Ralph Wiggum said:
*Edit- After checking out the video version of the Cleveland.com cam, it appears the lights are just the plain white right now. Although only the lower half of the tower appears to be lit...
*** Edited 4/19/2006 5:32:29 AM UTC by Ralph Wiggum***
I saw a snapshot off the midway cam that showed the top color of PT to be of a bluish tint. Before that it was very definitely white. Its hard to tell from the cleveland cam because that doesn't show the top arches.
Goodbye MrScott
Ralph Wiggum said:
**Edit Edit- The airplane lights on TTD currently have a very odd blink pattern to them. Or lack of a pattern might be the better description.
I noticed that too last year. Unfortunately bordem would take over at work sometimes so I would be stuck with watching the lights or counting supports or something. I don't know the reason for the odd blinking however...
Dragster Crew '05
Drag Rides - 101 Rollbacks - 2
Go Top Speed Racecar Go!
I know in 2004 PT was struck by lightning and that had some affect on the lighting scheme... I always liked when it just rotated colors... Even though one of them was a brownish color if I remember right...
MF is still my favorite lighting scheme hands down... and its even better walking under the lift at closing and just looking up at the supports... The strobe pattern is great....
Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004
Hopefully they get MF lights all fixed, last year I remember the patterns being all screwed up. A few lights were stuck on white I think.
They started to fix the Power Tower lights about midway through last season. Most of the time is does a nice rotation but sometimes one of the towers goes "stupid" and is stuck on one color.
Also, yes, Millennium's lights have been pretty bad. The towers are no longer syncronized.
2007: Wicked Twister TL
2006: Disaster Transport ATL
2005: Raptor
I'm suprised by the lack of testing being done. Are they finished with testing? Or they have they just not started yet?
My FotoSite
Taking a more Academic path..
Most of the rides and roller coasters don't start testing till April 22nd-24th.
1)TTD 2)MF 3)Magnum 4)WT 5)Raptor
i cant WAIT to see dragster going in all her glory! Better than Christmas day!
(sorry about the blank posts, my computer wasnt working right)
*** Edited 4/20/2006 2:24:12 PM UTC by TTD120***
Top Thrill Dragster Launches: 13
Kingda Ka launches: 31
Storm Runner Launches:10
My Getaway Guide still has come yet, I hope I get it, we need it to save money on tickets!
Skyhawk is testing.
*** Edited 4/20/2006 8:09:42 PM UTC by Screamomatic***
My FotoSite
Taking a more Academic path..
Skyhawk can be seen testing right now on Funcoast, looks awsome.
First trip June 23rd
Lmao! Look at this thing!
I think this one is better...
*** Edited 4/22/2006 8:32:51 PM UTC by Screamomatic***
My FotoSite
Taking a more Academic path..
I want to ride it so bad!!!!!!
Let's Get Weird.
TTD120 said:
i cant WAIT to see dragster going in all her glory! Better than Christmas day!
Ditto....you and me both!:)
-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut
Hearing Dragster again will be great. Really brings a new element to the midway hearing it run. Screamomatic; those are cool pics. I would've thought the stress of just one of those running would be too much for the tower. Guess that picture answered my question!
Thrills Around the Corner!
Even if they both swinged the same way, I'm sure the tower can hold up.
Which is why they've been doing some serious tuning up of it the past three weeks, everytime it swings they are at diffrent hights. Never Equal(only a couple times..)
My FotoSite
Taking a more Academic path..
I noticed that too. It'll probably take a while to get it down.
-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut
I was at Marblehead Lighthouse this weekend, and the view of CP from the shore is incredible. We could see it testing from there, and I must say, I was tempted to jump in Lake Erie and swim over to the docks. :)
Less than a fortnight to go, ladies and gentlemen....
See you all on opening day.
Saturday we drove down to get our season passes, and took a drive around to see if we could catch anything in action, and sure enough, as we came around the back-end Skyhawk was in full swing.
After being away from the Point for so long it was great to see everything, and awesome to see Skyhawk in action in person.
Really gave me opening day fever, as if I didn't already have it.
What are they doing? And what is the tarp for?
I hope that is a link above. I never have tried to post a link before!
*** Edited 4/24/2006 10:29:16 PM UTC by Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.*** *** Edited 4/24/2006 10:31:47 PM UTC by Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.***
Let's Get Weird.
They were painting the side earlier and it looks like the same crane, so I would guess that they are doing touch up painting. They probably put the tarp down to protect from dropping paint, so when they open you won't see paint drips on the ground. :)
Morté aka Matt, Ego sum nex
Dragon's Fire Design: http://www.dragonsfiredesign.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mattdrake
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