Special Announcement at 4:30PM on Youtube


djDaemon's avatar

They could easily break a record with a GCI - just needs two sheds!




Ya know consider me heartbroken. WT was the bargain bin ride on a busy day, especially before the updates to the area. My fondest memories were those fall days with the wind howling off the lake and just marathoning it in the freezing cold. I always found the ride to be fun, thrilling, and enjoyable. Thankfully I had a hunch thanks to you guys that its days were numbered and tried to soak in my couple rides in June.

I just don't have the command of the English language to express my feels on this one. It will be missed!

Oh and this being my first real coaster "Death" I'm unaware of the protocol. But a little more heads up by CP on it's removal would've been nice.




Dvo's avatar

^I'd say a month's or two's notice has been about par for the course for rides of this nature at regional parks. Glad you got to ride it in June.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot



Thor's avatar

This is a great idea, but hear me out: a shed within a shed.

What's in the shed, in the shed?

Undomesticated equines could not remove me.



djDaemon's avatar

Shedception - The Ride




Up until the social media age I can't even remember advance notice for ride removals.



DRE420's avatar

Yeah I remember the first ride removal that they gave us advanced notice was for WWL, and they have been pretty good about every removal since with the exception of STR and Wildcat.



Gone are the days of showing up in the spring to turn some corner and find one of your favorites is no longer there. Or go to the new ride or attraction and see it replaced another ride.
I blame the Internet…



Maybe I'm wrong, but I think they gave a little advance notice before Schwabinchen was removed.



*Sir Rub-a-Dub’s Tubs enters the chat*



MichaelB's avatar

djDaemon said:

Shedception - The Ride

New dark ride confirmed. You heard it here first, folks!



I almost wish they would just re-theme WT to something more fitting, add Intamin's new lap bar, and call it a day-- or relocate it to where the Cedars dorms used to be.



I couldn't agree more with !'s post above relative to tweaking it and/or relocating it to a different location in the park, etc. When we visit the park (NC resident of nearly 3 decades) it would always be the 1st ride we would hit. And, due to its usually shorter waits, we'd more times than not just get right back on it. I've always loved the ride! Therefore, this news for me is quite disappointing.

I do think that the 'ol "Cedar Point doesn't have a space problem" mantra makes this complete removal move somewhat ironic, let alone interesting.

Last edited by mijmic616,


! said:

I almost wish they would just re-theme WT to something more fitting,

Perhaps it could be put inside a building with some cheesy glow in the dark paint theming?



1000 years of force

1000 years of force's avatar

Or maybe add an all-wood loop, in a shed, with (cheese laden or not) UV light effects...

And debuting the new park-wide feature from the Make Me Whole Department: The new "This ride isn't as satisfying as I had hoped after a 1.5/3 hour wait", button. Press and viola a fresh, hot, made from plants and plankton hot dog is dispensed instantly and a hypoallergenic titanium straw emerges issuing forth a satisfying quantity of chilled cola "beverage". This, of course, sourced from the watershed of the Nile river where everyone is diverse and carried in large sterile glass casks on ships powered by the sun and mixed in microgravity with sugars extracted from the tears of llamas on board the Virgin Galactic drink express and delivered by the "Bezos Bombers" to a landing pad where Sandcastle Suites used to be. That is correct: Virgizon Galacticola sent straight to your seat. (and a hot dog too...)

Feeling whole yet?

"Your persiflage does not amuse. " - Ralph (from Around the world in 80 days)



^^^ Have you ever known CP to remove a beloved ride and NOT replace it with something better? Recent examples that come to mind are Turnpike cars for Valravn, Disaster Transport for Gatekeeper, Mantis for Rougarou, and even Mean Streak for Steel Vengeance. Fret not young Padawans, patience you must have; rewarded you will be.


Cargo Shorts

Cargo Shorts's avatar

I am sure someone loved STR.



CPfan1976 said:

^^^ Have you ever known CP to remove a beloved ride and NOT replace it with something better? Recent examples that come to mind are Turnpike cars for Valravn, Disaster Transport for Gatekeeper, Mantis for Rougarou, and even Mean Streak for Steel Vengeance. Fret not young Padawans, patience you must have; rewarded you will be.

Honestly I'd rather have Turnpike Cars and Disaster Transport back over Gatekeeper and Valvavn, and I've always been on Team Mantis > Rougarou.

And I know several long term park fans that love Maverick, but would trade it in a heartbeat to bring back White Water Landing.



Jeff's avatar

Why do we live in a world where you can't remove a ride and not replace it? Or a world where you can only add a ride if you remove one? Still trying to figure that out after 20 years.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music



I wonder if ! Might be on to something. The anniversary book in the video is open to the Mantis page. I’m certain that was an intentional choice. So is that a hint that they are going to do something like ! Suggested? Probably not, but I can’t think why else they would choose Mantis.

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