A ride that CP doesn't have & you wish it would...

Dvo's avatar

That thing is super wonky, no doubt. As someone who is mildly claustrophobic in small areas, I think I would be kind of scared of the thing breaking down, and being stuck inside the tubes somewhere, haha. I'm totally fine with slides where I'm constantly moving through the tube, but sitting and waiting for the thing to rotate me through the maze is a little discerning.

384 MF laps
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1000 years of force's avatar

A WDW Space Mountain type of dark coaster. An actually well themed and a good ride.

DT was an "ehh" ride that was way better in the dark. I mean an actually good coaster that happens to be in a dark space... like WDW Space Mountain.

"Your persiflage does not amuse. " - Ralph (from Around the world in 80 days)

Urumqi's avatar

a modern wooden coaster by either GCI or Gravity Group

Tall and fast not so much upside down...

I think Cedar Point could use a water coaster like what Holiday World has. They have two of them actually. Not too many waterparks have water coasters.

XS NightClub's avatar

Given CPs adversity to log flumes, a water coaster may not be their next big thing.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Serious question since I know Kennywood got rid of their log flume, but are they becoming a thing of the past for other parks too?

I personally cannot think of a ride that I wish CP had. I think the current line up is already awesome and incomparable. Maybe a B&M sit-down that’s as forceful and fun as Kumba would be welcome.

djDaemon's avatar

Given what Knott's did with theirs, and that parks such as KI and Dorney have kept their flumes, I think the only reason CP got rid of theirs is because of Kinzel's irrational infatuation with Intamin.


Sollybeast's avatar

That's what I really want, tbh. Sure, a SlideWheel would be fun, but if I could pick one thing, anything, and have it go in CP somewhere, it'd be a good, WWL-caliber log flume.

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

Kevinj's avatar

I was very happy to hear that Cedar Point worked with Garner Holt (of Knotts) on Forbidden Frontier.

I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful partnership.

And yes....log flume.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

randi b's avatar

Log flume yes. Really miss.
Although I was always a minority, I still wish they had just kept up & updated DT instead of tearing down. It was a great mid level for kids transitioning out of Camp Snoopy level rides, to a thrill ride experience. Plus I LOVE dark rides!

Peace ☮️

After having ridden Timber Mountain at Knotts, I REALLY wish there was a manufacturer still in the traditional log flume business. That ride was 10/10 perfect. Long waits all 3 days we were there but we did it every day. Along with GhostRider it was the most popular attraction at the park.

CP Coaster Top 10: 1. Steel Vengeance (40 rides to date) 2. Top Thrill Dragster (191 launches to date, 4 rollbacks) 3. Magnum XL 200 4. Millennium Force 5. Maverick 6. Raptor 7. GateKeeper 8. Valravn 9. Rougarou 10. Gemini

Urumqi's avatar

Shawn Meyer said:

I think Cedar Point could use a water coaster like what Holiday World has. They have two of them actually. Not too many waterparks have water coasters.

I just rode the two water coasters at Holiday World on Saturday and although they were enjoyable I would never stand in the lines that they would attract at Cedar Point. The capacity is too low and Soak City's (or whatever it's called now) crowds are too large for such an attraction, in my opinion.

Tall and fast not so much upside down...

I think a water coaster would be a great addition to Cedar Point Shores. I almost never ride water rides at Cedar Point, I go to Cedar Point for the coasters and CP Shores to get wet. So I don't miss the log flumes at all either, personally.

I don't think I have ever been on an indoor roller coaster that really knocked it out of the park. There are fun ones, but outdoor coasters are superior 95% of the time, especially at an iconic place like Cedar Point. With such wonderful views of the park, and the lake, and the beach why ruin that with a coaster inside a box? Just to check a ride type off a list?

I see your point jwalk03 about an indoor coaster at a place like Cedar Point, BUT...., I think about my favorite rides in other parks and it keeps coming back to dark rides, or at least dark ride sections. And I think a lot of people share my feelings. Rides like The Mummy, Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, Spiderman, Harry Potter rides, etc. I know some rides on that list may be out of Cedar Points range but the park really does miss a well-themed ride with some or all indoor parts.And that could be a log flume like Timber Mountain also.

operative_me's avatar

I want CP to get a Chance Toboggan so people will know what an actual painful coaster is like and stop whining about Magnum being too rough.

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Thabto's avatar

jwalk03 said:

I don't think I have ever been on an indoor roller coaster that really knocked it out of the park. There are fun ones, but outdoor coasters are superior 95% of the time, especially at an iconic place like Cedar Point. With such wonderful views of the park, and the lake, and the beach why ruin that with a coaster inside a box? Just to check a ride type off a list?

I think something like Laff Trak at Hershey would be good for CP. And they could place it somewhere it wouldn't block any views and give it a more aesthetically pleasing building.

operative_me said:

I want CP to get a Chance Toboggan so people will know what an actual painful coaster is like and stop whining about Magnum being too rough.

After the new lap bars on Magnum, I find the ride much more enjoyable now.

Last edited by Thabto,

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

B&M Floor less just like Diamondback....All Hills, and more hills, and more air time!!!

Top spin, Dark ride, maybe a coaster with the Smiler theme. It's awesome.

Thabto said:

jwalk03 said:

I don't think I have ever been on an indoor roller coaster that really knocked it out of the park. There are fun ones, but outdoor coasters are superior 95% of the time, especially at an iconic place like Cedar Point. With such wonderful views of the park, and the lake, and the beach why ruin that with a coaster inside a box? Just to check a ride type off a list?

I think something like Laff Trak at Hershey would be good for CP. And they could place it somewhere it wouldn't block any views and give it a more aesthetically pleasing building.

operative_me said:

I want CP to get a Chance Toboggan so people will know what an actual painful coaster is like and stop whining about Magnum being too rough.

After the new lap bars on Magnum, I find the ride much more enjoyable now.

This. Literally this. And I can’t speak for Pete, but I know he was an advocate for being team Magnum. But the newer lapbars have made it so enjoyable to be proud of the original hyper. I love the upgrades on it. It’s the small things.


With similar or Boneville type themeing.

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