Honest truth told to me by marina gate readmissions host:
Host: Hand stamped, two cents.
Me: That's cool, I think I have two cents.
Host: I better not take it, by the time you leave here its all you'll have.
*** This post was edited by Scott Cameron 4/9/2003 11:20:16 AM ***
"Everyone's going on opening day, so we should stay home..."
Family two thinks:
"We'll go next week when it won't be so busy..."
Everyone else... thinks:
And it just goes on and on. But I'll be there.
MANTIS ROCKS 2002 & 2003
TTD Merchandise - 2003
Besides the great rides and being the best of everything, the best part about Cedar Point is that it isn't Six Flags! YAY!
I'll try to get a photo of the line this year. Its INSANE. Around 11:00AM the line actually starts at the seasonpass center and spans across all of the tickets centers, then it bends to avoid going into the parking lot. This is no single file line either, plus its slow moving.
If your going on opening day, go VERY early. I have done this before, as long as you get there around 8:00am and wait until the center opens you should be the first people there.
See you on CP's Midway May 9th-12th!
"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"
Enjoy your ride on the big bad bug
Speed Freaks - 2003
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