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TTD 120mph's avatar

Closer to home? You live slightly further south than I do.:) I can't think of any place that's closer that is comparable to the fun of Cedar Point. Detroit sucks for the most part and there's no real attractions anywhere near our "area" that is worth going to multiple times throughout the year. And if there is, I'm really missing something.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

What I mean is something other than an amusement park. There is a "waterpark" being built near where we live, they tore down the old pool and are building something for family related, so we might just do that, it's at one of our Metroparks.

Then there is always the wavepool at Lake Erie Metropark that my fiance has promised to take me to for several years now.. I like the water :)

^^^Hey ladyjerrico, I am also getting married, but in june this year. But me and my fiance have regular passes, though. My friend is getting married in september and they want to go to canada's wonderland soon after.

What is that park like? Have any of you been there? Maybe I can tell them some hints about it, so they know whats hot or not! :)

Congratz to you Miss Maverick07. Our wedding will be small short and sweet. We just decided this 3 days ago, have our marraige license and getting the house ready for company in 2 weeks. We're having the reception and ceremony at our house.

As for any other amusement park, I've only been to 6 Flags and that was a joke, it was way too hot, the wave pool was salty (like the ocean) and the Superman ride was down all day (this was several years ago).

TTD 120mph's avatar

I see I see. I'm aware of the few areas that offer waterparks (indoor or outdoor) but they're definitely not my first personal choice of places to frequent (especially the offseason).
As for Erie Metro Park, I would advise against the wave pool as I hear it's not what it used to be. They DID recently renovate it but I keep hearing it was better before. Of course I haven't been there in a LONG while so take it with a grain of salt. I DO love Erie Metropark (being a fisherman) but I've sorta grown out of the appeal of the wave pool.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I haven't been there for several years myself (Erie Metropark wave pool). But the one at Willow that they revamped last year looks promising. It's not a wave pool more like a family friendly area waterpark type of thing.

I also enjoy bikeriding when it isn't too windy out. Also we had planned to go to Kensington Metropark, when I was there back in the 90's I remember the water in the lake being crystal clear, I'm just wondering if it's still like that.

warriorprincess's avatar

...By the way ladyj, mackinac island is a great place! I wish I would've gone there on my honeymoon INSTEAD of that joker of a place called "the poconos"--our hotel was so outdated and pathetic! Thank goodness we followed that up with Niagara Falls! But anyway, be sure and go to to check out hotels and read everyone's reviews before you book. I am glad I did. We ended up getting a hotel (Can't remember which chain-sorry!) that has every room facing the beach, in St. Ignace,MI. Alot of hotels there don't have that option. But, you'll enjoy yourselves; be sure to take your bikes to save $$, too!


TTD 120mph's avatar

I will actually agree. Mackinaw is a wonderful place to visit.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Thanks WarriorPrincess. I'll be sure to check out that site when we are ready to book a room somewhere. I just want to see the Christopher Reeve plaque they have up by where "Somewhere in Time" was filmed. I love every one of his movies.. R.I.P.

One of the two greatest film romances of all time.

My author website:

I agree also,Mackinaw Island is a great place,also either Mackinaw City Or St Ignace hotels,are right on the lake,stayed there lots of times,but they are pricy.

I'm going to san fran for my honeymoon. No amusement parks in mine, though. I guess we could do without them for a change. I true amusement park fanatic also does other things besides thrill parks! :) It brings out the rule: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

San Francisco sounds nice, a very close friend of my family has been there on numerous occassions, she actually wants to live there, but seeing as she has a stable job in Michigan and does films on the side, I don't see her leaving anytime soon.

As for me, well, our honeymoon will probably be sometime in the summer, I can relate to taking a break from amusement parks as we will not be returning to CP this year.. perhaps in 2011. Although I'm going to miss the early morning drives going to CP to Ohio, pretty sunrises and nothing but cornfields.. I really like it.

djDaemon's avatar

We've been thinking about doing a two-park trip for our honeymoon (in June), attempting to stay within ~5 hours drive time from Metro Detroit. All said-and-done, it only costs an extra ~$500 to do Disney World for 5 nights, with airfare.

Decisions, decisions...


JuggaLotus's avatar

That 500 bucks will be well spent.

Ensign Smith said:
One of the two greatest film romances of all time.

The other being Kirk and Dr. Hicks?

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

True, but we're having a hard enough time paying for the cheaper version of the honeymoon!


Congratulations, John. You've officially stumped me -- even with Google.

Actually, the #1 slot is owned by Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. There's simply nothing more romantic than the idea of two people who can't stand each other so much that they have their brains wiped, only to fall back in love with each other anyway.

Edit: Oh, that Kirk and Doctor Hicks. It was so obvious I didn't even see it. I was looking for something much more esoteric and Jugga-like.

Last edited by Ensign Smith,

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lladnar's avatar

Miss_Maverick07 said:
^^^Hey ladyjerrico, I am also getting married, but in june this year. But me and my fiance have regular passes, though. My friend is getting married in september and they want to go to canada's wonderland soon after.

What is that park like? Have any of you been there? Maybe I can tell them some hints about it, so they know whats hot or not! :)

Canada's Wonderland is pretty fun. Its similar to King's Island in that it was previously a paramount park. Its a visually impressive park because of the huge mountain in the middle. It was pretty crowded and I think thats normal because its near Toronto.

A couple summers ago I took a trip to Canada's Wonderland then went to Niagara Falls and Marineland, then stopped by Waldameer on the way back home. It was a fun trip.

2007,2008 Ripcord

Kyle2154's avatar

We're already 44% done with the offseason! Couple of big milestones coming up in the next 2 weeks, the '100 days to go' mark, and the half way point!

Kyle2154's avatar

100 days!!!

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