11/14 Small picture update

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
You peeps provide some "good times" in the offseason!

I Met Brittney! Shes SOOOOOO Cool!

Don't they though JS. Hell, 330 sounds logical to me, track is still pointing straight up no TH yet, CP decides only to outdo MF by 20Ft. Boy, I wish I was "In the Know", then I could believe something other the 330Ft. Hope the people "In the Know" start talking. Don't start another topic about those people talking either folks. Gonna be a long offseason.

"This second hill is my favorite part of the ride. It is so Cool!"
"Who's the &&&&& now" The New Guy
Dan's Back

If I'm not mistaken, the tower is probably around 330 feet tall by now. I checked the little cams 5 minutes ago and this thing is still goin higher and higher!

I'm still guessing right around 400 but unfortunately I have nothing to back that up with.. haha!


Panic Attack

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