Why such a secret? Conspiracy??

mmmm, B&M Floorlesssss
poopedmypants....it is people like you explained: People who 'just because they have been signed up longer than us' think they own this forum and we are all just onlookers to THEIR forum. (The Spartans suck!) They spend most of their free time sitting at the computer, staring at the monitor. You will rarely see them riding a bike, rollerblading or taking a walk. These people are very annoying! It is true about alot of people not posting stuff on here because they are afraid to get slammed. What's the deal people?

"Poop...poop...I like lots and lots of poop. When you poop, you have to go pee, because its been like that for eternity. Ever since you've pooped, you had to go pee...." Tom Green

What did you mean by "the spartans suck" ???

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."

I'm going to have to get a raincoat there's so much poop flying about :)

I'm not an old foggy I'm just an old coaster rider..

Poop in a cup: If you like poop so much, I take it you have Conker's Bad Fur Day for Nintendo 64? If not, check out a review of it here...


...go to media section at bottom to see the game in action - I think you'll like the "Great Mighty Poo" movies...scroll down a bit and you'll find them! ;)

Jeff: Sorry, after those last couple of posts I just had to fire something back at poopster. Now, everybody else, let's get this thread back on topic! Like I eluded to above, there is no conspiracy - the announcement is for the GP who aren't aware of this new ride like we are.

And Poop, remember - Clean is better than Dirty, and Dirty's meaner than Clean! ;)
*** This post was edited by Kevin Lehman 11/1/2002 7:57:09 AM ***

agro crag said:
pretty much all message boards are good for is making fun of other people. its like some people will never grow up. it seems like half of the posts on here are sarcastic posts to make the poster feel better about him or herself and their status on the board, or how long he or she has been here makes them a better person.

Couldn't agree with you more.

A forum has a particular identity or ethos. This identity comprises the people who post there, and the sorts of topics and conversations they have. Each identity is unique, though there are common features across most if not all forums.

One common feature is that when a large influx of new members join, they often do not take the time to learn the ethos of the new forum, and post away. This will generate strong visceral responses from the forum members who have already bought in to the ethos, because they don't want the forum to change its essential nature. These responses have one of two (equally good) goals. The first is to socialize the new members so that they too will adopt the local ethos. The second is to badger the non-adopters into leaving. Established members don't care whether new members are socialized or go away. Those who don't take the hint are eventually banned if the forum is moderated (as this one is).

This behavior is not unique to GTTP. It has been around since the early days of NNTP and Usenet.

To put it another way: there are many amusement parks. Those of us who love CP love it for its unique features, and we wouldn't want those to change. There are many forum sites discussing CP, but GTTP is different because of its ethos. If you don't like the ethos of this board, it's easy to find another. Easier, in fact, than trying to change this one.

Nicely put Brian!

Semi-current Cedar Point Webcam images...

"...generate strong visceral responses." Man, I am having flashbacks of college.

I think Jeff is more lenient than I would be. Some of these yahoos need to move on.
*** This post was edited by Chief Wahoo 11/1/2002 10:53:59 AM ***

Cheif Wahoo is callin people YAHOOS!! What's Gonna be next?? MAYBE A 400 FOOT COASTER!! I THINK SO!
Back to the original topic ...

I think looking at the current Power Tower Cam picture, its pretty obvious what this ride will be. Yes, the height and the speed are undetermined, but two straight lines of track, one side alternating and a much bigger gauge than the other, a block pretty far from the tower of a lot of footers (station anyone?) and not much else going on around the site except in these straight lines. And this picture is up on the Cedar Point website for all to see. So the way I see it, any GP that would even care that Cedar Point is building a new coaster would probably already know something about it before the announcement, because these cams are in their "online fun" section of their website. That website isn't there just for enthusiasts. I am disappointed in the L-TH-B #16, and am still hoping there's more to it, but maybe #17 too, in a place no one has looked before (not saying I know where that *is* jsut saying what if ...) would help ease the disappointment ;)

1. Kumba 2. Millie 3. