If Zamperla is indeed spearheading this renovation/conversion, I can totally see some folks kvetching that they've never worked on this scale of a coaster before (to my knowledge... not sure if they've done any coaster projects past the junior/family coaster and wild mouse levels, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) and clearly they're going to somehow screw it up from a lack of experience.
Counterpoint to that, wasn't Intamin mostly known for bobsleds, a handful of woodies, and quirky smaller coasters before suddenly starting with the record breakers in the late 90s? It's not like there's a certification process for being qualified to build coasters past a certain height.
Cedar Pointer:
Most GP don’t like to ride wooden coasters because wood coasters are associated with being rough.
This is a wholy ridiculous assertion and it sounds like you haven't been in line behind hundreds of other people for a wood coaster.
Seriously? I feel like most conversations I have with normies think that wooden rollercoasters are rougher than steel coasters. I have had friends not ride Gemini because they say "That's a wooden rollercoaster and those give me headaches". Most of the general public associates wooden coasters with uncomfortable and roughness.
This whole side conversation about wooden coasters is silly. DJ suggested that CP is better investing the capital in a new Wooden coaster than expanding the track layout of Dragster. This whole conversation is predicated on whether or not CP is making the right investment in updating Dragster. Which is an irrelevant conversation because obviously they already are committing the capital to do so. (Again, whether it is an LSM flip or complete reimagining is yet to be seen, regardless the money is being invested to resurrect dragster)
Most people who say wood coasters are rougher than steel coasters must have not ridden Manhattan Express, or whatever it was called.
Or frankly Magnum on a bum wheel.
I have some friends in Cincinnati that have been building wood coasters for two decades, and they make a pretty good living at it for a product that some of your insist nobody wants.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
Granted, the perception of wooden coasters as rough isn't helped by the likes of pretty much every coaster that's been RMC'd or the reputations of coasters like Hercules. I don't think I can think of a single wooden coaster that's gotten the RMC conversion where the original wooden layout has been missed. That's not to say there aren't conversions I think could've been done better or more creatively (Iron Rattler comes to mind), but yeah.
At the same time, I don't see why the park needs to cater to GP perceptions in this particular instance. "Wooden Roller Coaster 1 looks too intense for me" is not the same thing as "I'm not going on Wooden Roller Coaster 1, it isn't safe". And I guarantee you'll find just as many non-enthusiast riders who will tell you they LIKE wooden coasters more because "they're old and rickety" even if they're talking about, say, Mystic Timbers.
And I do agree that the "only wooden coasters are rough" mindset is silly when you have the likes of Manhattan Express (and pretty much any other remaining Togo), the vast majority of Vekoma SLCs, and poorly maintained old Arrows around.
Jeff, That’s not what is being said at all. How about you reread what I said and try again.
The Crystal Method is the only way to find The Winner!
Most GP think of wooden coasters as rough (or rougher than steel coasters). I don't think anyone in good faith could argue against that point.
Some in the GP like a rougher ride while for many, it's an instant deal breaker. They won't even get on one even if it's brand new, even if its glass smooth.
Yes, wooden coasters are still in demand, but that doesn't change the fact of inherent thoughts of the GP toward them and the high demand for upkeep that comes with having a consistently smooth ride through the years. Some parks specialize in maintaining these coasters while others don't. Just because CP is one of the biggest amusement parks, doesn't mean that they have the specialized team dedicated to it (like holiday world and KI)
The more times I see the term “GP” used, the more I hate it. I didn’t think it was possible for me to dislike it any more than I already did.
Cedar Pointer:
How about you reread what I said and try again.
Don't confuse your lack of an effective argument with a lack of reading comprehension on the part of others.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
Frog Hopper King:
Some in the GP like a rougher ride while for many, it's an instant deal breaker. They won't even get on one even if it's brand new, even if its glass smooth.
The fact that Mystic Timbers consistently has one of the longest lines at KI says otherwise.
Life is like a roller coaster. It has its ups and downs, but it’s your choice to scream or enjoy the ride.
Park guests like fun rides that are comfortable. Park guests don't like excessively rough rides that are not comfortable. I don't know why enthusiasts are still hung up on the average park guest caring out manufacturer, track material, structure material, queue rail material, etc. As long as it's fun and provides the thrill they are looking for, it's a winner.
