Steel Vengeance

TwistedWicker77 said:

I don’t think anything in your post was “obvious”, but that’s neither here nor there.

I know it’s too early to tell, but have there been a lot of major projects announced yet for RMC for next year? Or do you think we can see them spending time on TT and SV during the off-season.

2019 RMC has White Cyclone which they have been working on but it's SV size project with 5500+ ft track on the original. They also have Robinhood at Walibi Holland about 3400ft original length.. There are no real hints,survey markers, etc.. of US conversions happening in 2019. RMC also has the Raptors, which I think Sf will buy at least 2.

operative_me's avatar

The meteorologists aren't doing CP any favors this year, but it's worked out well for me. I went yesterday even though they were predicting thunderstorms throughout most of the day. As a result, park was not too busy. Hopped into SV line around 10:55pm since it was posting a 60 minute wait, was in my car driving home by 11:30. Another fantastic night ride.

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Now everyone can have a piece of Mean Streak.

XS NightClub's avatar

Not even if they moved the decimal point to the left.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Paisley's avatar

Someone on ebay recently moved the decimal to the right. Of course that was before they announced they would start selling them in the park.

Honorarius's avatar

Finally got to ride!!! Top notch ride, great addition to the park...

ImpulsivePhoenix's avatar

Yesterday with the off and on rain, SV went to one train operation. It was not trimmed and it was very easy to notice the faster speed in the 2nd half. I must say it was glorious, made it more intense in the best of ways.

Sacrificing playing video games to ride roller coasters.

operative_me's avatar

Weird. I rode at the end of the night, and didn't even notice the trim even with two train ops.

Or perhaps it's all in your head lol.

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0

ImpulsivePhoenix's avatar

I have definitely ridden SV enough times to know when it's getting trimmed or not. Sometimes going on end of night rides myself (notably last ride of night) there is no trim.

Sacrificing playing video games to ride roller coasters.

Skyhawk06's avatar

Yeah, they don't trim it at night most of the time. Hey, what's that event Steel Vengeance is closing for?

Steel Vengeance rides: 222

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

Big Bash. It’s an appreciation event for employees. Not guests.

Skyhawk06's avatar

Why did they not say anything about this on twitter?

Steel Vengeance rides: 222

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

Skyhawk06 said:

Why did they not say anything about this on twitter?

Both Tony and Cedar Point tweeted about it.

SV ruins all other rides.

Skyhawk06's avatar

Okay, I meant to say why they didn't tweet more specifically what kind of event it was.

Steel Vengeance rides: 222

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

Because it has to do with employees and not the GP

Because not everything should be public knowledge.

XS NightClub's avatar

Oh yeah, its that time of the year to start sucking up to employees, trying to get them to hang on the rest of the regular season and fall season.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

Big Bash has happened around early to mid August for decades. It's the last major employee fun night of the season before many employees head back to college.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Exactly. Just like a company picnic for many businesses, Big Bash has never been a “suck up” event.

Ralph Wiggum said:

Big Bash has happened around early to mid August for decades. It's the last major employee fun night of the season before many employees head back to college.

Big Bash 2018 was great! Many Steel Vengeance rides, free food, a couple of T-shirts and gift cards for more free food. It was worth staying up for!

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