2011 Point Perks

I always ride Maverick first, so I had no idea that MF ever opened late.

I agree that if it's consistently opening 15 minutes late, then the park should advertise that Millenium Force is available beginning at 9:15AM. Simple. Problem solved without any changes, and people can plan their day accordingly.

However, if they're going to advertise the opening at 9AM, then management must inform the crew to start earlier.

If the park really cared about guest satisfaction, they could provide front-of-the-line passes when the ride was running late, or change the early ride time to bonus ride time on the rides that take more time to open. Maybe this would enable a ride like TTD to have bonus ride time every day.

The more I think about, I'd LOVE a fundamental change to the whole exclusive ride time system. How about 30 minutes early ride time (opening at 9:30AM) for Raptor, Maverick, and Windseeker. Then, 30 minutes extra ride time (30 minutes after the line has cleared out for the night) for TTD and Millenium Force.

Riding rides at night is infinitely better to me anyway, and as much as I love exclusive ride time, I HATE getting up that early. I'd personally love the whole hour of exclusive ride time after the park closes, but I know there are some early birds that'd be upset. Split it 50/50, and everyone is happy. Also, this way I'd take more mid-day / evening trips to CP, just for wait-free night rides on Millenium / TTD.

Last edited by Ffej,

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD, trying to correct somebody else's grammar when you have grammar mistakes in your forum name doesn't make you too cool either!

Ffej, I always go straight to Maverick first too. The only thing about the 30 minute early entry and 30 minute after hour riding, 30 minutes does not seem long enough in my opinion. Last year for Dragster's ERT, that hour went by so fast!

I love riding at night too though. I think it makes Cedar Point's ERT's that much better since the occur ever so often

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I was around 13 to 14 years old when I made this account. Now I am almost 18 and usually have very few mistakes in posts. If I do have a mistake it is usually one that is not major and does not make it nearly impossible to understand what I am saying. I learned, and its about time he did too.

Let's Get Weird.

Regardless of the matter, who the hell cares, we're on a forum posting about CP nonsense xD.....Why do you care how people type. My typing was good enough to be understandable. I may not have inserted the proper punctuation here & there but to be honest, why do you care lmao...Go be a police officer if you plan to pride yourself in administrating others. You don't get paid to do it here, might as well get paid for it I would say...

Anyways this is really starting to just be a nagging bitch fest and lol, it's staying in my recent too long. Lets get back to hand...

Go point perks....Great deal, great price...Go CP...Can't wait till opening day, or in my case processing in day...

Next enthusiastic fanboy post now

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD. said:
I thank you both for your service or future service to this country. That said, I honestly think you guys are crazy and egotistical. There is no need to insult Dj on pointing out simple facts.

Appreciate the thanks. My tours were well before most of the members time.

If you could clarify the "facts" he pointed out, I might understand your point. However, ask yourself, how is saying that bragging about an ASVAB score (which should be bragged about) tell him all he needs to know about that person not an insult? I'm sorry, but I can;t adhere to your double standard where it's okay for one member to attack someone, no matter how passive it is and not another. Sure two wrongs don't make a right, but lets not give him any more rope. I'm betting someone is already prepping their dead horse for a beating to make the joke that "Dj is mean." Yeah that was funny once.. but now it's just showing that the him and his loyal defenders have severe social issues.

He does not present an educated guess as he has never worked on ride construction. Because of that it's simply a guess and thats not good enough.

If Dj found a way to explain his point of view without sounding condescending or better than the person he is addressing, this place would be a lot better. The know it all attitude and condescending remarks are actually quite scary from a psychological standpoint. Internet anonymity is not a license to be an ass. I bet dollars to donuts, this is the only place he can get away with such remarks because it would cause trouble in real life to speak to someone like that.

The Devarious, I'm not surprised. We Marines are bullet sponges and special ops, much like the Army. USAF and the Navy have better programs for those looking to go into . I was a mechanic on base and I enjoyed it. You'll have fun and best of luck to you.

On topic, I am glad CP announced the delay of Windseeker this far in advance and I applaud them for it. However, I still don't buy the weather excuse. The sites sat empty for so long and foundations are not shipped across the ocean or installed at great heights. Construction should be planned with the attitude that it's going to be a very bad winter and hope for the best. We all know Cedar Point held out for the lowest bidder for the manufacturer of the ride and I think that is why we are now seeing these delays. Isn't that 4 delays now and it is some sort of coincidence? I don't buy it.

