and then the crane showed up...

I totally agree Pete. You stole my words.

I can understand everyone's frustration with TTD but I think CP's handling of this situation is completely acceptable. I don't believe "throwing in the towel" is a wise option, whether the park reps say so or not.

I think it's safe to assume that people who are travelling long distances for the sole purpose of riding TTD will most likely check out the CP web site before they leave. There they will discover two possibilities; the ride is not currently working or the ride is working with a strong possibility that it will go down during their visit. At that point they can decide whether or not to postpone their trip. In my humble opinion, other than hardcore fans, I don't think the GP really gives a rip considering that CP just happens to have a few other world class rides.

TTD will continue to suffer downtime, that's apparent. Let CP and Intamin do whatever they have to do and we'll all ride it when it works. If they do get it working fine again then so be it. "Throwing in the towel" for this season is a little silly I think. Especially considering that I do intend to go to CP at the end of August (with or without TTD I might add).

*** This post was edited by custom_made 7/8/2003 8:05:54 PM ***

verbal abuse is slander

written abuse is libal

Dan Haverlock
'03 Magnum Crew
magnum 2347 * TTD 12

Jeff's avatar
You mean libel.

Even then, it's only libel or slander if it's not true.

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP -
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

Well, some of you may not get paid by CP, but as you have indicated you do have "units" purchased in the company. Also, some of you who are moderators and/or own sites on the park do get press passes (ie to ride TTD before 99% and in hindsites given the problems, more than 90% of the people that have visited CP) and perks such as inside info that others do not. So to say you guys are completely objective just because you dont get paid by CP is false. I'am not faulting you for it, I would do the same in your shoes, but to act like you dont have a vested interest in the park being portrayed in a positive light is just false. Its evident by the closing of alot of threads. Some I understand why, some just seem to be closed because a moderator doesnt like the point of view (in particular, critical of CP).

Its obvious this ride has brought out the worst in people on both sides. Its to bad, I like everyone would have loved this thing to be running great and everyone enjoying it by now. But the facts are, CP is not getting a good ROI at this point. Based on the bad press and feelings (right or wrong) this ride has hurt CP more than it has benefited it. I just hope they can recover from it next year so we can see something else new in a few years (something that works!! LOL jk)

Also, if someone is disappointed Dragster is not running, its their perogative. People go back to the same tired argument, its new, you shouldnt expect it to run, so why be frustrated. But Mr. Kinzel himself has reiterated that people DO plan their trips around this ride and that they and the patrons are frustrated. So if Mr. Kinzel can accept that, why cant some of you?

CP has done its best in a very bad situation. But it is still a very bad situation.

*** This post was edited by CPTwister 7/8/2003 9:30:17 PM ***

Coasting, you need to take a breath and just go beat a pillow for awhile or SOMETHING....

Dude, take it easy. I dont see you building and trying to operate a world-class amusement park, let alone opening world class, record-breaking rides year after year.

Even without that, what gives you the right to just up and start badmouthing the way CP is running things, and then spreading a hundred immature, rambling messages all over a message board. I am all for open speech, and support constructive crititcism, but there needs to be a level of maturity involved also, something which you have yet to prove. Infectious indeed...

Just Coasting said:
They are, pretty busy posting on their website, Dragster Open, No Closed, No Open, No Closed! Oh heck just come and spend your money, Gee I wonder why their attendance was done again for June! Better sell the stock!

Dragster merchandise selling off the shelf quicker than the 120mph launch, oh what launch Dragster is broken again!

If I owned a car that broke down as often, I wouldn't even give it to the junk yard, dump it in Lake Erie!!!!!

Well I know CP will get this all worked out. I for one just bought 100 shares of Cedar Fair stock a couple months ago and have no intentions of selling it. I plan on getting more when I can. We have all had set backs in our lives and this is one of CP's and they will over come it.
*** This post was edited by John Carle 7/8/2003 9:47:06 PM ***
Just want to throw in a couple of things... To everyone that gets sick of the complainers. Those complaints are what makes this site intresting. Everyone sitting around saying shucks I wish the world was great, but it isn't so I'll ignore what's wrong, that's not healthy :). I love to read all the B.S. posts and such... and for the millionth time I've read it if you don't like a response, close it and move on!

To those who are jeff haters, you can compare organ sizes and such about how he runs his site or what he puts on it. Realize that everytime you post (good or bad) he loves it, more $... Want to show him up, get under his skin then stop coming, stop supporting him, and his site. That way we can actually have a Forum instead of a nag fest.