Look at it this way - in the enthusiast community there is somewhat of a consensus that Valravn falls a little short compared with its two counterparts at each Busch Gardens park. But to the average Cedar Point guest, it's a huge adrenaline rush with that big vertical drop. And there are always spectators at the base of the drop watching the trains oooing and aahhing. It doesn't matter one bit that it's not necessarily an enthusiast favorite for many when compared to some of the more unique offerings at the park. It does its job well and is a fan favorite.
I still remember when everyone was freaked out over Maverick because it wasn't breaking any height or speed records. "Who is going to want to ride that?" was a conversation both amongst casual park goers and enthusiasts on the internet. Now it's arguably the most popular coaster in the park, even after 15 years.
Seems like it’s more of the enthusiasts that think wood coasters are rougher since it’s all the enthusiasts talking about how they are rougher.
First ride; Magnum 1994
Lol you used an anecdote for an argument. You know people that build coaster. I know people who don’t like to ride them.
the invisible hand doesn’t agree with you. The market has been moving away from wood coasters for years.
Holiday World is an outlier. Lots of parks struggle to keep their wood coasters smooth. Mt. Olympus, kings dominion, carowinds, both fun spots in Orlando.
as for the hundreds of people in line. I guess when I go to universal studios and there are hundreds of people in line for Fast and Furious that means that everyone must like it?
and I question your reading comprehension, because literally no one was making the argument you are stating people are making. Nice try try again.
The Crystal Method is the only way to find The Winner!
My home park is Six Flags Great America, and they have one of the better wooden coaster lineups in the country. Goliath is a bit of an outlier with it being a modern RMC, but Viper and American Eagle consistently have solid lines despite them showing some age. I think American Eagle has some of the most underrated ejector air time if you sit in the right seat. I always forget that it is one of the two SFGAm Intamins. My wife refuses to get on Demon, and it almost never has a line these days.
Anyway, I cannot wait to find out what is going to happen to Dragster and see the progress made in the coming months!
Frog Hopper King:
Some in the GP like a rougher ride while for many, it's an instant deal breaker. They won't even get on one even if it's brand new, even if its glass smooth.
The fact that Mystic Timbers consistently has one of the longest lines at KI says otherwise.
The fact that most coasters built today at theme parks are steel says otherwise.
Notice how I said, "for many". This means that for many people wooden coasters are a nonstarter. Not all. Obviously, for those who are in line for mystic timbers, it is not.
Genuine question, if the public absolutely LOVES wooden coasters then why do all of the leading parks have a majority steal coasters? Why isn't it reversed?
Again, I'm not saying that there isn't a market for wooden coasters, or even that many people don't like riding them. I was just responding to Jeff's ridiculous claims that most people don't think wooden coasters are rough.
e x i t english:
The more times I see the term “GP” used, the more I hate it. I didn’t think it was possible for me to dislike it any more than I already did.
ok, I mean I thought half of this conversation was attempting to think not like an enthusiast but from the common person going to Cedar Point. From now on instead of using GP, ill use JS.
Cedar Pointer:
The market has been moving away from wood coasters for years.
Again, the companies building wood coasters would be shocked to hear this.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
Then why of the 96 new coasters being built next year is only one of them a wooden coaster? Seems like the overwhelming data disproves your anecdote. right?
The fact that Mystic Timbers consistently has one of the longest lines at KI says otherwise.
I finally made it back to Kings Island this year just in time for closing weekend. It was my first visit since Banshee opened, and really wanted to try Mystic Timbers. Arrived at the park for early entry on Saturday and was pleasantly surprised on my first ride, what a great coaster! I immediately got back in line a few more times for more laps before the queue filled up for the busy day.
If CP were to build a new wooden coaster, it should be similar to Mystic Timbers. Corkscrew could be next on the chopping block and the perfect location for a wooden coaster. I have a feeling Matterhorn and Scrambler are being relocated for one other reason in addition to being part of the new boardwalk area. Just my two cents.
Frog Hopper King:
why do all of the leading parks have a majority steal coasters?
Closed topic.