Am I not going to go to Cedar Point because of it? No. However as a stock holder and someone who spends quite a few dollars a year on their park, I have the right to complain. Actually, this is America. I have the right to complain no matter what.

Last edited by PrawoJazdy,
TTD 120mph's avatar

Wait, how do we know they held out for the lowest bidder? Oh wait, that's just an assumption. :D

And I'm still trying to figure why you continue to say "weather excuse". How is it an excuse? It seems pretty darn obvious (like painfully obvious) that the weather played a HUGE part in this delay as well as all of the others (minus Knotts). It baffles me that you could even suggest that this is somehow related to poor planning. Last I recall ,the ride was announced in August and we know rides are planned far in advance.

While I'm no job foreman, I think it's common sense to have these kinds of plans laid out far in advance. Plans for new attractions include every aspect of construction. I know this because I talked to a person who witnessed these meetings. They're very thorough and boring from what I heard.:)

So why would there be a need to have a predisposed attitude based on the idea that the weather might or might not be bad during the construction process? Isn't that common sense? I mean we've made the points that the construction process is budgeted and the days that things can't (didn't) get done is costing CP money. So isn't is safe enough to say that they wouldn't jump into a multi million dollar project without planning done far in advance? I mean they just don't call up a contractor and say "Oh hey can you have this this and this to build this and be ready to start tomorrow?" These things have schedules (like I've stated before) and you risk the chance that things might get halted for hours, days or even weeks due to conditions that are out of your control. It seems to me it's obviously what happened here with the Windseekers. But then I might just be crazy.

Is anything I'm saying just not making sense? I'd hate to babble without making some kind of sense. I'm usually VERY careful to stick to pointing out facts and not blow smoke out my.....well you know where. And I usually try to make guesses and assumptions within the realm of reason and follow up anything else with some personal research.

It's understandable to be upset about negative news like this coming from a company you've invested in. But at the same time, would you rather hear the news that the project was delayed a very short period of time due to bad weather conditions and that things will be checked and double checked to ensure the ride runs smoothly? Or hear the news that there was a major accident on the new ride resulting in serious injury to park guests?

Though according to that logic (assuming the 1st choice is picked), there shouldn't be a reason to complain. Sure being upset is justifiable, but to the point to start blaming people and contractors for acting according to the weather and that they're not doing everything they can to get things done right? Though you are right about one thing. Being that this is America, there will be complaining no matter what.

On topic, I'm sorry Devarious but I'm not seeing a reason to agree with you. You're really not showing the standard a regular park goer like myself is used to seeing from ride hosts. I've known many people who worked at the park and I've yet to see any of them act outside of what they're suppose to in regards to situations like complaints of downtime or this ERT deal. Sure they would joke about the things and people they've ran into after the day is done but they would never show them disrespect. I obviously cant speak for every ride host but the standard should be held for everyone at a place like CP.

So while it may be common sense to you to just ride something else if a ride isn't open for its ert, but there's a huge part of reality that says "I've paid for a premium I'm not getting. Why?" The solutions are there and if they're instituted then you're required to follow them. So regardless of the reason why you are working at somewhere like Cedar Point, you should show guests respect despite what you may think.

When the day is done, and you get to you're room, I would suggest screaming into the pillow. That might help relieve some stress.:) Or just discuss those issues with fellow workers. I'm sure they'll share the same feelings. But I hope you would never really act on those kinds of thoughts.

Though you'll be on Corkscrew so you shouldn't have to worry about too much of this.;) Just try and enjoy yourself as much as you can until you move on to better things in life. I look forward to seeing you on the midways. :D

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

TTD 120mph said:
Wait, how do we know they held out for the lowest bidder? Oh wait, that's just an assumption. :D

I know it's been 8 months, so I don't blame you for forgetting about Funtime vs. Cedar Fair in that

I know this because I talked to a person who witnessed these meetings.

and I talked to Dick Kinzel this morning.

Is anything I'm saying just not making sense?

Correct (nothing you are) saying is making (any sense). You are (all over the) place with you're arguments(.)