There are plenty of threads that contain thoughtful, constructive criticism, leading to interesting discussion, that don't get closed. Threads most often get closed for one of the following reasons: we've heard it a thousand times already (it's up! it's down! it's up! it's down!); it's an ad hominem attack (Jeff sucks); it's mindless trivial bullpucky (CP sucks because there was too much ice in my coke. They really suck because my coke was actually the demon-spawn that is pepsi); or, it's a flame troll (SFMM rocks! CP sucks!)

The moderators seem to care mostly about whether GTTP is worth visiting, or is just full of crap. Late last month, they were overwhelmed with crap, and I had been reading CBuzz a lot more and GTTP a lot less because of it. I think you'll also find that the moderators are as critical of CP as most anyone else.

I'm not sure if Dragster has hurt more than helped in the revenue department, but the rumblings from on high (the Motley Fool interview plus the attendance figures) suggest that the park is not meeting projections. True, the weather sucked for a long time, but if the money isn't there, it won't matter why. Based on very public statements about Cedar Fair's managemenet philosophy, you can be sure that nothing new comes in until this ride is well on its way to being paid off. The company is understandably proud of their continuously increasing dividend; maintaining that seems to be Job One in Sandusky.

However, given the recent postings in the employee lounge area, it seems clear that the guests are not the only ones getting frustrated. So, even if the park hasn't been hit financially, the intangible costs are mounting.

<bona fides>I'm neither a moderator nor a unitholder. I don't get invited to press events, have no inside information, and Kinzel doesn't know me from Adam. I do not, nor have I ever, worked for the park, but I do give them a fair chunk of change every year.</bona fides>

It's not war, famine, or pestilence; it's only downtime.

Brian Noble, I never said I was a Jeff hater or that I hate any of the other mods?? I was just pointing out that do have a interest in portraying CP in a positive way for the most part. As I said, I dont fault them for that. They put in a lot of time on their sites. I'am just saying they are not always objective and I was just pointing it out because they seemed to be making light of that just because they dont get paid by CP. Jeff himself has said that people from CP check these boards. So he knows he is being watched by the park.

I'am not saying they havent been critical of CP either. But it isnt very often and is usually over something trivial (like the queue wall on TTD, WOW, controversal LOL). I also realize there is alot of crap on here (some of you probebly think this post is LOL) but sometimes legitimate questions get sacked immediately without any real reason and the trend "appears" to be when someone is critical of CP.

CP is the best park in the world for me. But they dont do everything perfect and just because they have 15 other coasters doesnt take the sting or disappointment away from those that go to CP and dont get to ride Dragster. Some of you just dont seem to understand that and I think it is because you have a somewhat skewed perspective on the park. I agree though that all the slamming on both sides should stop. Its doing no one any good. But if someone has an honest constructive criticism on either side, I dont think they should be berated.

Jeff's avatar
I'm one of the park's harshest critics (see the current topic in the employee forum over poor morale), and I frankly think you're full of crap. The stuff that gets closed isn't intelligent, isn't thought provoking and isn't interesting to read. When you've been running a site like this for five years you know the difference.

Crap: Get's closed.
Interesting conversation, regardless of content: Stays open.

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP -
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

I'm willing to wait for CP to work out the bugs on TTd i just hope it isn't to long after all I'm 62 and would like to ride it before my pace maker batt runs out.
ps i got faith in the Park makeing it the best ever coaster give 'em time:)

I'm not an old fogey, I'm just an old coaster rider..

I understand the fact that the "complaints make this site interesting"

but intentional flames and people who just squander their hateful opinions of whatever over all the boards and/or threads, WITHOUT having anything constructive or anything civilized to say need to be dealt with accordingly. I sometimes like to read the criticism posts myself, and I LOVE cedar point. But that has nothing to do with intentionally being a jerk about everything just cuz you can be.

ok.... yesterday (monday) i was fortunate to ride dragster twice, once at about 6:40pm, and the second time around 9:25pm. I waited about an hour and a hour and 45 mins. I'll tell you it is the best ride in the park! i dont care what CP has to do... but i'll put money down that you'll say it was worth all the down time.... oh and when you are in the line, look at the brake run.... oooohhhhh heat waves! cya later, im tired, today was a screwy day, talk about a brief storm rollin through the point today....
Thanks Jeff, I think you just proved my point by slamming me. I guess its ok for the Mods or owner to do that. Are you honestly telling me you have nothing to gain by presenting the park in a positive light? If not, I guess you will be turning down your press passes to the next new ride, correct?
who is this CPTwister, and where did he come from? uhh, i don't believe Jeff was slamming you when he said you were "full of crap", i consider it moreso that he was stating an honest truth. take a laxative...
when did this crane show up, and any word one what it was doing? i was at Cedar Point today, and Dragster didn't open all day (even though there were signs that said "Top Thrill Dragster Will Open Today", eh, ohwell, better luck next time). please tell me there are no more mechanical problems...

