Chick-fil-A Ban

You said Cedar Point should thow Chick-Fil-A out of the park. I assume you said this because the CEO of Chick-Fil-A has come out and stated he believes in tradtional marriage because that what his Christian faith teaches.

Essentially you are saying that Cedar Point should terminate a business relationship with tis vendor because of their CEO's has a religious belief of what a marriage should be. The CEO did not notthing illegal or immoral. He came out and stated he and his privately held company believe in something the vast majority of the population also belive in.

This is a slippery slope. Should Cedar Point refuse my admission to the park because I believe and feel the same way?

Chick-Fil-A is not the only food option in the park. You dont' like the CEO or the company's views simply do not eat there. However, Cedar Point should not terminate a contract just because the CEO express his religious views and some people may be offended by his views. THAT WAS the point of your original post. Just because you did not use the word religion in your orginal post means nothing. You made it about religion simply by starting this thread.

Corkscrew Follies's avatar

Hell, I'm headed to Chik-fil-A again tonight. They seem to have got more of my money as of late for some strange reason.

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Religion is a protected class. I don't believe Cedar Point would have a legal right to terminate a contract based on a company's religious belief.

It would be like CFA refusing to serve somene because they are Jewish. They can not do that and I don't believe CP can terminate the contract because of the religous beliefs of CFA.

Cedar Point's best move is not to get involved at all. Let people stop going to CFA if they chose. More then likely they have a revenue sharing agreement with them and if enough people stop going it will no longer be profitable to have them in the park.

99er's avatar

So what about the Henson company?

Rihard 2000's avatar

CPJim123 said:
You said Cedar Point should thow Chick-Fil-A out of the park. I assume you said this because the CEO of Chick-Fil-A has come out and stated he believes in tradtional marriage because that what his Christian faith teaches.

Wow! You're completely assuming wrong. Are you really that dim? Its not because he has come out and stated he believes in tradtional marriage, it's because his company donates millions of dollars to organizations that try to make their religious beliefs I to law. How are you not getting this?

It would be nice to see Cedar Fair support gay rights in the same way The Henson Company, Boston and Chicago have.

Richie A.

Like I've said before, I will not stop eating delicious Chic Fil A just because of this reason. It's almost as silly as those people who boycott outside of circuses in my opinion. (I won't get on that subject)

Reading this thread, what I'm getting out of it is that people are targeting Cedar Point for not canning Chic Fil A for not supporting gay marriage. Forgive me if I'm wrong or offend somebody, but look at about 75% of the employees! Do you think Cedar Fair is a biggoted company now?

Last edited by TwistedWicker77,
Kevinj's avatar

And Philadelphia.

And again, religion has nothing to do with it.

Would Cedar Fair have a company in their park that gave millions to organizations that wanted to strip women of their right to vote?

This is the same thing.

This is 100% about a company that is attempting to strip civil liberties from a group of Americans based on a characteristic of their being.

It's almost as silly as those people who boycott outside of circuses in my opinion. (I won't get on that subject)

I'm sure homosexuals everywhere appreciate you equating them to elephants, lions, and tigers.

You're right. We are so silly for standing up for human rights and civil liberties. Martin Luther King Jr. wasted so much of his time! Silly black folk. And women? What's the deal? Just stay at home and raise kids you silly vagina-laden people.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

My point is simply this:

If you don't like where they are spending their money then don't give them anymore of your money. But Cedar Point, you or I do not have a say in how a private company spends their money. They are not spending it on anything illegal. They are simply supporting a cause they believe in. So to terminate a business relationship based on how a company believes or where they spend there money is wrong.

Imagine if you were fired from your job if your company disagreed with where you spendt the money you earn or what you believe in. You would calling your lawyer before you left the company's parking lot.

That is my point.

Kevinj's avatar

Imagine if the government told you that you could not get married to the person you love.

That is my point.

So to terminate a business relationship based on how a company believes or where they spend there money is wrong.

You couldn't be more incorrect.

They are simply supporting a cause they believe in.

So to you discrimination is a "cause"? So slave owners actually had a point then, eh? The KKK is simply trying to support white supremacy...what's so wrong about that?

Intolerance and bigotry are not causes, they are a disgrace to mankind.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

ChrisC.'s avatar

Is there anyway to change my username to ChickFilaIsAfraidOfGay

TTD 120mph's avatar

Like I've said before, I will not stop eating delicious Chic Fil A just because of this reason.