It's understandable to be upset about negative news like this coming from a company you've invested in. But at the same time, would you rather hear the news that the project was delayed a very short period of time due to bad weather conditions and that things will be checked and double checked to ensure the ride runs smoothly? Or hear the news that there was a major accident on the new ride resulting in serious injury to park guests?

I'm not "upset" about this. Just not buying the BS line Cedar Fair is dropping at the moment. Vaughn Ontario did not have any major weather issues and their ride is delayed, snow did not stop Dragster being built in the much harsher than rain conditions that Windseeker was built in. None of that flies with me.

So is it weather or safety checks holding up the ride from opening on time? Last day view of the webcam showed construction as on going. Not waiting for the Ohio Department of Agriculture to check and certify the ride.

TTD 120mph's avatar

Please, then, point out to where it was stated that this was a money issue. To my understanding it was about CF choosing Mondial because they felt it was the safer design. I now feel I was denied need to know information.

Oh and good job taking my text out of context to tie into your argument. I really shouldn't have to point out what I was referring to but I can't help but do so. I was referring to the planning process and from what I've heard goes into the construction planning of their rides in general. Not about this deal with Funtime and CF as this discussion predated these current events. But thank god you talked to Kinzel in regards to........um.....in regards to. What DID you talk to him about? And what did he say? Just curious.......
And just so you get it, I'm referring to a scenario in which construction is rushed to catch up thus risking something being missed. So it's a bit of both safety AND weather.

I'm done trying to suggest to you the weather played a major part in the delay. I'm just going to accept that you're hell bent on some kind of conspiracy theory. Though I must really ask if you point out what exactly doesn't make sense about what I've been pointing out.

Oh one more thing. Just so you know, weather DID slow down construction on Dragster and it WAS rushed into being ready on time resulting into things being overlooked. That, as a result, caused a laundry list of problems with the hydraulics. Just thought you should know.....

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD. said:
I was around 13 to 14 years old when I made this account. Now I am almost 18 and usually have very few mistakes in posts. If I do have a mistake it is usually one that is not major and does not make it nearly impossible to understand what I am saying. I learned, and its about time he did too.

Ok, but in other threads on this site, his posts were clear enough for you to continue to comment on. Just saying.

PrawoJazdy. said:
However, ask yourself, how is saying that bragging about an ASVAB score (which should be bragged about) tell him all he needs to know about that person not an insult?

Well, don't worry about what he has to say. In the past, he said the SAME EXACT thing to me after I explained that I wrestled, played football, and ran track in high school.

So either he got picked on by the athletes when he went to school and is still traumatized by it, or he promotes obesity. I don't know yet because I still have yet to figure that one out, especially since in a different thread in the News section about the new DQ, he says that medium sized blizzards have too much saturated fat and that is one reason why America is so obese.

So while we chose to do athletics as extra curricular activities, he chose not to partake in sports which is no problem. But posting strong and ignorant comments geared towards people who have the athletic talent and skills and who want to stay physically fit are unnecessary!

With that said, I congratulate both of you scoring well on the ASVAB! My buddy is in the Marines in the PLC program, and a lot of my family members are in many different branches of the military. Thank you for serving and representing our country, even though we have people who don't appreciate it as much. I respect anybody to join the military. So, Good Luck and thank you to the both of you and anyone else in the military who reads this!

Please, then, point out to where it was stated that this was a money issue. To my understanding it was about CF choosing Mondial because they felt it was the safer design. I now feel I was denied need to know information.

I'm not certain it was a money issue, but I believe it was. Either way, waiting that late in the game to make a decision is having adverse effects on the ride opening on time.

Oh and good job taking my text out of context to tie into your argument.

Thank you. However, I don't think "taking out of context" means what you think it means. I just don't think you talked to anyone about anything important or relevant to the situation.

But thank god you talked to Kinzel in regards to........um.....in regards to. What DID you talk to him about? And what did he say? Just curious.......

Look up the word facetious.

I'm done trying to suggest to you the weather played a major part in the delay.

Finally. Thank you.

I'm just going to accept that you're hell bent on some kind of conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy theory?! Ha.. thats rich. I don't think it's a conspiracy theory. I think it's Cedar Fair trying to save face in front of share holders and thats not okay.

