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loneranger7281's avatar

Time to make my paper chain countdown YAY!!!!!

Firemen never die, they just burn forever in the hearts of the people whose lives they saved

It has a good year i would say,I finally got to ride Maverick, all of the tomes it was broke down and i never got to get a spin I!!!! finally did!!!!!.
And it was better than i expected it is a great ride and i would recommend it to everyone!!!! but it is not like it is in the old video where it would come to a complete crawl,The booom-off you go.Now it is like they just slow you down a little bit and then you get launched; but, hey it was still fun,
And i love how short the line was at Raptor too that was a real big plus; usually, I only get to ride it once a year,this year i got on like 4 or 5 times,that was wonderful.
But the lows were TTD being down when i went so.........
But in all it was REALLY FUN!!!!!

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Na WAYYY!!!!11!

Let's Get Weird.

TTD 120mph's avatar

Tahts krazee!! :D

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I think we are going through withdraws already :)

Let's Get Weird.

TTD 120mph's avatar

I don't know what's wrong with your offseason there Zach, but persoanlly, I'm having some withdrawals.;)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Kyle2154's avatar

Anyone know when we can expect the 2010 schedule? Is it typically announced in January?

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

See Adam, I'm having such a hard time through the off season I can't even spell right! Just wait, in March I'll be putting 1's after a couple exclamation points!!!11 Oh no its already happening.

Let's Get Weird.

coolkid2345's avatar

It is usually out in January but i remember it was out in November for the 2007 season.

Cedar Point should re theme the Oceana Part of the park. Maybe something like Starlight Experience but more like a walk through water show. They could also re theme it to look like a boardwalk.

Last edited by coolkid2345,

Pepsi Refresh is saving one coaster at a time:

TTD 120mph's avatar

No better time to practice those 1's and !'s then now Zach. :)

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

This was such a great season! I was at CP a few times this year and everytime I had great weather and great times!

My favorite moment was definetly my ride on Magnum back in July. It was my best ride ever on the coaster.

Kyle2154's avatar

Everytime I went I was fortunate to have great weather as well. Burning hot sunny days in August, and cool days in October, it was a blast.

My favorite moment would have to be my ride on Millennium at night in late October, it was so cold at the top, but an awesome ride through the dark, fog, and lights!

Rapids 77-78's avatar

I want to say a big thanks, again, to the maintenance crew that fixed the MF lift cart and cable in time for me to ride it in early June. I was bummed when I saw the damage, but was elated when they fixed it so fast so I could ride my favorite coaster. Can't wait to ride it again in 2010!

I wasn't lucky all the time. I had a couple visits where I had to wait on the rain, which isn't too much fun. I remember that week too Rapids. I was bummed out because I actually went on a week that it was down. That sucks for me too because Millennium Force is my favorite coaster as well. I feel lost when Millennium Force is down for the day. I mean yeah Cedar Point has 16 other coasters to ride, but it's not the same without that coaster.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I feel bad when Mille goes down too because it makes Magnum's line longer....

Let's Get Weird.

loneranger7281's avatar

I'm going to hope that everything is working properly on opening day this year. I am taking my brother and he has never been to CP. I want him to get the chance to ride every coaster. Granted we are going to be staying for the weekend and have 2 days to do it, but none the less i hope all is working. I don't remember if there were rides down this past year or not.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

For the past 3 opening days all the trip reports that I have read say a lot of the coasters went down.

Let's Get Weird.

loneranger7281's avatar

Im not expecting a perfect weekend at all. Im just hoping the bigger ones like TTD, MF, and Magnum work so he can have the chance to ride them. He has to ride magnum, its as old as he is.

Kyle2154's avatar

I didn't realize how common it was to have coasters down on opening day, though I guess in some ways it makes sense. Almost makes me want to wait until the 2nd Saturday to go this year.

I'll be getting married on Feb 7th of this year, so the money we have for Platinum passes will be going to that. Not visiting Cedar Point this year I'm afraid, also both me and my fiance are getting kinda tired of going to the same place 3 or 4 times a year, we want something a little different and probably something close to home.

Not sure what we are doing for a honeymoon, he had to use up his vacation time so he has to accumulate more.. maybe Mackinaw Island would be nice :)

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