Crazy CP rumors and stories.

You know, what with Mantis' infamous Gs and those nasty-@$$ seats, I really fail to see how it's physically possible to birth a baby on Mantis. =)

I think that with the G's on it would be possible to suck the baby right out-LOL
"Meesa okee day"- Jar Jar Binks
Does that mean lotsa people scona die?"-Jar Jar Binks
I think it is very possible that many if not all the steal coasters at Cp have gotten struck by lighting at one point in time. If you look at the footers for the rides you will see a large gage steel wire that is bolted from the steel of the structure and then goes into the ground. Ive noticed some on the mantis that looked burnt. (I could just be the color too)
Jeff's avatar
Power Tower is struck by lightning regularly... it's like a 300-foot lightning rod (as is Space Spiral). You'll notice that they'll run it in the rain until there is lightning.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
toohot2se...are you sure you're not thinking of the Demon at SFGAm getting stuck in the loop for two hours? i don't see how Raptor could get stuck like that...possibly the Demon accident mutated into the Raptor rumor, like the Edge death mutated into the Demon Drop rumor. (yes, someone died on it). the Edge, by the way, is now in New Jersey and works perfectly.

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
Pete's avatar
No one died on the Edge. Three kids were hurt, spine injuries I think, but they all recovered. Also, The Edge is not in New Jersey. SFGAm sold the ride to a park in New England (Rocky Point I believe), and then Premier bought the ride after the New England park went out of business. The ride can now be found at Six Flags Ohio as Mr. Hyde's Nasty Fall. The ride received a new control system after moving to Ohio.
I heard a rumor thats similar to the power tower face rip off thing. This one happened on Demon Drop and a woman with really long hair got it caught on the workings. She was scalped when the car dropped. I think this is a common free fall rumor because I've heard several variations from different parks with these types of rides.
This is true- someone who works for the Erie County Legislative branch told me this one.

A kid who worked in the maietance (sp) dept. had to change a light bulb on the Magnum before there were rails on the side, he fell off at one point, and his parents sued. He is alive, but dumb as a doornail. I must point out that his supervisors knew he was not qualified for the job.
Well, a very true and tragic story is that a handicapped kid was killed out here in Silicon Valley last summer on the Drop Zone at Paramount's Great America. The kid's mom is now suing the park.

They also had a death the year before when some idiot went into the area under the Top Gun (an inverted roller coaster) to retrieve a lost hat and was killed when the train came by and a rider kicked him in the head. The poor rider broke her leg.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.
Jeff's avatar
CPInsider entertains again! Magnum's lift without handrails... what!? Either you made it up or you're extremely gullible.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Back in 1989 I overheard a some people (guests - not employees) discussing an incident on Magnum where a train got stuck pretty high on the lift and the occupants had to be evacuated by helicopter. I hadn't overcome enough of my fear of heights at that time to actually ride Magnum and that story confirmed it for me! (Yeah, I came around the next year though).
Bringing in a helicopter just for that doesn't sound logical but maybe someone was handicapped and couldn't walk down, or the public wasn't ready for the 200 foot height...;)

Greensburg PA
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
88 days until the real "Millennium"
The story i have heard the most is the one about someones hair getting cought in Power Tower. I have also heard the same one about Demon Drop and the same thing at other parks. Oh yeah, I think it was last year, i was waiting in line for Raptor and i heard someone say that CP was building an underwater roller coaster for 2000.

Bryan, AKA CP-god
When I was out visiting my dad we rode Top Gun (1 death) Drop Zone (1 death) Demon (1 death I think) and everything else in the park. Scary now that I think of it

...We hope you have a great day here at Cedar Point America's Rockin' Roller Coast
I have heard many rumors/stories, especially at school. Mostly the ones discussed earlier: Magnum is sinking/being sold; PT hair ripping; Demon Drop crash, yadda yadda yadda.

Here are two more that I heard this year...

When Gemini first opened, two friends sat on opposite trains and left the station. Before the lift, they slapped a pair of handcuffs on. Supposedly, they were fine the whole course of the ride, until they hit the grande finale: splitting helicies. Sort of obvious were this goes next....(I think that would hurt a bit, don't you?)

And another one about Gemini:

The first year when Gemini opened a trainfull of passengers put their hand up on the first drop: At the headchopper point, all of their hands were chopped off. (when this was told, i immediatley started laughing...think about it, how often do people keep their hands up now? and, how likely is it that the park would put something with a clearence that low over the track???)

I just thought these were interesting.

Pete, New England, New Jersey...i had heard it years ago, must have forgotten. didn't know it had been moved again, and YES, someone DID die..i read it about 3 years ago in the Chicago Tribune magazine...VERY credible paper. but anything past the Edge being removed from SFGAm and sold agian,i did not know, so i am sorry for being misinformed.

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
You the one about DDrop's brakes failing and the train shooting into the ticket booths? Apparently that happened on a coaster a few years back when the train over-ran the station brakes and hit the first turn too fast, derailed, and landed in one of the buildings.

Man, I wish I could remember the link to that site.
I heard once that people had their arms ripped off holding them in the air through magnums tunnels..

Plus, the story about magnum stopping and people being taken off in a chopper is false. People DID have to be removed from the back turnaround because they were stuck there for 3 hours at a 45 degree angle, they were removed with a cherry picker from the fire department, that one was on the news. They also got a free night in the hotel that night,I guess they didn't sell out a year in advance then.
A neighbor who had a freind that went to school that had a teacher who had a student who' girlfriends sister dated a guy that worked with the owners son who's sister claims while riding on Blue Streak in 1979 with a girl who's brother said that he heard that John Wayne Gacey new Momma Berardi.WOW
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
(sigh) :(


Jeffrey Spartan

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