Actual response from Chat GPT below. Scary. I think half of the posters on this board could be replaced by Chat GPT within 6 months ;)
"Steel Vengeance could be shortened to "SV" or "SteeV". These options are short, simple and would likely be embraced by the enthusiast community. Another option could be "Venge", as it's still keeping the Vengeance part of the name and it's a catchy one word option."
Isn't "SteVe" another one?
No. To me, the point of shortening a ride name is to make it easier to type: "MF" is easier to type than "Millennium Force", "GK" is easier to type than "GateKeeper", "Maggie" is easier to type than "Magnum XL 200" (though no easier to type than "Magnum", FWIW), etc..
Adding a random capital letter in the middle (or to the end of, Walt ;-)) a word does not make it easier to type. Though I suppose to be fair, "SteVe" is slightly easier than "Steel Vengeance", but if the goal is to make it easy, rather than cute or whatever, while also being identifiable, "SV" makes the most sense.
And "Venge" is ridiculous.
One need not look at a calendar to determine that it is the middle of winter. This conversation is proof enough.
"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."
-Walt Disney
First, hit play, then read it out loud.
Explain why Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point needs replaced because of the accident in 2021 in the writing style of William Shakespeare.
Alas, Top Thrill Dragster, thy fate is sealed, For an accident hath occurred, that cannot be healed.
A mechanical failure doth lead to a tragic fate, For riders who trust thy speed, and thy launch rate.
Thy safety record, doth come into question, For this accident, doth leave a harsh impression.
The park's reputation, doth suffer greatly too, For the safety of the guests, doth not come through.
Thy age and wear, doth also play a part, For newer, safer rides, doth make a better start.
Farewell Top Thrill Dragster, thou hast served us well, But it is time for a change, and a new ride to dwell.
Promoter of fog.
No. To me, the point of shortening a ride name is to make it easier to type: "MF" is easier to type than "Millennium Force", "GK" is easier to type than "GateKeeper", "Maggie" is easier to type than "Magnum XL 200" (though no easier to type than "Magnum", FWIW), etc..
So, I guess I do not need to type Troika Troika Troika for folks to understand I am referring to Troika. I wouldn't want it to be confused with Troika Troika or TroiKa or Troik.
Steel Vengeance rides: 224
I'd rather be sailing
Marina operations attendant 2021-2024
The "in the speaking style of Jules Winfield" is entirely unconvincing without NSFW language:
Listen here, let me break it down for you. Top Thrill Dragster, that big ol' roller coaster at Cedar Point, needs to be replaced 'cause there was a mishap back in 2021. See, them thrill-seekers were put in harm's way, and that ain't no way to run a park. Safety always gotta come first. And when something's broken, you fix it. It's time for Cedar Point to get a new, safer ride for all those adrenaline junkies out there. That's the bottom line.
There is a new aerial photo making the rounds, and while somewhat blurry, it looks like the Christmas tree has been removed. Not much else to note.
There are a couple of more things than that. The station is completely gutted now down to dirt and the digging is all the way to the photo booth which has started to be dismantled.
and what happened to webcam 2?
If they wind up extending the construction wall in that area to include the old photo booth that path is going to get pretty narrow, and it gets crowded in that area.
The Christmas tree light has been removed? What? I thought if it was still standing in November it would stay there forever. That's crazy.
It's interesting that the electrical is torn out now. Tearing out the old control booth and electrical components is a big move. Swing launch/Velocicoaster infield confirmed 100 percent. (that's a joke). More seriously that is very interesting, I remember discussing with DJ a long time ago on this forum that electrical probably wouldn't be moved (I hope I'm remembering our discourse correctly, DJ you can correct me if I'm wrong). Likely they need more room in the station for the new launch. I know Eltoro Ryan suggested a new blocking system that would utilize part of the old station.
Very interesting!
Part of the old station that isn't there anymore? Guess eltororyan was wrong on that one. Why do these YouTubers get so much attention?
Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!
No, what ElToroRyan suggested was that the launch may start in the station, and not 20 feet out of the station as previously done. The theory behind that is it would give the train a slight bit more launch track allowing it to reach the desired speed more effectively and hopefully more reliable than before.
I remember getting into a back and forth with someone on here about the theming elements and how that person argued that since they were still standing that somehow meant something.
It is pretty strange that they worked around the launch light tower only to remove it later. And I'm a little surprised they razed everything short of the station roof. But good for them that they're going all-in on this.
Frog Hopper King:
I remember discussing with DJ a long time ago on this forum that electrical probably wouldn't be moved
I don't recall taking the position that the electrical wouldn't be moved, if that's what you mean. Somewhat recently I did posit that because the new launch is (presumably) electrical rather than mechanical, it may make sense to relocate the energy source to a location more central to the launch track. Or at the very least more central to the station, transfer track, etc.
As far as the control booth and station going away, it makes sense that if you're installing a new launch, which will require an overhaul of the controls systems, might as well go all the way and start from scratch.
Closed topic.