Oh one more thing. Just so you know, weather DID slow down construction on Dragster and it WAS rushed into being ready on time resulting into things being overlooked. That, as a result, caused a laundry list of problems with the hydraulics. Just thought you should know.....

Cite that.

Last edited by PrawoJazdy,
Kevinj's avatar

weather DID slow down construction on Dragster and it WAS rushed into being ready on time resulting into things being overlooked. That, as a result, caused a laundry list of problems with the hydraulics.

A la Son of Beast at Kings Island. The hype around the record-breaking coaster(s) forced CP to rush things. Apparently an important lesson was learned.

Unless a major ride is started before the off-season begins, it is highly unlikely that it will ever be done by the second week in May. Is it possible? Yes, but with every ride added, the off-season work-load is increased, and the off-season is already much shorter than it used to be.

Devarious, perhaps I can give you some perspective. The attitude and perceived over-reaction you have been met with is at least partly based in the fact that to many people who post here, along with myself, Cedar Point is much more than just a place you will work at in the summer. If that is all that it is to you, I understand your perspective. However, CP is not just a place on a map, it's not just another park, and it's certainly not just a "summer job". Cedar Point is a large part of my childhood. It's now the same for my daughter. Truth be told, it's one of only a few places on Earth that I personally have positive memories with my family of origin. It's every summer I had growing up. It's memories of both high school friendships as well as college...to be brief, it's a highly significant place that holds very special meaning.

That said, if it is just a summer job for you, I get where you are coming from. In a perfect universe, every employee, regardless of what they do, would treat it with the same care and perfectionist attitude that those in upper-management should (emphasis on the should).

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

PrawoJazdy said:

But thank god you talked to Kinzel in regards to........um.....in regards to. What DID you talk to him about? And what did he say? Just curious.......

Look up the word facetious.

You talked with Dick Kinzel about the definition of the word 'facetious'? What exactly did he say it used to mean?

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Are these people being serious right now? Your posts aren't even arguing a point anymore, and you are now just trying to pick fights.

Let's Get Weird.

Waffles's avatar

How did we get here from "Point Perks" again?

2011 - Trash Crew

TTD 120mph's avatar

I've been serious this whole time. But whatever, I'm done picking fights. It's not healthy to continue with this frivolous arguing over something that's out of our control. I didn't think I'd get this flustered over a flat ride and one persons opinion. It's usually Dragster I get flustered over when people share negative opinions about it.

Guess I've been overly stressed due to working for 3 straight weeks. I can't wait for the season to start and watch all that stress fly into the wind when I launch at 120mph for the first time in 7 months. So lets all agree to disagree and be friends now. Agree Mr.Jazdy? :D

Weather, bad decisions, slow construction.....whatever. What's done is already in the past. Moving on! :D

So on topic, those point perks sure are perky.....or wait.....we're still sure they're perky, right?:)

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

TTD 120mph said:
.So lets all agree to disagree and be friends now. Agree Mr.Jazdy? :D

Sure thing. ;)

Kevinj's avatar


Promoter of fog.

I don't know how we got here, but I have to add my thoughts about something mentioned several times.

I don't feel the problems with Top Thrill Dragster and Son of Beast were caused by the park rushing their openings. I'm going to stand behind both parks in that if they felt lives were at risk, these rides wouldn't have opened on time. Additionally, they had to have thorough testing and state inspection before opening, and they passed.

The problems with Top Thrill Dragster and Son of Beast primarily related to flawed engineering, and no matter how much time they spent building these rides to specifications, they always would have had these problems as designed. Since both rides were prototypes, it was a matter of trial and error to get them working with reduced problems...Son of Beast's still not resolved.

If you look at Shoot the Rapids, its opening wasn't rushed, yet it still remains one of the most problematic rides in recent history. So, I don't feel any lessons were learned here...if there was a lesson for TTD, SOB, and StR, it would be to avoid prototype rides altogether.

I think the only reason Windseeker has been delayed is because not enough time was planned to build this prototype ride for park opening. This is not a big deal though if it really is going to open in a matter of days, as Kinzel says.

Ahhh so now we want to steer back to Point Perks as I'm writing my response! haha Ok, Point Perks...ummmm why no food perks?

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