CP Rundown on Facebook just posted a ton more pictures of the track beside Breakers Express.
1999: First visit
Halloweekends- Harvest Fear, Tombstone Terror-Tory
Ride Operations- Professor Delbert’s Frontier Fling
To anyone still in denial over it being a dive coaster, just look at those pics. There is one showing a track section with a double booster wheel. The only current B&M coaster that uses that are the dive machines.
Is there a consensus yet on which park this track is headed to?
I almost had a coffee spill after reading that one... Well done
Honorarius said:
^^^ CW already had their announcement this morning (Larson Flying Scooter and what appears to be a Gerstlauer SkyRoller or something very similar) so the dive track must be on it's way to MiA...
Wait what? Michigan Adventure is getting a Dive coaster too?
Calm down Shawn, the new brown B&M track isn't for MiA, its for retracking Shoot the Rapids.
HeyIsntThatRob? said:
Calm down Shawn, the new brown B&M track isn't for MiA, its for retracking Shoot the Rapids.
Damn, I should have ridden that when I was there! How could I have missed the best Intamin coaster at Cedar Point!
That's weird! I didn't know you could re-track a water ride. Lol!
My faith in humanity has been temporarily restored. It seems that there are still people around who can take a joke! ;)
Snapped a quick picture of the track outside of Breakers Express yesterday. Looks like some support beams have arrived as well.
Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa
Just a random thought; Why did they bring in track for Maverick and now Valravn (or whatever it will be called) this early and store it next to Breakers Express. I don't recall Gatekeeper track arriving for a little while after the season was over or placing it outside of Breakers Express however i could be wrong. Either way it looks like it will be a cool addition to the skyline of Cedar Point.
Coaster Bucket List: 1) Fury 325 2) Leviathan 3) Intimidator 305 4) Kingda Ka 5) Formula Rosa
I'm not sure about Maverick but remember how the announcement is supposed to be last Tuesday? They wanted it to be so the track makes it the day of or the day after the announcement. For Gatekeeper I remember it being announced before they torn down Disaster Transport so they didn't need the track as early due to them not having to start vertical construction yet, but the Dive Coaster can start construction once they put the footers up because they only need to place footers down at this point.
^ Your name dude....
New for 2018... RMC Iron Horse!!!
Different construction schedules for different rides.
Also the plant that manufactures the track is in southern Ohio. Track deliveries could also be based on their production schedule. We know they are currently making track for CP and Mako at Sea World. If they have limited storage space for finished goods they may also dictate when deliveries start to occur.
Not sure where Intamin track is manufactured but it could be the same scenario.
INTAMIN track is imported from Europe.
Construction on Maverick had already started by this point in the season, I do believe. Certainly around the time of first deliveries.
Well, as we all wait on the big answer to come abt the new coaster, I wonder this. Will this coaster help bring back The Golden Ticket Award to the park ? Ive seen a lot of feedback abt what happen in the Raptor area and this guys sad death. Yes, I agree the park should've and has shown it's respect to his family. But, when does it come time to move forward ? Like many are saying...it had nothing to do w Raptor, nor, the parks fault, and now with the track and misc parts showning up, unless there is a name change. Its time to be back to business as usual.
What the park knew, but we didn't, was that Mr Edwards would be departing this past week; management may be working to designate his replacement or to revamp the management structure for the department before re-scheduling an announcement.
And, for a major PR announcement, there's going to be several factors to keep in mind when setting a day and time. The park wouldn't want to compete with another major announcement (the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame announcing a major new exhibit, for example). Media outlets will need time to schedule personnel and resources.
I'm a Marxist, of the Groucho sort.
With the timing of Bryan Edwards leaving im sure they had it planned out for him to depart after the announcement, which was supposed to be last week. As it stands now, I agree that the official announcement will be delayed until CP has the replacement/new structure in place.
If the leaked plans via the app are indeed the final plans and the track itself now arriving, I'm not sure an official announcement is needed quickly. I would think a large percentage of people considering season passes, or planning a trip next year would already know what's coming.
But there's so many other things we don't know. Maybe the BS midway will expand. We don't know if the marina gate will change in anyway. We have no idea what the train colors or how many seats the trains will have. Dare I say theming. I get excited to see what the queue line and entrance will look like. There's still a lot more to see other than the general idea of the coaster.
1999: First visit
Halloweekends- Harvest Fear, Tombstone Terror-Tory
Ride Operations- Professor Delbert’s Frontier Fling
So I finally got to see these new track pieces and supports next to the Breakers Express hotel this afternoon (there are 8 supports and 4 track pieces currently) and have to say that the support colors remind me of the old Mantis support colors before they were repainted for Rougarou. After seeing the brown track in person, I'm torn on what to think of the color scheme for this new ride. I'm glad that CP decided to go with a different color for coaster track after so many years of red and blue but I think that these are an odd combination of colors for this new dive coaster. I will definitely ride the coaster but it should be interesting seeing the final product in person.
Also for the future, how about some black track with red supports ( a Vampire themed coaster!) or that purple track (ala Banshee) to mix things up a little. Just my 2c.
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