If you said it once, then why say it again? Nobody's forcing you to stop going there. No more than what you say will stop people who support civil rights from voicing their disgust at what the CEO said.

Chick-Fil-A is not the only food option in the park. You dont' like the CEO or the company's views simply do not eat there. However, Cedar Point should not terminate a contract just because the CEO express his religious views and some people may be offended by his views. THAT WAS the point of your original post. Just because you did not use the word religion in your orginal post means nothing. You made it about religion simply by starting this thread.

If Cedar Point has a good enough reason and it doesn't violate their contract, they most certainly can kick them out. But I doubt they will since the chains themselves haven't done anything wrong.......a point that has been made numerous time. And since there appears to be an echo in hear (not about religion religion religion religion), I still don't get why this has to be explained. For the I don't know how manyith time, this is NOT about/against religion, what his views are, the freedom of speech or his right to say what he said. Sure those things ARE getting scrutinized, but that's not what this is all about. This is about the money that was donated to support organizations that actively discriminate against a particular group of Americans and fight to make them second class citizens. It may seem hard for some to understand, but that's what those who are fighting the point are saying. Seriously though, if we are saying it's not, then why push the invalid point further? Is that all you can really offer to the contrary?

The reaction you are seeing unfold is the expression against this (i.e. the boycott of the chains.....where the money comes from to support those groups).

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Kevinj's avatar

If they are removed, I would imagine it would not be a "kick out" of the park, but rather a polite "non-renewal" of their lease, which Cedar Point could choose to do for whatever reason they wish.

Two words: civil rights. That's all this is about.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

CPJim123 said:
He has a entitiled to his opinion.

Thanks for sharing. At no point in this discussion has that ever been the issue. Being a hater and a douche is the issue, and it's an issue for which a great many people will not eat there over.

Religion is a protected class.

In the context of people and discrimination. It doesn't apply to business. Thanks for playing.

I wonder if Chaz will start making appearances at restaurants.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Kevinj said:

Would Cedar Fair have a company in their park that gave millions to organizations that wanted to strip women of their right to vote?

This is the same thing.

You continue to completely invalidate any point you try to make with these ridiculous fallacies.

I'm not even going to quote the circus animal line. Preposterous!

Your students are at a severe educational advantage with you as their teacher.

Jeff said:

CPJim123 said:
He has a entitiled to his opinion.

Thanks for sharing. At no point in this discussion has that ever been the issue. Being a hater and a douche is the issue, and it's an issue for which a great many people will not eat there over.

Religion is a protected class.

In the context of people and discrimination. It doesn't apply to business. Thanks for playing.

I wonder if Chaz will start making appearances at restaurants.

Oh, the irony that his name is Chaz...

But anyway, it's time for me to comment on this thread...

By keeping Chick-fil-A in the park, Cedar Point is really spreading the impression that the park agrees with the chain's homophobic message. Most visitors are not going to search the web for whether or not the park made a statement talking about their opinions on Chick-fil-A's message. If they see the restaurant in the park, they could automatically assume that Cedar Point shares the same opinion as Chick-fil-A.

And onto my opinion... I am a major supporter of gay marriage. Why is it that a man and woman can get married, and they may not even be in love. In the case of Britney Spears a while back, the marriage may last only 55 hours. But that's legal. However, two men or two women that are completely in love that will spend the rest of their lives together can't be married? If you don't support gay marriage, don't have a gay marriage. It's that simple.

Point Place: The New Unofficial Cedar Point Blog

TTD 120mph's avatar

Hey new guy, I'd watch what I say if I were you. Flat out insults are not only very childish but are not well tolerated here.

Pointbuzz doesn't need talk like that.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Kevinj's avatar

Your students are at a severe educational advantage with you as their teacher.

Thank you.


I love you.

Promoter of fog.

Adam, thank you for taking the bait.

Insults and childishness are exactly the behavior sprinkled over the last 15 pages. I couldn't have scripted your reply any better.

It sucks directed back at you, doesn't it?

Kevinj's avatar

And the New Guy wraps all of us in the warmth and comfort of the Christian message of love, warmth, and forgiveness...

Can you feel it, Adam?

Promoter of fog.

TTD 120mph's avatar

Oh I feel it. It's as warm as a winters morn on Neptune.

Though maybe we should thank him for standing up as the alternative to all this "childishness". I mean if it wasn't for him, this topic might have actually lead to the unraveling of the space time continuum.

P.S.- Please regard that Neptune comment as pure speculation. I'm not entirely sure if it has a winter......or if it has mornings.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

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