Chick-fil-A Ban

djDaemon's avatar

Observer2000 said:
How does someone that is adamently opposed to gay marriage expressing his views affect your everyday life?

No one here, that I'm aware of, has suggested simply expressing one's views is not allowed.

Regardless, expressing views is very different from donating money in order to unjustly oppress others according to those views.


^^I actually used to be opposed to gay marriage but have kind of evolved on the issue over the last several years. So it is possible he actually just changed positions as opposed to outright lying. It's such a good feeling going from fundamentally evil and hateful to good, loving and inclusive.

Last edited by Observer2000,
Corkscrew Follies's avatar

Sause said:
The President was either: A) always for gay marriage but didn't think it would help him politically until now. Or B) actually against it but he thinks it might help him politically.

Either way he is dishonest and will only make a decision based on how it will affect him politically, not based on if he thinks it is right or wrong.

And, this is different from the other politicians in what way?

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I didn't say it was

So its ok to espouse a view on same sex marriage for political advantage just not to get into heaven. ;)

Corkscrew Follies said:
And, this is different from the other politicians in what way?

Obama himself talked to us for years about how he's a different politician. What about all that hope and change stuff? Wasn't Obama "the one we've been waiting for"?

Last edited by Observer2000,

Observer2000 said:

What about hope and change. Wasn't Obama "the one we've been waiting for"?

That's a whole other debate my friend.

But the answer is no

Last edited by Sause,
djDaemon's avatar

Observer2000, I get that you've been trying for a few pages now to turn this into a political discussion. That it took until your 3rd or 4th try should indicate the level of interest here. Let it go, man.


KevinL332's avatar

GoBucks89 said:

KevinL332 said:
only a church that takes government funding. if they don't want to than that's fine but they don't get the federal funds

So should a catholic church that takes government funding (whatever that means) be required to marry a jewish couple?

Yes, if they choose not to be self sustained and take money from the government to perform such services as marriage than yes they should be required to legally marry any US citizen

Last edited by KevinL332,

Halloweekends Screamster!
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Corkscrew Follies's avatar

Sause said:
Observer2000 said:

What about hope and change. Wasn't Obama "the one we've been waiting for"?

That's a whole other debate my friend.

But the answer is no

But, then again either is the next idiot.

Last edited by Corkscrew Follies,

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I haven't, dj. Just showing how absolutely silly it is to call anyone who is against gay marriage a bigot, hateful and fundamentally evil.

Plus, I am on vacation this week.. so I was bored!

Added- I think what sparked my interest in this is that I've been in a number of discussions with a variety of people about gay marriage and other social issues. I was just, shocked I guess, with all this visceral reaction on this forum... All the name throwing... Bigot, hate, evil etc. with no room for disagreement. If you're against gay marriage- you're evil and hateful. *I am for gay marriage, by the way.

I've just never seen a reaction like that from anyone, including some of the biggest gay marriage supporters.

Last edited by Observer2000,
Jeff's avatar

Observer2000 said:
How does someone that is adamently opposed to gay marriage expressing his views affect your everyday life? It doesn't.

Only in the case of Chick-fil-A, it does, because the opposition is paired with money intended to lobby for laws that impose the belief on others. It has been said a hundred times already on here, but no one cares if you want to believe and say what you do. Imposing that opposition on others is oppression, and that's what we take issue with. Is that "simplistic" enough for you?

And enough with the Obama crap. It has nothing to do with this discussion. It's like you're arguing chairs because of an elephant.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Chuck Wagon's avatar

I have a hard time believing CF would end their association with Chick-Fil-A for any reason other than if they are no longer making money. We don't know the numbers for which restaurants in the parks are most successful, but if it is very successful I don't think it is going anywhere. Seems like most people don't know or don't care about anything except how the food tastes. And after all, people have to eat, right? ;)

Financially, Chick-Fil-A is a great business. They are only open 6 days a week and are always packed. When they move into a location, it is game over for the other nearby chicken restaurants.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

vwhoward's avatar

This thread is pretty deep for a CP enthusiast forum. How about Pinks? Their food is good, comparably priced, and doesn't have ulterior motives. At least I don't think they do. ;) Give them a shot instead of Chick-Fil-A next time you're hungry at the park.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Jeff's avatar

They're from Hollywood, where everybody has a dream.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Lol ^

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Kevinj's avatar

Hundreds of legal benefits of being married? Maybe I missed something.

GoBucks, there are over 1400 legal benefits to being married.

Google it. I don't feel like listing them.

That's what this is about.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

As far as Obama being against same sex marriage and now he isn't opposed, have any of you who thinks he is only saying this because of the upcoming elections been keeping track of the polls over the past several years....there are far more people who are in favor of marriage equality now than there were just a few years ago. Now, if all of the people in these polls are allowed to change their view, why can't the President?

My coming out has changed the way many of my family members, friends and coworkers view gay people for the better.

Last edited by Zoug68,
TTD 120mph's avatar

I think major strides could be made if there were things we could all agree on. Here's what I think.

1. Chick-fil-a made a business mistake to make their support public. Doing this jeopardized their profits. It may not end up being a huge loss of revenue in the end but any kind of alienation of any kind of group by a business who has made it public that they do so is not a very smart way to gamble with your customers loyalty. Even if there are those that agree with them.

2. While they have every right to support what they want and say what they want to say, it , never the less, can fall under the definition of bigotry. In this case it does and is susceptible to opposition.

3. In a very round about way, you eating there is adding the fuel to the fire/bigotry. It may not make you a bigot and you may not agree with the fact that they're donating money to these groups but you are still part of the bigotry process.

4. This is not an attack on religion. It is a response/reaction to a series of comments made by a man who owns a popular business that has a location at a park that has employees with a variety of sexual orientations. And while it may not directly affect them, it still has the potential to create some tense reaction from said employees and park has been the case in the past couple days. I agree with taking them out if it becomes a big enough problem for PR. CP may not agree with CFA's views (as they have pointed out) but that will not save them from having opposition to there being a CFA in the park.

5. EVERY persons opinion is as justified as yours. Name calling gets you no where......but so does complaining that other people aren't aligning with you're opinions. Focus on defending your opinions and try not to make things seem like the world is against you. We're (almost) all adults here, let's start acting like it.

6. The ability to tell the difference between factual arguments and internet bullying is very important. Distinguishing the 2 can make all the difference with future discussions. Nobody always agrees with you and sometimes not at's life.

7. Chicken is good IF you want to call what any fast food restaurants serves as "chicken". :)

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Kevinj's avatar

I'm ashamed to say that until I moved out of my small rural home and went off to college, I was brainwashed into believing that if you were gay, you were going to hell.

But I'm proud to say that after only months of being around diversity for the first time, and being able to make up my own mind based on intelligent thought, my ideas, beliefs, and values changed fundamentally.

People's attitudes change. That's a good thing. He also repealed the hideous "Dont ask Dont tell" law before that, and he has always been embraced by the gay community as an advocate. If you think otherwise, you don't know what you're talking about.

Experiences lead to change. In fact, the research clearly shows that there are 2 factors most largely related to homophobic and anti-gay attitudes: 1) Lack of experience and meaningful relationships with someone who is homosexual, and 2) Believing that it is a choice of the person.

Experience, though, trumps everything.

And Adam, that was a nice summary. :)

But I am curious, as to which "biblical version" of marriage Chick-Fil-A supports. Which one is it? Virgin rape, anyone?

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

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