Has Cedar Point ever sold Coke in the past or has it always been Pepsi?
2008 - Top Thrill Dragster Ride Host
Check out my Cedar Point videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/hartmanjake?feature=results_main
They sold Coke a while back. This decision would matter a lot more if the pricing wasn't outrageous. The cheaper pop in my cooler in the car will be unaffected.
-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop
Cedar Point was a Coke park until 1991. They switched to Pepsi in 1992.
At first I was like, awe man, no Pepsi, but then someone mentioned Sprite.
I prefer Sprite over Sierra Mist, but have been getting Sierra Mist with my food at Cedar Point, because I cannot drink too much Caffeine.
So other than who's gonna sponsor Snake River Falls, I guess Coke will do. :)
It will be weird seeing Coke everywhere, but hey, something new to look at.
GATEKEEPER-I came, I rode, I was mildly disappointed; until a second ride (rear left) put GateKeeper back on the...it's a nice ride list.
Certainly makes my special Cedar Point mix simpler to make... no further need to buy two dummy bottles of Pepsi.
Girl: "l want to ride that yellow one again... Twisted Wicker"
Me: "It's a roller coaster, not a broken clothes hamper."
True, nobody ever orders a rum and Pepsi.
I hadn't considered this change's effect on flaskmanship...Hmmm.
The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.
If this is true what are the chances of Vanilla Coke making an appearance? Lucky for me the store in the building I work in here in Cleveland stocks it. I like it more than regular coke.
I try to keep my cola consumption to a minimum in the park due to the $$$ price. But, if they were to add Coke and Vanilla Coke, watch out!
Coke likes to associate their products with good times and happiness. That is why they market their product with Santa Claus so much. Cedar Point also makes people happy. For this reason it wouldn't surprise me if the rumor was true. Pepsi on the other hand likes to associate their products with music. That is likely why they powered Luminosity.
Pepsi could still sponsor Lumimosity I suppose.
Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!
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