Steel Vengeance


Skyhawk06's avatar

Actually, I've ridden 29 times, and almost each ride has been different with the MCBR. Some days on two train operation it doesn't grab at all, other days, it's really grabby. Usually the more people in the park, the grabbier it is.

Steel Vengeance rides: 224

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024



Until yesterday, Monday, I hadn’t any experience with Steel Vengeance since the First Rider event. As sometimes happens, life gets in the way and visits come with less frequency. And it’s a chore to go up and back from Columbus. One day I went and it rained so hard I left.
Anyway, I left late and arrived at the park around 3. The parking lot was about 1/3 full maybe. I found a place close to the front gate. Sky Ride was my first stop, then walked the Trail to FT. The standby was posted at an hour and I reluctantly got in it. Turns out the wait was maybe 30-35 and I’m sure part of that was due to a lack of FL+ riders. There was nobody.
So I marched right into the SV store and got myself a band for the low, low Platinum Pass price of 85. And I found out the park was open til 11.
I “marathoned” SV for a while, maybe 9 or 10 rides. It was walk on and the super nice crew let me sit wherever I wanted. I got several front or second seat rides and many in the back. A couple toward the center. My legs were like jelly. I left, had a smoke and something to eat (not necessarily in that order) and went back for one more.
The rest of the evening was awesome. There was a slight downpour and we must’ve been on the edge of a storm because it was sunny, too. I looked everywhere for a rainbow. FL+ wasn’t helpful at most rides but for SV, Maverick, MF, and Valravn it was great. It would be easier for me to list the rides I didn’t ride- I rode everything I wanted to, even the rinky flats, and it’s been a while since I’ve had that kind of day. I even saw the new Fire and Ice, evening addition. And had ice cream.

The SV crew is amazing. As many of you know there’s a 60 second countdown clock and in all my rides they hit it with time to spare. Once they scored a twelve and they were very happy. They work well together, they weren’t worn out, and seem very glad to be working the nation’s best new ride.
As for the brake, sometimes it slowed down a little and sometimes not. After so many rides and observing platform operations so intently I can honestly say that if it slows at all it’s a speed reduction thing, and has nothing to do with the upcoming three train op. The second half never disappointed, and every time the very last stretch was almost too much. Almost. My nighttime ride blew me away.
We’ll see, but you guys and gals who are fretting over this can relax.



darkrider68's avatar

RCMAC said:

And it’s a chore to go up and back from Columbus.

Totally understand that. I live in Stark County. I've had it with the back and forth in one day trips. Feel I'm at the stage of my life where I can treat myself to a hotel room when I go up there these days.

Enjoying the Ohio park on the shores of beautiful Lake Erie since the mid-1970s!



I usually stay if I can but I needed to tend to something on the fairgrounds this morning and I had already selfishly spent money on FL+. So I toughed it out on those dark, lonely, speed trap state routes. I pulled up in front of my house at 1:something something. The good news was I hadn’t left at 6a like I usually do.



Curious what the score of 12 was... 12 intervals in a row? A way to go to catch up with Magnum's 335 in a row in 2004, but still nice to see them doing a great job and having fun.

Maybe it was something completely different. Just guessing.




TheMissingLincc's avatar

I took RCMAC to mean that the 12 was how many second were left on the interval clock.

# of rainy back row night rides after the park closes on Steel Vengeance: 1



That’s correct. Sometimes it was only 5 or 6, but the guy or gal on the mic always let them know. And the better the score allowed them to dispatch before the other train hit the brake which in turn spent less time coming in. And when that happened they were really rockin.
Seriously, friends, I had one of the best CP days. And all by my lonesome.
There’s discussion in a couple of places about how CP seems to be less busy than usual. Maybe it’s not exactly good for the bottom line but I have to say I’m good with it.



It could have to do with the very hot summer we've had. Even though CP is on a lake the concrete jungle always makes it worse.

However I'm a wuss when it comes to heat. Just takes the fun out of everything unless water is involved(For me). But it does result in shorter lines, I remember being a kid and having to go in mid summer. If it was very hot rides like TTD and MF would essentially be walk on's.