"I'm sorry, Timmy, but you need 15 tickets to live..."
Onward to Kennywood!

Just Coasting said:
I knew it wouldn't last, you could tell my prediction was right if my post wasn't deleted by someone who is paid by Cedar Point to promote nothing but good and awsome things about the park! Like Dragster Reopening, but lets not talk about Dragster's tire falling off and almost injuring someone, let alone almost killing someone!

Sorry to bring back this post, but I think it deserves a responce.

I was in the queue when the tire flew off, and I didn't even know about it. Being that I wasn't too far from the brake run when it happened, and I didn't even know about it, I can honestly say that luckily, the tire incident did not come close to injuring anybody.

Back to the main topic though:

I am also extremely frustrated that Dragster is down, but in reality, I am also very concerned for the park. The way Cedar Point has been able to deliver the great rides and the great service it is famous for is by producing a good profit. With Dragster down, along with moral, I am afraid for the future of the company, and the future of the park. I do not own any partnership units, I just care. And I hope the park is able to recover from the problems caused by Dragster's downtime, and remain profitable.

My $0.02,
Avalanche Run - My first Roller Coaster.
Magnum XL-200 - The BEST Roller Coaster!

Pete's avatar
TTD doesn't make or break the park. If TTD is down much of the time, they may not see attendance increases like they were expecting. But, the park will be profitable, TTD or not.
I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.
I have been posting on this site since 1999 and I can assure you that Jeff is as critical of the park as the next guy. (I am not a mod and I am not employed by the park. To be honest, I previously worked at the park and I am a unitholder.)

The fact that I am a unitholder does make me biased. I'll admit that. But it makes me more critical of the park, not less. I believe it is my right to be critical so that the park can make changes that will be better for everyone and improve my investment.

The difference, is that Jeff and I (and a few others) practice CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM (you young'ns ask your teachers what that means). We don't bi**h and moan just for the sake of hearing ourselves. I guarantee you that if Jeff spent his whole day slamming the park left and right with no foundation like some of you do that he would find himself outside looking in at some of these special events.

As a former employee I will tell you that the people who complained to me with a solid argument got my attention much more often than those that just went off without a coherent thought.

I don't think there is anyone posting here that isn't disappointed that Dragster isn't open. I have not even ridden the thing yet but I feel badly for those people who are missing out. However, in the context of life it isn't that big of a deal and some of you are blowing it way out of proportion. I am pissed when someone pushes my wife to get by. I am sad when someone I love dies. It is a tragedy that our soldiers are still being killed overseas.

It is an inconvenience that TTD is still not running properly. But, if Cedar Point was worth $50 (or whatever the admission price these days is) last year than it is still worth $50 this year. And, if you are a season pass holder shut your trap and go enjoy the park.

Jeff's avatar

CPTwister said:
Thanks Jeff, I think you just proved my point by slamming me. I guess its ok for the Mods or owner to do that. Are you honestly telling me you have nothing to gain by presenting the park in a positive light? If not, I guess you will be turning down your press passes to the next new ride, correct?

I didn't prove anything, I just slammed you. Get over it already. Re-read what I said. Worthless conversation is removed, regardless of content.

I have nothing to gain by doing it any other way. If I did, I certainly wouldn't allow employees to go on about low morale, I wouldn't have blasted the park ad nauseum about the initial freeway implementation, and I wouldn't have criticized the park for their inability to do anything about a fraying MF lift cable that eventually put the ride down for a couple of operating days. And get this... I don't just post this kind of thing here, I actually talk to the park directly to voice my concerns. It doesn't mean they do anything about it, but they do listen, as they do to all of their customers.

And what the hell do press passes have to do with anything?

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP -
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

rogue kielbasa said:
who is this CPTwister, and where did he come from?

He has several names on here, but mostly went by "steelrider33". He is a known Magic Mountain fanboy who seems threathened by Cedar Point. Kinda sad, isn't it???

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