Any news on Skyscraper?

If you got BOGO with the platinum pass, that means you rode it twice, right? Meaning the second time you rode free, if I am correct?

Calling SkyScraper "up" this morning at 11 was a pretty cool experience, especially when the voice on the other end of the phone at park op chuckled and said "Wow!" It's been a fun ride to operate so far, let's hope it isn't a mechanical nightmare like some other recent additions to CP's ride collection.

^You shouldn't have too many mechanical issues. When it was at Valleyfair, the only reason that it'd go down was due to weather, and I rode it well over 200 times while it was here.

It's definitely missed by a lot of people here in Minnesota, but I'm looking forward to riding it again on Friday. It's nice to hear that everyone so far seems to be enjoying the ride as well.

Since it is officially running now, how much does it cost???

And, does the BOGO allow two people to ride for the price of one (seeing as I have friends that don't have platinum passes)?? (or is it only pay for one ride, get two for the pass holder?)

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

Skyscraper is a very fun ride to ride and to operate. I rode 3 times on Thursday evening and a couple of times on Friday when we didn't have any guests coming by. It's pretty intense, and the view you get sitting at the top for a couple of minutes is awesome.

Everyone should come by and visit us. The price is $20 per rider. As of yesterday there was no combo package with Ripcord, but I'm sure that is subject to change as they figure things out.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Mr. Kinzel came down this afternoon to take a look at our wonderful new ride. I went down and asked him if he wanted to take a spin, but he wasn't game unfortunately. You guys need to come out and ride, we need riders!

maverick17's avatar

How long are you at the stopped at the top?

With people that have a P. Pass, will the other person beable to get on for free or will they have to pay $20 also?

^^If there are riders behind you in line, we stop you at the top for however long it takes to get the next people loaded up. If nobody else is being loaded behind you, we typically stop you up there for a minute or two so you can take in the wonderful view of either the lake or the park and get your money's worth out of the ride.

^I already answered this earlier in the thread, but the buy one get one free deal is only for the pass holder. It means you, the pass holder, get two rides for the price of one. Your friend still has to pay the $20. Unless I'm terribly mistaken, that's how it works.

^Im sorry but thats a crappy policy. It discourages people from
buying a ticket as a group, because you're going to end up with the non P-passers having to watch the P-passers get their second ride. I have never spent a cent in Challenge Park, but me and my friend could go together for half price I would end up doing the whole circuit of rides. Dont tell me that policy is also in affect at Challenge Golf too?

Its an empty discount. Which I know have no right to complain, blah, blah. But the whole reason they put them in is so that P-passers have an incentive to spend money at Challenge Park. Having an inane policy like that fails to get me to do so.

It encourages people to buy the Platinum Pass and reap the benefits of spending the extra bucks rather than having friends of pass holders mooch off the ones who spent the extra money. I don't think it's a bad policy at all.

^Assuming you go to the parks either alone or only with P-Pass holders. Something I dont do, my friends are not as crazed as I am and Im lucky to get them out 1-2 a year.

Here's the deal on pricing. On Friday, with my plat. pass I bought 2 tickets for $20 and gave one to my friend. They did not ask to see his pass too. I liked it so much, I wanted a night ride on it last night before we headed home. Since it was Saturday, we EACH had to pay $20. I think Saturday is the only day they do not run the Plat. pass special. It seems every other day a plat. passholder can BOGO and give the 2nd ticket to whomever they wish. But pricing aside, this ride is such a rush, it is worth $20 just to experience it. I know $20 bucks isn't cheap, but I was surprised not to see more people riding it. To me it is like Skyhawk on steroids. If you are a SH or maXair fan, you will LOVE Skyscraper.

Vince982's avatar

I wouldn't say Skyscraper was anything like Skyhawk or maXair. When I bought my ticket last night I got my free ticket and I could have given it to my friend to use but he didn't want to ride. Maybe as the season goes on they will check to ensure that the pass holder uses the free pass.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

I rode skyscraper on saturday night by myself, and it was amazing! When I was stopped at the top, the hot summer lights show was going on and I got to watch the fireworks and listen to "proud to be an american" playing. :) Hopefully, I will be back for more when I ride with my friend or sister later this season. Since I have been on ripcord, I must say Skyscraper is more fun and the crew did a good job loading and unloading.

Vince982's avatar

I just re-read the Skyscraper press release and it said that there would be a video taken of the riders as they ride. Is this still to come or was that idea scrapped?

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

My girlfriend has a platinum pass, and I have a platinum pass. For $20 can we both ride the ride just once?

Vince982 said:
I just re-read the Skyscraper press release and it said that there would be a video taken of the riders as they ride. Is this still to come or was that idea scrapped?

The video people have told me they're planning on doing it still. The mounts for the camera showed up with the rest of the ride but I don't know where they are.

factory81 said:
My girlfriend has a platinum pass, and I have a platinum pass. For $20 can we both ride the ride just once?

I don't think it matters if the other person has a platinum pass. The cashier gives you 2 tickets when you buy one and you have a platinum pass. (at least thats what I've noticed happening) We just check tickets at skyscraper, not passes. So yes, for 20 dollars you can both ride.

Is this ride really going to get much action with so many great, free rides only a walk away? This rides looks really cool but so does Skyhawk and Maxair.

Nothing at all against Maxair and Skyhawk (I love them both), but SkyScraper is much better than both of those rides. Yeah, the $20 fee is a bit of a road block, but I think 99% of the people who have ridden it have gotten off completely satisfied with the ride. I know of one person who said it was boring, and we ejected him into Lake Erie.

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