Winter tours of the park

I'll keep my Michigan winters.... not that i like it one bit. However when everyone moves into a warm part of the nation and the water starts to run out even more, I will be glad that I am in the "great lake" state!

im a freak for cp

LuvRaptor's avatar

Jeff said:
Summer in Florida isn't that different from summer in Ohio. So the rest of the year if it comes down to warm all year or four to five months of the crap we're dealing with now, I'd take the warm. Moving to Florida is very high on my priority list.

And when it's this cold, that cold can kill you. When it's hot, you're mostly just uncomfortable, provided you're hydrating.

My feelings exactly!

Maybe its me but when Im cold, Im always cold. I swear the tips of my fingers and my nose don't get warm again till spring. Hate to even get out of bed in the morning or out of a nice warm vehicle. Hate going anywhere. When it's hot out getting out of bed is not a chore, going anywhere is not a chore. It is a rare instance where I use my a/c in my vehicles, I always prefer fresh air-hot or not.
In the summer you never worry about people who can't drive worth a crap due to the road conditions. Being cold is not healthy and (as Jeff said, provided you're hydrated) sweating is actually good for you. I haven't been able to ride my horses outside in weeks because of all the flipping ice and temperatures, that is not an issue in the dead of summer. Have an indoor arena but being forced to ride in there makes the horses arena sour after a while, same for their riders!

Since my company has an office in Phoenix I could easily transfer there but I don't like Phoenix. Not the heat, the lack of green. You really cant ride there during the afternoon for it is too hot, plus a lovely thing called sand colic that happens to horses. But most importantly it is also too far away from my kids.

Florida is a definite goal. My only worry is selling my house since the market is just the pits right now. My deceased Mom in laws house has been on the market for 6 months and going no where fast.

Right this second I'd be happy if the freaking sun would come out and get rid of some of the nasty white stuff. I would rather shovel manure then any more snow and ice.


It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that?

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

Its not that i hate winter or anything I just hate it right now. Its been a brutal nasty winter already, We are only about half way through winter. and even when winter is officially over and spring starts in Michigan we can get snow in April and May. We just need a break. Give me a week straight in the mid to upper 40s and ill be happy.

MaVeRiCk AnD MaGnUm-XL200
Higher +
Steeper +
Faster =
The Better!

I totally agree Maverick'n Magnum XL. Please mother nature just give us a week off. As I just spent the past hour clearing and moving snow from the side of the house and driveway as I have ran out of room to pile it. It won't go away.

Considering I can predict that when the thaw happens it will happen at once and come with rain which in turn will flood Toledo cause the water has no where to go.

Every Ohio winter, I hate it more and more. I used to kid myself, you know, "Hey! We've got activities you can't do in Florida! Like snow-shoeing, cross-country skiing, sledding!" Whoopee-ki-yay. Frack cross-country skiing, and frack scraping two inches of ice off your door just to get to the handle.

If I could move to a warm weather state, it would be California over Florida. It just has so much more breathtaking scenery. You still have the beaches and palm trees like Florida, but you also get the mountains, the desert, the canyons, etc. Every time I go to LA I never want to come back.

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Jeff's avatar

Funny, I'm still trying to find someone who can give me a compelling reason to ever visit LA. :) Points north, I can understand, but SoCal doesn't interest me at all.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

bholcomb's avatar

The San Diego area is one of the best in the country. If I could afford to live there, I would seriously consider it.

I must be the only one here that would rather move to Texas than any other state. No state income tax plus it's warm. They actually get cold weather for a couple days a year, for those that miss it.

And there's lots of TexMex.

It gets brutally hot down in Texas. Dallas, San Antonio and Houston have been easily where I have spent the hottest days ever in a park.

e x i t english's avatar

I'm not going to type up a long deal, I'm only going to say that I'm 100% thinking on the same lines as Mike. Every year/every inch of snow, I get closer and closer to packing up and heading south.

