Cedar Point 2013

Maverick00 said:
I just don't think it's a good name for a coaster. Like there was no thought put into it.

I feel like there would be less thought put into naming it if it had a more common name like Phoenix. It's fine if you don't like the name Gatekeeper but, to say that there was no thought is just wrong. It would be a unique name and not one put up with no thought.

Maverick00's avatar

Coaster Boi said:
Maybe a coaster name?


That's for California's Great America's wooden coaster.

I don't really know why I don't like it. I just don't feel like its creative. How would you even theme GateKeeper? Ok so it travels in front of the gate, not much theming possibilities there. Atleast you can have a theme and a storyline with Phoenix.

Last edited by Maverick00,

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Coaster Boi's avatar

We are over thinking this. When the announcement comes, we are all gonna say, "Why didn't we think of that."

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TTD 120mph's avatar

The only thing that doesn't strike me as the name being Gatekeeper is how they've been marking it so far. They're definitely making it feel like a creature of sorts and the name Gatekeeper doesn't strike me as creature kind of name (even if Screamscape says it's some kind of gargoyle creature).

But that's just my opinion.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

That's probably the new woody going in at Great America.

With the name Gatekeeper you have free realm as to what kind of creature the keeper of the gate is. This name gives that widest range of creativity. They can design the creature anyway they want and add any back story they want. I don't they will go very far in adding a story to this ride but, I believe that the name Gatekeeper gives them the most opportunity to be creative.

Last edited by Dead Sexeh,
99er's avatar

Much more creative than using names like Phoenix, Leviathan and Lotan.

I'll give you Leviathan and Lotan as being more creative. Phoenix on the other hand is one of the generic names that people use when playing RCT and build and invert or a flying coaster. Also at this point since Leviathan has already been used once at a cedar fair park i would say that it would be less creative than Gatekeeper.

Personally I liked the clues and build up to Shoot the Rapids and I actually thought it was going to be similar to Furious Baco. I was disappointed that they had so much build up for a flume.

The clues thus far have been pretty weak for the addition of a B&M wing coaster.

djDaemon's avatar

Gatekeeper is growing on me. And if they incorporate the coaster into the front gate (which is, of course, the consensus), it makes a lot of sense, and could be nicely themed.

But really, who cares? I'm much more interested in the ride itself, rather than the name.


Dead Sexeh said:
With the name Gatekeeper you have free realm as to what kind of creature the keeper of the gate is. This name gives that widest range of creativity. They can design the creature anyway they want and add any back story they want. I don't they will go very far in adding a story to this ride but, I believe that the name Gatekeeper gives them the most opportunity to be creative.

Exactly what I was thinking. I'm not a huge fan of GateKeeper, but I wouldn't be upset with it or anything.


Break Trims's avatar

For what it's worth, I think Millennium Force is a a fairly stupid, unoriginal, and instantly dated name for a coaster, but it doesn't affect my enjoyment of it at all. Come to think of it, Magnum XL-200 is also over the top and ridiculous if you sound the whole name out, but again, I couldn't care less when the train hits those bunny hills...

The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high.

Coaster Lady's avatar

I couldn't care less during the bunny hills because I'm so worried about my femurs breaking...


Whenever I hear the name "Phoenix" , the first thing I think of is the old swinging boat ride at Busch Gardens which does complete 360 degree revolutions.

If all the players are ready...at the sound of the bell, ROLL EM!

Coaster Lady said:
I couldn't care less during the bunny hills because I'm so worried about my femurs breaking...

It is pretty agressive on those :) but that is why i love them! Cracks me up every time.

Also good point by Break Trims, nothing spectacular with Millenium Force or Magnum XL-200, but once you ride those coasters and they have the names they do, it really doesn't matter what the name is and I think you learn to like the names because you like the coasters.


davidw's avatar

My first shot at a time lapse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLT2Ukoio0o

I plan on posting a new video every Monday with the updated images.

Last edited by davidw,

My thoughts are that the clues were thought up well before the leak was posted by the paper. The signs may have been printed months ago. I'm betting that they were meant to be placed throughout the park early in the season, well before anything else was known to us. That would have led to the speculation that DT was going. Unfortunately, the leak spoiled the trail of teasers regarding DT removal and location of the new ride.

Blue people fly sideways when it rains

Maverick00's avatar

Really? I think Millennium Force is an awesome name. I think it was originally just going to be called Millennium, that would of been bad but I think Millennium Force is pretty creative. Magnum XL-200 is just ok, most people call it Magnum.

Last edited by Maverick00,

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Both of those names have significant meaning to when they were opened as well. Millennium force being opened on the millennium and Magnum becoming the first ride over 200 ft tall.

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