Cargo Shorts

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Once I don’t have the expense of kids I will treat myself to room. Lol. Pulled a long one last Tuesday, 8am departure for CPS early entry. By 10:30 the boys were practically begging to go home, “Don’t you want to stay for fireworks?”, “NO!” “OK, but how about a last ride on Magnum on the way out?”, “NO!”

Same as you made it home after 1 but was so caffeinated it took a couple of tall beverages to bring my self down. Of course I was zombie the next day and didn’t get crap done.



darkrider68's avatar

I really miss my kids when they were young and cute, but I must say, I'm enjoying my freedom now. I try to get up to "the lake" every few weeks for a few days. I do quite a bit of fishing up there too. Thought about buying a small RV trailer and rent a space at a marina or campground for the season, but after I crunched the numbers, it didn't make financial sense while I'm still working. Staying in a hotel is much cheaper. I'll revisit the idea again when I retire. The back and forth to CP in one day is getting too hard anymore. I just get too tired.

Enjoying the Ohio park on the shores of beautiful Lake Erie since the mid-1970s!



ImpulsivePhoenix's avatar

I know I'm done with early entry while the park closes at 11, just too long a day for me. I prefer to be at the park late night anyways.

Sacrificing playing video games to ride roller coasters.



darkrider68's avatar

You know, I've been enjoying evening visits this year as well. I've always been a die hard early entry guy.

Enjoying the Ohio park on the shores of beautiful Lake Erie since the mid-1970s!


Cargo Shorts

Cargo Shorts's avatar

I prefer nights as well except the trade off is front row is a bit more painful.



DRE420's avatar

I'm also a die hard early entry guy, but the last few times I've visited, it's been hard to keep up with the long day. This last Sunday was the worst. We got to the park around 8:30 for early entry, the heat was already rising, and by 10, I was drenched in sweat. I was damn near dead by 5. CoasterMania is even getting to be too long of a day for me, and the problem is, I will drag my body through it because I love that damn place so much.



Ok, so I finally rode SV in the back car at night which was the best ride of my life on any coaster or anything. I always prefer the front row on most coasters...Millennium, Maverick, Fury, and even Lightning Rod...but this destroyed all other rides. There is no bad seat on this coaster, but back car is just a different experience for whatever reason on this ride....especially at night.



darkrider68's avatar

One of the many things I love about SV. You can sit anywhere and get a great ride.

Enjoying the Ohio park on the shores of beautiful Lake Erie since the mid-1970s!



Wavefunction said:

Ok, so I finally rode SV in the back car at night which was the best ride of my life on any coaster or anything. I always prefer the front row on most coasters...Millennium, Maverick, Fury, and even Lightning Rod...but this destroyed all other rides. There is no bad seat on this coaster, but back car is just a different experience for whatever reason on this ride....especially at night.

Bro, I got to ride it back row last night too, definitely a different experience.



Skyhawk06's avatar

Yep, pretty much. That ride is very violent. I can tell you now I've had a couple rides where my lap bar was locked in, and at some point during the ride, my lap bar drops down another couple levels. Keep in mind, I'm one of the cubbier women who ride this thing, and it hurt.

Another thing, no phones are allowed on this ride.

Geez, that's a lot of phones that people lost. I can tell you now, I almost lost my sunglasses and shirt(but I was wearing my swimsuit underneath). I actually did try to ride with my phone and wallet once and throughout the whole ride I was worrying about them falling out.

Steel Vengeance rides: 224

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024


Rapids 77-78

Rapids 77-78's avatar

How do they plan to enforce that? Hulk at IOA in Orlando uses metal detectors.

If it is enforced, that will reduce the wait time. I can imagine a fair amount of people balking at having to be without their phone for 60 minutes or longer.



TheMissingLincc's avatar

From what I am hearing, it's enforced if they see the phone. IE, if they see you have it in line, then you get kicked out. Not sure if that includes if it's very clearly in your pocket or not.

# of rainy back row night rides after the park closes on Steel Vengeance: 1


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