How busy is opening day?

Elizabeth Cvitkovich

Wednesday, April 9, 2003 10:55 AM
How crowded is park on opening day? We've never gone on opening day. I think it would be very crowded, but my husband said it probably isn't that bad since it's so early in the year...



Scott Cameron

Wednesday, April 9, 2003 11:19 AM
Scott Cameron's avatar
This has been discussed several times now, try using the search feature at the top of the page. This will be my first opening day so I myself have no idea.

Honest truth told to me by marina gate readmissions host:

Host: Hand stamped, two cents.

Me: That's cool, I think I have two cents.

Host: I better not take it, by the time you leave here its all you'll have.
*** This post was edited by Scott Cameron 4/9/2003 11:20:16 AM ***



Wednesday, April 9, 2003 2:00 PM
There are too many variables to actually predict crowds on any particular day. Weather is key, amount of interest in the new coaster, etc.
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead


Wednesday, April 9, 2003 6:15 PM
I went last year on Opening day, and much to my surprise the Park was vertually empty, got everything done, and left around 4 in the afternoon!

Brian Short

Wednesday, April 9, 2003 6:40 PM
Family one thinks:

"Everyone's going on opening day, so we should stay home..."

Family two thinks:

"We'll go next week when it won't be so busy..."

Everyone else... thinks:

And it just goes on and on. But I'll be there.

MANTIS ROCKS 2002 & 2003



Wednesday, April 9, 2003 11:12 PM
I have been on opening day three times so far and even on the opening day of the MF, crowds were nothing compared to your average July day. Most of the crowd is at the park bright and early, but during the day you don’t have busloads people coming in non-stop. So basically what I’m saying is that it will be busy in the morning, but expect all the lines to be walk on by noon (besides TTD and MF of course!). In 2000, I left the park around 4:00 PM because I was feeling a bit woozy from hitting so many rides in such a short period of time.
*** This post was edited by MijiX 4/9/2003 11:31:18 PM ***

Lost My Password...Again

Thursday, April 10, 2003 1:26 AM
yea, opening has not been bad for the past three years i've worked there either


Thursday, April 10, 2003 2:45 AM
So is there really a seven hour line for season pass processing on opening day like the rumors tell? I'm thinking about going but am hesitant to make the three hour drive if I have to spend too long waiting in line to get my picture taken.



Brian Noble

Thursday, April 10, 2003 10:04 AM
My wife's med school reunion is in Baltimore late that week, ending on the 3rd. Our current plan is to stop at pass processing on the way to Baltimore, and eat dinner in the park on the way back on the 4th. We toyed with the idea of getting our passes on the way back, since we won't get there until 4PM at the earliest, and the pass processing line *might* have died down by then, but I'd prefer not to chance it.

coaster runner

Thursday, April 10, 2003 10:46 AM
Go before the park opens to get it processed.

TTD Merchandise - 2003



Thursday, April 10, 2003 2:03 PM
The plan right now is to go up the following Saturday evening (second weekend), hoping the pass line is shorter, ride a few rides, spend the night on a friend's boat, then spend all day sunday at the park. I wish I could go early to get it processed but it's a six hour drive from school, but even the three hour drive from home is a little long just to get my picture taken. I suppose I can live with waiting an extra week :)




Thursday, April 10, 2003 3:26 PM
I'm going May 3rd and staying the night their with some friends. I've heard about all the warnings to avoid processing on opening day so we decided to go the day before.


Thursday, April 10, 2003 5:18 PM

It would be the last option on earth to go opening day to get your season pass processed. DO NOT GO OPENING DAY! I have seen the lines and my god, you would think everyone and their mother's seven cousins decided to wait in line...go early, besides, it saves time and, you don't miss any days of the operating season.
Free your mind.


Friday, April 11, 2003 12:31 AM
I am glad to hear that it usually isn't that busy on opening day...i hope it stays that way this year. i am going down on the 26th of this month to get processed and then on the 3rd staying at the cheapest hotel on the 250 and going to CP on the 4th yay! it is almost around the corner till we all get to enjoy another wonderful fun filled season at Cedar Point. yay!

Besides the great rides and being the best of everything, the best part about Cedar Point is that it isn't Six Flags! YAY!



Friday, April 11, 2003 5:36 PM
jdoty, the season pass line on opening day is no rumor. lol

I'll try to get a photo of the line this year. Its INSANE. Around 11:00AM the line actually starts at the seasonpass center and spans across all of the tickets centers, then it bends to avoid going into the parking lot. This is no single file line either, plus its slow moving.

If your going on opening day, go VERY early. I have done this before, as long as you get there around 8:00am and wait until the center opens you should be the first people there.



Friday, April 11, 2003 5:57 PM
Or you can do what I did today and buy your season pass at the closest CF park to you. In my case, that was Michigan's Adventure. Had an interesting conversation with the guy. He has worked at the park for 21 years...started when he was 16.

See you on CP's Midway May 9th-12th!


"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"



Friday, April 11, 2003 7:49 PM
If any of you that don't want to wait or live too far away to get your pass processed at the point, if you had one last year I believe you can mail in your certificate and they'll just use last year's picture on your new pass and mail it to you. You'll have to check the site for the details though...hope this helps.

Enjoy your ride on the big bad bug


coaster runner

Friday, April 11, 2003 7:51 PM
Mantis Man your correct but the only problem is if the person is not a returing season pass holder.

Speed Freaks - 2003



Friday, April 11, 2003 10:15 PM
Or the picture is getting a little dated, my picture is from three years ago. I think this will be a good year to renew it.

Elizabeth Cvitkovich

Saturday, April 12, 2003 3:24 PM
What exactly happens on opening day? Do they just open the gates - and that's it? Just curious...



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