent talk of accidents, I was wondering if anyone else heard any crazy rumors or stories. Like for some reason when I was a kid around 8 years old (1986 or so)I remember hearing a story of someone commiting suicide by jumping of the Giant Wheel.
Magnum sinking and being sold are gimmies...any other ones out there?
"And now for something completely different" MPFC
Saturday, February 12, 2000 9:04 PM
I heard someone once say that Cedar Point was going to make the Magnum 50 feet taller. So that it would be 250 feet tall instead of 205 feet tall.
Saturday, February 12, 2000 9:18 PM
I've heard them all:
*Opening day this past year I was the first one in line for Magnum and when the two ride ops came down to open the ride the one was saying on how the new coaster was going to go into the lake.
*Back in July of '98 a Gemini crew memeber told me a story on how a 300 foot coaster was going to go down the Frontier Trail.
*When people find out that I am a Magnum super freak they usually say one of two things after the question WHY? A. " I thought they sold the Magnum." B. " I heard that it is sinking."
*Summer of '98 a Magnum crew member told me that there was going to be a S&S air launch coaster that was going to start at the Carousel Pavillion, work its way down the trail, over to the island, through Snake River Falls and back to the station.
* Some park employee told me the week before MF was announced they wanted to annouce that they are building a Wild Mouse and in the mean time start construction on the Force and wait til the end of the season to announce the force.
Those are all that I can think of off the top pf my head.
Daniel J. Haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Is it May yet?
*** This post was edited by Dan on 2/12/00. ***
Saturday, February 12, 2000 11:22 PM
I can remember someone telling me that the brakes on Demon Drop once failed and the car went flying into the ticket booths.
I also remember someone telling me that the tube on part of Disaster Transport came apart so that, when the car came to that part of the track, the riders were all decapitated. Please huh? (I'm sure that this was probably based on the true story of some of the props falling and hitting a car.)
Saturday, February 12, 2000 11:45 PM
Didn't someone get killed on Demon Drop when it was new in the early 80's? That's what I have heard.
"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP
Sunday, February 13, 2000 12:08 AM
No one was ever killed on Demon Drop.
My favorite was in '98, when someone in some queue was telling another person that some girl's hair on Power Tower got stuck in the holding brakes on one of the turbo drops and it ripped her face off.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Sunday, February 13, 2000 9:59 AM
One of my friends tried to convince me that the top of Magnum was ripped off by a water spout that came on land.
Sunday, February 13, 2000 10:56 AM
The version I heard was a tornado ripped the top off Magnum. That story must have really made it around!
Puff'n the Winston..Drink'n a 4-O..Toofast, and I'm gona let ya know.
Sunday, February 13, 2000 10:59 AM
Funny how a water spout can do anything when it's not over water! If forgot about that whole thing. One of my favorites was that several boats in the marina got tossed into the marina parking lot.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Sunday, February 13, 2000 12:30 PM
It's really funny how the people you hear the rumors from are SET on the fact that they are 100% true. My friend was always 100% completely sure that Magnum was being sold to Kings Island because CP was getting a much larger coaster and "They wouldn't need Magnum" (This was long before MF)
Sunday, February 13, 2000 1:06 PM
I once heard that during a really bad thunderstorm at the Point, that lightning struck the Mean Streak and the whole thing fell down. What kind of an idiot would come up with something dumb like that. Ich Weiss Nicht?
Sunday, February 13, 2000 1:22 PM
Lets see
There is the classic "Magnum XL-200 is being sold"
The Older "Demon Drop Cars flew into the ticket booths"
The common "Iron Dragon car de-railing"
The Family circle "Gemini is falling apart"
The rare "Woman having a baby on Mantis"
The also common "Kid falling out of Demon Drop"
The un answered "Lightning striking Power Tower"
The Dumb "Magnum Adding on 50ft"
Then the annoying "CP building a 400ft coaster" or "Cp building a 10+ looper" or "Cp demolishing Disaster Transport, Cedar Creek Mine Ride, Wild Cat, or Iron Dragon to build bigger roller coaster"
...We hope you have a great day here at Cedar Point America's Rockin' Roller Coast
Sunday, February 13, 2000 6:05 PM
It's funny that you mention the story about the Power Tower ripping a woman's face off Jeff...imagine the reaction of myself AND a full time staff member one day when a guest walks up to us to confirm this story...never having heard of this "story" before we were pretty taken aback when she approached us, but I would be lying if I said it didn't make me laugh for a couple days! :)
Sunday, February 13, 2000 6:09 PM
There was an accident on a free fall ride at SFGAm called "The Edge" (which is no longer there). That's probably where the Demon Drop story came from.
Sunday, February 13, 2000 6:46 PM
How do/will they prevent Power Tower and Millennium Force from getting struck by lightning.
Mark Phlegar
Sunday, February 13, 2000 8:28 PM
Hey folks, I think we need to step out of lala land. Yes, there are some truths and rumors to Cedar Point. I, myself, have chosen to ignore these rumors because number one, half of them aren't even true. If there is anyone who feels the same way I do about this subject, feel free to close it because i have no idea how to close these things
Please wait till the ride comes to a complete
Sunday, February 13, 2000 8:46 PM
Vince, that rumor you hear was three boys fell on the Edge, at Six Flags (similar to demon drop), when i say fell, the track that took them up, is what the car fell back down.
As far as rumors, the only I have heard was during the second year that Raptor was there, the coaster got stuck upside down in the loop for 2 hours with no injurys, and Cp supposedly gave them free season passes for the next year. I didnt ever hear if this was a rumor or if it did happen or not!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!
Sunday, February 13, 2000 9:09 PM
Mark P, you don't understand, we are having fun seeing how big of whoppers we can come up with, not true ones!
Thank you for riding Raptor and enjoy your day here at Cedar Point, America's RollerCoast!
Sunday, February 13, 2000 11:41 PM
I didn't mean for this subject to be taken seriously. I was just wondering what other crazy rumors people have heard over the years about Cedar Point. Such as tearing down one of the most popular rides in the park (or nation) only to build a different bigger ride. Or crazy so called accidents, and other interesting stuff people make up. I find it amusing.
"And now for something completely different" MPFC
Bill Bradley
Monday, February 14, 2000 12:21 AM
I heard that MOntezumas revenge at Knotts got launched off the track because it was set to fast
the one about Power Tower was histarical with the girl getting her face ripped off
"Meesa okee day"- Jar Jar Binks
Does that mean lotsa people scona die?"-Jar Jar Binks
Closed topic.