HalloWeekends 2008 Pictures?


Yeah, I just saw the bridge for Terror island, glad it's not the hand-me-down bridge from Geauga lake..:)

By the way, does anyone know if camp snoopy rides will be open when carnevil is going on after 8pm? I know they are open before that, because T and T's blog told me so.



JuggaLotus's avatar

No, Camp Snoopy will be closed prior to CarnEvil opening.

Goodbye MrScott



Western Cruiser

Camp Snoopy will definitely be an interesting place for CarnEvil, especially if they turn on the ride lights, since most of those rides have a carnival feel to them. I wonder if they've considered that.

Here I go as a parent again, though--we visited on Sunday (9/7) and walked through Camp Snoopy. The problem is, since they've installed all of the CarnEvil stuff, they've removed all the benches on which folks can sit. Understandably--they don't have benches in their scare zones. But it will be difficult during the daytime when parents need to sit down with their kids in Camp Snoopy...I guess we'll find a landscaping wall to sit on instead. It's too bad they couldn't have found a different place for it, but I can't really think of where else it might go.

I find it interesting that they are marketing Planet Snoopy so heavily over Camp Snoopy--certainly, it's their "new" attraction for this year, so it makes sense (and most of the G.P. isn't aware and doesn't care that those are hand-me-down rides). [In fact, we were surveyed on Sunday...Planet Snoopy was listed as a "How important to you is..." question, but she refused to write down my positive comment about Camp Snoopy!]

But IMHO, Camp Snoopy is a much more pleasant place than Planet Snoopy...nice landscaping, trees, the lagoons in the background, etc. Shame to "scare it up" in a year they're emphasizing "family" fun.

I can only wonder (fear) if Camp Snoopy (and perhaps the Mine Ride near it) aren't too long for this world? That would be a shame--it's only 11 or 12 years old, and still looks very, very nice.

But CarnEvil? Can't wait! It will indeed be a great location!

Last edited by Western Cruiser,

Jason Hammond

Jason Hammond's avatar

^ I seriously doubt they'd get rid of Camp Snoopy. I don't think any kids areas are on the chopping/refurbishment block. But, if one were, I would think it would be Kiddie Kingdom. Most of those rides have got to be about 50 years old. Though I just don't see it happening any time soon. I'd hate to see the kiddie bumpers and carousel go. If KK was ever to go for future expansion, I'd hope that a couple of the rides would be moved to other parts of the park.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube



Pictures look great! I really am excited for Terror Island.


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

I'm lovin the new CarnEVIL location and Terror Island and CornStalkers look kickbutt. I'm a big halloween/haunted house enthusiast and I'm liking what I'm seeing. And by the looks of it(from riding Millennium) Terror Island is a very decent length. Corn Stalkers, which I'm most anxious to go through, just looks just ridiculously fun.:)

This is for sure, going to be one of the best Halloweekends ever! And as weird as it may sound, I'm slightly more excited about Halloweekends than Halloween Horror nights at Universal Studios......which is, believe me, saying ALLOT!

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut



What will they do when it rains for the haunted walkthroughs? Will they close them completely or just shut off the fog machines?



ChrisC.'s avatar

This might sound like a dumb question, but with all the CarnEvil props in Camp Snoopy, during the day do you think this will scare kids in Camp Snoopy?



JuggaLotus's avatar

^^ - the walkthroughs stay open. I believe they shut the of the fog machines just to save on costs because fog doesn't last long in the rain.

In the past, they have moved carnEvil Screamsters into Fear Fair because it is covered (and so the fog machines stay on).

^ - I doubt it. Many of the things like that aren't scary when viewed in full daylight. But once you get the lights down and you're seeing half images and shadows it can become very scary.

Goodbye MrScott




Morté615's avatar

Miss_Maverick07 said:
Yeah, I just saw the bridge for Terror island, glad it's not the hand-me-down bridge from Geauga lake..:)

Actually the bridge is the one from Geauga Lake. They moved it here just for this event.

Morté aka Matt, Ego sum nex
Dragon's Fire Design: http://www.dragonsfiredesign.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mattdrake


Ensign Smith

Not really sure what was wrong with the bridge at GL anyway? It always looked like it was in good shape to me -- wherever it was located, in whichever of its incarnations.

Wonder if they'll paint it black and red or something.

My author website: mgrantroberts.com.


Travis Lea

I am anticipating the fog is going to be the best we've ever seen it this year. C.E. was always having issues with the fog getting blown away because it is so close to the lakeshore and so open. With having 3 foggy attractions in very close proximity to each other in the park it will be excellent this year I am hoping. I am looking forward to this year's visit.

Blue people fly sideways when it rains



Jeff's avatar

Photo preview here

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

Wow.....just wow.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut


Josh M.

Josh M.'s avatar

Is that a good wow... or a bad wow? ;)

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004



I have to agree with what Spehn said at Coastermania. "If you've never been to Halloweekends before, THIS is the year to come." From the pictures, there is a LOT of potential here.

Edit: Corrected spelling

Last edited by 0g,

Jason Hammond

Jason Hammond's avatar

^FYI, it's Spehn.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube


Top Thrill 182

Looks GREAT (specifically Club Blood, CarnEvil, and Cornstalkers). Cornstalkers is... just wow! Club Blood looks like a much better fit for the picnic pavilion, and CarnEvil will hopefully be more scary in a less open area.

Terror Island should be great, but it looked like they still had a lot of props to set out. I'm sure in the dark it will be incredible! Overall I am very excited!

Thrills Around the Corner!



Does anyone know how many Screamsters are hired for Halloweekends? It looks like they are going to have some incredible places to hide in Carnevil and Cornstalkers, and on Terror Island. This is definitely going to be a cool 8 weeks. Can't wait for my first walk through the Fright Zone this year. I hope the guy that slides out on his knees is back!


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

Josh M. said:Is that a good wow... or a bad wow? ;)

HAHA...."bad" wow. lol

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut


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