Cedar Point 2013

ThunderbirdsMT's avatar

Mtay said:
Don't know if this was brought up yet but..


Is any other park getting a wing coaster this year? Cause personally I don't like the green color since it'll be so close to Raptor.

I put pictures of this up a while back and someone said it wasn't the right project number or something like that. I'm not sure if that's true though because it says the track is to be sent to the United States so i think it could very well be the track.

Last edited by ThunderbirdsMT,

Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa

Not sure how recent that video is, although the tag does read origin: USA it also has the code wing coaster WI-E which we've identified as the 5th installment of a wing coaster that has already shown up@ocean kingdom in China not to mention the job numbers are different according pics of the box crates with the anchor bolts labeled WI-F. Also after looking at the animation pic that was posted on facebook earlier, there seems to be an inch of teal (possibly track) in the lower right hand corner which absolutely could mean nothing but just enough to spark a little curiosity...

The track in the Youtube video is for B&M's fifth wing coaster installation as indicated by the "E" in "WI-E." I believe the coaster in question is going to Ocean Kingdom in China.

Cedar Point's project is the sixth B&M wing - designated "WI-F" which appears on the labels of the crates that showed up a while ago.

edit - beaten!

Last edited by L-gon,
CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

That's ashame... I liked the green track.

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

I don't think there's been any definitive word on other North American parks receiving a wingrider next year, but don't be surprised when lots of these start getting built. These are dream attractions for larger parks: novel, exciting, visually stunning, relatively high-capacity rides by a proven and reliable manufacturer. The word of mouth coming from the models built to date is highly positive. I'll go out on a limb (get it?) and suggest that this is the trendy coaster type for the next decade.

Last edited by Ensign Smith,

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

99er's avatar

Ignoring the layout that was printed in the Register, what if the station for this coaster was on top of the new Front Gate? That would be one hell of a Front Gate statement and something very unique. Would also fit in with the name "Gate Keeper" if that does end up being the name.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I love that idea, but I don't know how they would make that work. That would be one congested area.

Let's Get Weird.

Being fairly confident that it is a B&M at this point, and the track may travel above or near the main entrance, I am perplexed as if they are going to produce a coaster that is not as loud as it could cause a lot of problems for business being done near the track as the coaster roars past. Will the employees at the entrance need ear protection? I have heard that filling the track with sand has worked in the past to muffle the roar.

Sorry for the mess. Signature under construction.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

The sand filled B&M coasters are nearly completely silent. It shouldn't be a problem.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

SteveDePoy's avatar

Chuck_E_Cheese said:
Being fairly confident that it is a B&M at this point, and the track may travel above or near the main entrance, I am perplexed as if they are going to produce a coaster that is not as loud as it could cause a lot of problems for business being done near the track as the coaster roars past. Will the employees at the entrance need ear protection? I have heard that filling the track with sand has worked in the past to muffle the roar.

I worked at Hot Potato for seasons and we had Raptor roar past our back door every 2 minutes and it wasn't any problems.


What do you guys think about the possibility of the Wing Coaster having a slow "Jojo roll" at the beginning?


Doesn't seem original, CP tries to kept things new and inventive with their coasters. But IF it were to have one, It would have to be a barrel roll, and have an elevated station. Or the ground be dug out beneath it.

Another sweet "gatekeeper" kinda name would be "The Guardian".

Cedar King said:
ok thank you, will it be on pointbuzz?

Yeah, go to...

Last edited by Magnum is awesome,

CPcyclone said:
Another sweet "gatekeeper" kinda name would be "The Guardian".

I agree, I kind of like "Guardian".


Guardian seems like a poor man's Gatekeeper. If that is the "theme" of the ride, may as well go with Gatekeeper

Break Trims's avatar

Within that theme, "Cerberus" would have the most badass potential.

The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

Maybe we'll have dueling wing coasters !!!

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

^ that would take up a lot of space. Plus, there would need to be 4 lines and that would be complicated.

vwhoward's avatar

I think sarcasm is lost to many people on these forums...

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

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