Does the average park guest care that Blue Streak is the only wooden coaster? I would guess as long as a coaster gives a good ride most people don't care if it is steel, wood, or plastic.
I agree for the most part, but variety is obviously important. If they just kept installing Maverick clones in different colors instead of GK, Valravn, and SV, do you think the park would be as successful?
No, but it would help with that darn Maverick line that's always at that 45-60 minute mark even on the slowest days.
I love a good wooden coaster, but the never ending maintenance to maintain a smooth-as-new ride experience is costly. On a small scale, sure, build a woody. If it’s a large coaster, may it be metal.
If a small park in the middle of nowhere can maintain three of the most aggressive wood coasters in the world, I'm pretty sure other parks can handle it.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
The Koch family is a rarity compared to the corporate world.
Holiday World, and the Koch Family truly are a different breed when it comes to showcasing and maintaining their wooden assets. That being said, how much does a park's attendance along with the attraction's annual workload become a factor in a wooden coaster's longevity? Size, length, design, desired capacity, etc all have to be a factor when making these decisions? Is Cedar Point too big to take on a maintenance challenge going forward? Even a coaster like Goldstriker at CGA, which I've ridden only once (2nd year of operation) and loved, yet we hear how rough it is currently? Seems out-and-back layouts are the woodies that make the cut, long-term?
I see more of a nostalgia factor with woodies going forward. Being built more tame, specifically for longevity, family oriented, such as InvadR and Zambezi Zinger? Both offer unique thrills for all guests, and ultimately may result in less headaches, maintenance costs, better overall guest experiences to their respected Companies? Look back at all of the smaller and great woodies some of us had the privilege to enjoy in our younger years... Big Dipper & Raging Wolf Bobs at GL, Thunderbolt & Jack Rabbit at KW, and of course, The Beast. If built today, other than Beast, all would more than likely be classified as family or mid-range attractions. They'll never be valued this current day as they were to some of us then.
Going forward, this may be an opportunity for parks to implement more theming, unique elements (spiral lift-hill) that visually appeal and offer that COOL and/or WOW factor? Take The Beast for example, a night ride is a must, and offers a completely different experience because of the theming achieved. Size cannot matter in 2022 when planning & constructing a wooden coaster. Wood will never perform and do what steel can in this Industry. The Big Woodies, other than Voyage, never last.
On another note, anyone notice the TTD tower blinking yesterday on the video cam? Today, Nothing? Love the placement and views from the cams right now, so fitting.
If Cedar Point can handle maintaining an Intamin, they can handle maintaining a wooden coaster.
And with KI having experience with both a GCI and TGG's new track, pairing whatever works best with a steel structure could be a winning combination.
Going forward, this may be an opportunity for parks to implement more theming, unique elements (spiral lift-hill) that visually appeal and offer that COOL and/or WOW factor? Take The Beast for example, a night ride is a must, and offers a completely different experience because of the theming achieved. Size cannot matter in 2022 when planning & constructing a wooden coaster. Wood will never perform and do what steel can in this Industry.
This is obviously more on my Kings Island wish list since Cedar Point has no 'terrain' to speak of, but I do wish KI would built a modern woodie that took advantage of the ravines and elevation changes just to see what we could get. I know they've got Mystic Timbers, but all things considered that's on a comparatively flat part of the property.
I don't see the need for "COOL and/or WOW factor" elements. Give me a TGG woodie with Timberliners trains and plenty of bunny hop hills and tight turns and I am good, but I've never been one of the ones enthralled with the biggest, fastest, tallest phenomenon.
If Cedar Point can handle maintaining an Intamin, they can handle maintaining a wooden coaster.
I would guess that the maintenance on an Intamin would be heavy on the instrument/controls/electrical side (and welders if Wicked Twister is considered) while maintenance on a wooden coaster would fall into the laps of carptenters. Seems to be two very different skill sets.
I was joking - shoulda included a winky - but yes, different skill set.
I wonder if the reported/rumored higher-than-expected amount of maintenance SV requires has or will influences any plans for a woodie at CP.
I've gotta imagine the hybrid structure on Voyage is maybe a little less maintenance intensive than a purely wood structure. Maybe they could go that route if they were truly concerned.
TL;DW: speculation that Zamperla could be behind the reimagining
Those of you who think that wood coasters are inherently crappy and a cash sink seem only to think of Mean Streak or Son of Beast. The rest of the planet has gotten along just fine operating and maintaining wood coasters.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
If Cedar Point can handle maintaining an Intamin, they can handle maintaining a wooden coaster.
But will they keep it open in the rain?
Those of you who think that wood coasters are inherently crappy and a cash sink seem only to think of Mean Streak or Son of Beast. The rest of the planet has gotten along just fine operating and maintaining wood coasters.
and El Toro and the other Intamin pre-fabs. For sure there are tons of Woodies that have held up just fine but there are plenty of others a bit more temperamental.
There are a ton of parks that don’t do a good job keeping up their wood coasters. Most GP don’t like to ride wooden coasters because wood coasters are associated with being rough.
with that said, I would love a GCI at CP. I don’t think they will do it but I love Mystic Timbers and Thunderhead.
The Crystal Method is the only way to find The Winner!
Cedar Pointer:
Most GP don’t like to ride wooden coasters because wood coasters are associated with being rough.
This is a wholy ridiculous assertion and it sounds like you haven't been in line behind hundreds of other people for a wood coaster.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
Zamperla could be behind the reimagining
Very, very interesting.
Closed topic.