Cedar Point 2013

Rcoaster10's avatar

I really hope they build more than one coaster for 2013. On Facebook CP did post "THEY will be released". That would put them back up to 17

TTD 120mph's avatar

But "they" could also relate to some type of multi-headed creature.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Though it's almost certain it will be a wing rider, I am still crossing my fingers for a 4D or a flyer! Whatever it is, I can't wait for this announcement!

I would say this is probably isn't it, but what if "they" was referring to a dueling wing coaster.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Another name rumor.

"According to this source, another possible name for the coaster was Typhon, named after the most deadly monster of Greek mythology. Typhon was the last son of Gaia and often referred to as the “Father of all Monsters.”

From Screamscape.


I'm not really a fan of all these Greek Mythology names.

Let's Get Weird.

Me neither, unless it's something more familiar and appropriate (e.g., Hercules, Hydra, Hades...) 'Gorgon' might not be too bad; there were three of them, I believe--and nasty ocean spirits they were too. But then again, the name sounds rather silly.

'Poseidon' or Poseidon's Fury would work well, if the park in Europe (name escapes me) doesn't how a trademark in the U.S. for it.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

The park in Europe won't matter because Island's of Adventure in Orlando has a Poseidon's Fury attraction.

It is more of a show than a ride, though, so maybe that excludes it. I'll be honest and say I don't know how trademarks work.

Let's Get Weird.

I kind of like the Typhon name... I like the story about it too. Only a week left!



Maybe I shouldn't post at 4:41 in the morning.


My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

It's a B&M they have two great ones already in Raptor and Mantis, and for all those naysayers about Mantis that it sucks....maybe if you rode correctly you won't have problems, CP is due for a B&M and the proof is right in front of you, but I get a kick out of "well maybe its going to be an Intamin". Intamins had its run time for a B&M comeback

Stephen P.
2008: Raptor
2009: Front Desk Clerk; Breakers Express
2010: Assistant Front Office Manager Breakers Express

Intamin has given us some great rides over last decade, albeit some downtime and other troubles. All in all pretty good. But B&M was great for the park in the 90's and it's incredibly exciting to have them back

PyroKinesis said:

CoasterKid20 said:

PyroKinesis said:
Remember the last time the Register leaked a ride manufacturer and it turned out to be someone else?

Imagine the rage if it turns out to be Intamin instead of B&M... ;)

...and that happened when? I hope you aren't talking about WindSeeker.

I am, yes.

Well, if you can remember, the leak just talked about a "swing ride similar to *picture of Star Flyer*". No manufacturer was named until after Fun Time already had a lawsuit against Cedar Fair & Mondial. Therefore, when the name of a manufacturer was "leaked" through the lawsuit, Mondial was what was leaked.

A star flyer on the lake wouldn't work out so well, so CF went to Mondial.

Last edited by CoasterKid20,

Sorry, you're wrong. I have a newspaper clipping right here discussing it.

Any reports, pics etc of Disaster Transport deconstruction? Today being 8/6 was to be the start according to something I read here. I was hoping to see the equipment, etc somewhere posted, but not yet.

Blue people fly sideways when it rains

TTD Man said:
It's a B&M they have two great ones already in Raptor and Mantis, and for all those naysayers about Mantis that it sucks....maybe if you rode correctly you won't have problems, CP is due for a B&M and the proof is right in front of you, but I get a kick out of "well maybe its going to be an Intamin". Intamins had its run time for a B&M comeback

I disagree, Raptor and Mantis are both solidly below-average rides in a park known for above average coasters. All the Intamins are solid coasters, I would happily welcome another Intamin.

xfireboyx's avatar

^I agree, Vette...

Intamin gets a bad rap sometimes... but they DID give us two of the favorite coasters at the park in Millenium and Maverick (among others)...

I would love another Intamin!

Kevinj's avatar

I'll give you Mantis, but then again it's a stand-up, and there's a reason they are not being built anymore.

But Raptor is classified as solidly below-average in your brain?

Promoter of fog.

I don't know why raptor is getting no love its one of the better inverts in the country it's no Montu mind u but better than most.

"I reject your reality and replace it with my own." - Adam Savage

I just am not a fan of Raptor. I try to like it, I still hit it everytime I go, but I just don't really like it. I try at least, I gave up on Mantis. Stand Up coaster was one of the dumbest ideas of all time.

I just love Intamin's Creativity. First Giga, first Strata, and a sweet coaster with an awesome 95* drop and 2 launch elements. I just look at B&M as trying too hard. Too many track elements stuffed into a space. While Intamin likes overbanked turns, banked corners, fewer loops and rolls, etc.

Last edited by Vette,

Travis Lea said:
Any reports, pics etc of Disaster Transport deconstruction? Today being 8/6 was to be the start according to something I read here. I was hoping to see the equipment, etc somewhere posted, but not yet.


Nope still there

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