Jeff said:
Funny, I'm still trying to find someone who can give me a compelling reason to ever visit LA. :) Points north, I can understand, but SoCal doesn't interest me at all.

Jeff, you are not kidding on that one. The water never really gets warm on the US Pacific West Coast. I believe Lake Erie has warmer surface temps in the summer than SoCal. I would need to cross reference this though, since I have not looked it up in awhile. The water does not get warm until you are past Baja California in Mexico. Even at that, there are no major coral reefs there.

Reason #1: Disneyland!
Reason #2: Disneyland!
Reason #3: Celebrity sightings (my sister-in-law lives on the same street as Jamie Lee Curtis and Perry Farrell)
Reason #4: Malibu chicks
Reason #5: Disneyland!
Reason #6: Watching palm trees catch fire.
Reason #7: Santa Monica pier -- most filmed amusement park in the world!
Reason #8: You do not talk about Fight Club.
Reason #9: Televised car chases.

and Reason #10 . . . ::insert drum roll:: . . .


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Still waiting for the day when either Notre Dame, Northwestern or Oklahoma go to the Rose Bowl. That way I could get two birds with one stone and do the LA parks and see a Rose Bowl and Parade. However, barring that happening I really dont see myself going to LA anytime soon, its too far away, WDW>Disneyland Resort, CP>Knotts, Universal Orlando>Universal Hollywood, and I still have heard way too many horror stories about SFMM. I just dont see the cost (in days and money) benifit ratio of going out there. When I go to California, San Francisco, the Redwoods, Yosimite and Tahoe are going to be priorities over LA.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

I went to LA once to visit Knott's and Magic Mountain. The area looked nice, but I was more concerned with the gross brown haze everything was covered in. I didn't care for the people or the traffic. It would definitely rank at the bottom of my most desirable places to live list, right behind Alaska.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

I feel the same about Alaska. I mean, who would possibly want to be able to see the Russians from their back yard?

In all seriousness, though, I loved Texas, but Orlando is the deal maker for Florida. Dallas is fun, but I can't argue with almost 10 parks to choose from. I would love to head down there, and am actually giving UCF a serious consideration.

Blue Streak crew 2007
ATL Matterhorn Tri. 2008
Three things you need to fix anything in the universe: duct tape, WD-40, and a hammer. Duct tape if it moves and it shouldn't, WD-40 if it doesn't move and should, and the hammer as the last resort.

bholcomb's avatar

The Pacific waters are cool because of the ocean currents. Illustrated Here

JuggaLotus's avatar

Touchdown said:
Still waiting for the day when either Notre Dame, Northwestern or Oklahoma go to the Rose Bowl.

Northwestern is the only one of those teams that could go and have it still reasonably called the Rosebowl. They may use the name, but if its not Pac10/Big10, its not the Rosebowl.

Goodbye MrScott


The cali coast is way cold all year around. At the warmerst part of summer the water may hit 65 thats only for a few days when the beach temp is around.

Tochdown If you go to Tahoe go to the nevada side its much much nicer, cleaner and a lot cheaper. Its a bit out of the way but its well worth it.

^^Not true go, back and prior to 1947 there were more non B10/P10 Rose Bowls then B10/P10 games.

I love living in the Carolinas, we get two months of cold winter weather, and have beautiful spring and summer seasons with perfect temperatures, and a very warm summer season with 60s and above ocean temps.

Florida is too much of the warm weather, and obviously Michigan and Ohio are too much of the cold, I think the Carolinas are right in the middle.

Not that I don't miss the snow altogether, there are days where its just as cold down here as it is in Ohio, but minus the snow.

Owner, Gould Photography.

bholcomb said:
The Pacific waters are cool because of the ocean currents. Illustrated Here

Thanks Ben. That is a great illustration. Is this the same reason the Atlantic is warm all the way to around North Carolina and then drastically drops off? What is that current called?


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