Cedar Point 2013

fdc824 said:
For me personally, I am more interested in the detail specs and layout for this ride. This thing can easily eclipse 4000 feet possibly 5000 who knows. Will there be any new elements incorporated in this ride ? And I am pretty sure that CP will remain committed to pushing out hundreds of riders per hour. How big will the station be? Will we see the 1st double load platform for this particular coaster cause I'm sure CP will be the 1st to run a 3rd train. Those are just a few things that has crossed my mind because trying 2 figure out names or themes for this ride will make one go insane lol. Less than 2 days away# the anticipation is killing me

This is the post I was refering to in my post with all the ^'s.

Top 5 CP Coasters: 1. Steel Vengeance 2. Millennium Force 3. Maverick 4. Dragster 5. Magnum
Coaster Count: 102

fdc824 said:
For me personally, I am more interested in the detail specs and layout for this ride. This thing can easily eclipse 4000 feet possibly 5000 who knows. Will there be any new elements incorporated in this ride ? And I am pretty sure that CP will remain committed to pushing out hundreds of riders per hour. How big will the station be? Will we see the 1st double load platform for this particular coaster cause I'm sure CP will be the 1st to run a 3rd train. Those are just a few things that has crossed my mind because trying to figure out names or themes for this ride will make one go insane lol. Less than 2 days away# the anticipation is killing me

lol, I agree with the insanity trying to figure stuff out from this forum. I'm interested in seeing that stuff also cause I'm fairly certain I know your last two. I don't think the complete name of our 2013 attraction has ever been "spoken" (posted) out loud on here. I'll touch more on this after the official announcement.

^So do you know officially what the name is? And the way you said the "complete name" hasn't been mentioned yet makes me wonder if one of the names suggested on here has been right, but there is another word or part to it.

Top 5 CP Coasters: 1. Steel Vengeance 2. Millennium Force 3. Maverick 4. Dragster 5. Magnum
Coaster Count: 102

CPfan1976 said:

fdc824 said:
For me personally, I am more interested in the detail specs and layout for this ride. This thing can easily eclipse 4000 feet possibly 5000 who knows. Will there be any new elements incorporated in this ride ? And I am pretty sure that CP will remain committed to pushing out hundreds of riders per hour. How big will the station be? Will we see the 1st double load platform for this particular coaster cause I'm sure CP will be the 1st to run a 3rd train. Those are just a few things that has crossed my mind because trying to figure out names or themes for this ride will make one go insane lol. Less than 2 days away# the anticipation is killing me

lol, I agree with the insanity trying to figure stuff out from this forum. I'm interested in seeing that stuff also cause I'm fairly certain I know your last two. I don't think the complete name of our 2013 attraction has ever been "spoken" (posted) out loud on here. I'll touch more on this after the official announcement.

I'll also let you know the details of the ride after they have been announced. Feel like someone is trying to boast their ego.

Does anyone else see two claws of some sort of creature on the t-shirt?

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

lol, I agree with the insanity trying to figure stuff out from this forum. I'm interested in seeing that stuff also cause I'm fairly certain I know your last two. I don't think the complete name of our 2013 attraction has ever been "spoken" (posted) out loud on here. I'll touch more on this after the official announcement.

Why not say what you think the name is now? This is a discussion forum.

Last edited by ThunderbirdsMT,

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

^ cause if he says what he's thinking then their is a higher chance of him being wrong. From the way he posted that it sounds like he just wants people to think he is in the know

I feel like there must be a group of people working at Cedar Point who are just laughing their asses off while us coaster enthusiasts try to figure out something, ANYTHING about this/these ride(s). That "Mantis/Banshee" clue made me laugh so hard. But it's actually really cool that there's still so much to figure out. We're living in an age where music gets leaked two months early and information is discovered so quickly on sites like Facebook and Twitter that there's barely any room or time left for build-up and eventually, the announcement (the climax!) So even though I somehow wish I knew everything about CP 2013, I secretly--well, not so secretly any more--love how it's this massive game with strange, sometimes comical clues, whose "reveal" will be uncovered on the 13th.

I've spent so much time wondering about the name of the ride that I've barely spent time thinking about the ride itself! I'd be satisfied if the roller coaster were called "Ride" or "Coleslaw"--names are names, words are words, but I'm just hoping for a thrilling, unique ride experience and I don't expect anything less from Cedar Point--at the same time, intricate and relevant theming to the ride's name would be a definite plus :-).

^^And then it ends up as Gatekeeper? haha

By the way, for people mention signs in the park and wondering why WildCat is on a sign. It's not just because it is defunct, it's because that WildCat used to sit where this ride is going too (yes, it was moved).

As for the Mantis reference, nothing is happening to Mantis.

Last edited by CoasterKid20,
Maverick00's avatar

^It used to be where the Extreme Sports Stadium is too.

Cedar Point is actually doing a great job hiding the information. Besides for the leaks memo in the register, nothing else has really been leaked. In the past we've had the full stats and promo videos. If it wasn't for the leaked memo, we would have no idea what kind of coaster we're getting, track hasn't even shown up yet, as we know of.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

^It did. It was moved two times (three different locations).

As for the memo, remember, things could've changed since the "leak". In addition, if it wasn't for the leak, there could've been more clues leading up to the announcement.

I for one would love for this to be a totally different project so all those people from the General Public who brag that they know what it is and that its the "worst kept secret" can scurry off into a hole somewhere. Maybe it is a wing coaster, that's all that's all that's known. It's the stats that matter. And, aside from the leak, we're somewhat in the dark there.

Ride On_17 said:
Either Mantis is getting changed somehow next year in addition to the new wing rider (being converted to a floorless/sitdown)

The same was speculated about Chang/Green Lantern and Iron Wolf/Apocalypse (and probably others as well). Not going to happen.

I have screen shots just not sure how to post them...

check this page out guys.


Last edited by gatekeeper,
Jeff's avatar

Web developer FAIL.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

^Wow well there you go. it's out...

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

haha well if you guys still want to wait for the suprise don't go to that link.

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

So I have been lurking for weeks, then I clicked that link and almost fell out of my chair.... I still want one of those shirts though...Not sure if I want to be there an hour before an announcement that wont reveal too much though ;)

Last edited by RTurb0,

Platinum has it's perks. So does living exactly 97.5 miles from King's Island and Cedar Point


ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

That is so badass looking. And the award for most badass front gate goes to cedar point. That logo looks awesome as well.

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

pointperson's avatar

You would think they would learn their lesson with the website stuff already. But looks amazing!

Visual Scan!
First Top Thrill Dragster train of 2011!
Rollbacks: 1st Triple Rollback of 2009!

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