Cedar Point 2013

Coaster Boi's avatar

Magnum is awesome said:
both the /edge link and the /interceptor-the-ride- link are gone and now bring you to the regular site just like if you were to type


I don't think that was mentioned yet.

Well when you go to www.cedarpoint.com/gatekeeper, it says error. It's been disabled by a tech guy. They are hiding something.

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ThunderbirdsMT said:

Was it just like the Gatekeeper link or did it just say the names at the bottom of the page?

IIRC, it was like a regular page only without the choices (like The Ride, News, Gallery and Webcam on http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:lcOIGtemM6QJ:w...clnk&gl=us ) and had the same words:
Hac risus enim turpis elit. In sit penatibus

Last edited by Magnum is awesome,
Jason Hammond's avatar

CedarPointTaylor said:
We should hire a physic to predict the new ride. ;)

Are you having difficulty is going to the bathroom?

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

Greetings fellow Coaster enthusiasts. My second post in well over a year as a long time reader but I do confess that I haven’t read this entire blog. I wanted to give my two cents of speculation as food for thought.

Whatever is coming near the main gate, it’s important to consider that Cedar Point is the flagship park. Accordingly, any new coaster, especially along the main gate in conjunction with legacy ride removals will have Matt Ouimet’s signature, his fingerprint for the direction of the future. Whatever is coming will be BIG as in WOW!!!

That said, here’s my guess as to some aspects:
How do you recover from a DISASTER? You rebuild, replace.

Replacement elements of Space Spiral and DT will be incorporated into the announcement. DT was the only coaster in the dark. Some portion of this new winged coaster will be in the dark. This could be some type of improvised tunnel or flying through some part of a darkened structure.

I’m guessing that the new coaster will be named after a predatory bird (which soars, can outrun an Avalanche, and be associated to a Raptor). Whatever name, such as Raptors Revenge, Son of Raptor, or something else without Raptor in the name, the bird would need a nest. That nest will be a new observation post replacing Space Spiral. The Space Spiral served as an observation ride. Kings Island has the Eiffel Tower overlooking the fountain and park. It could be a separate ride in structure and name OR be integrated within the coaster’s structure. Integration could explain a much higher ride structure than the lift hill/drop itself and result in a significant cost savings. Historically speaking, Cedar Point never removes legacy rides without reincorporating key elements somewhere else. STR is one recent example.

If my guess is anywhere near reality, Monday’s announcement will be dramatic, innovative, extreme, record-breaking and family oriented all-in-one. Can’t wait!!!

Last edited by CPJerry,
Jason Hammond's avatar

You set your expectations pretty high. I hope you don't hurt yourself when you fall back down to earth on monday.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

Break Trims's avatar

When it comes to tunnels on roller coasters, I prefer them not to be improvised.

The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.

LOL, only a guess, not an expectation. But this is the initial announcement under the new CEO. Yes, plans were likely in the works prior to his reign, but this could be groundbreaking in terms of direction. With Kinzel gone, I do see a possibility of two rides(coaster and some type of observation platform) being a possibility if costs can be mitigated. A record breaking coaster is sorely needed after 6 years.

Jason Hammond said:

CedarPointTaylor said:
We should hire a physic to predict the new ride. ;)

Are you having difficulty is going to the bathroom?

Hahaha sorry. Spelling is taken so seriously on this site. Yes, we are going to hire constipation medicine to predict the future.

Favorite coaster: Millennium Force
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Kevinj's avatar

Wow. I leave to go get a hair-cut and the thread blows up. I admit I know next to nothing about website design; could someone lay it our for me in idiot terms how the names interceptor and edge have been somehow thrown into the mix?

Promoter of fog.

^^At the very bottom of this page (the sitemap): http://www.cedarpoint.com/sitemap it had two more sections: Edge and Interceptor the ride, when clicked on, they would bring you to a small section for each with no real description. They have since been taken off the site.

Kevinj's avatar

I wonder how much John (H.) misses the days before the internet when it comes to keeping a secret? :) All I got out of him was "if I tell you, I will have to kill you."

Thanks (for the explaining above). I do get that...just never would've thought to look at a place like that.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Kevinj's avatar

Um, I have to log in?

Promoter of fog.

Wicked Twister Fan's avatar

Here's the direct link to the webcam.

Jason Hammond's avatar


884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

Kevinj's avatar

I'm confused...is it just odd? Or am I missing some hidden clue to 2013? :)

Promoter of fog.

Wicked Twister Fan's avatar

I don't think there's any hidden clue to 2013 on the Dragster cam. I've seen the pixelated view on that cam a few times during the season, and even last season too.

CP_Obsessed_Freak1987's avatar

We could all just wait till the 13th to find out the actual name and statistics......

Cedar Point Lifer
Employee 2006-2009

Jason Hammond's avatar

It's like that old 3 d art they use to make. You have to cross your eyes while you look at it. :-)

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

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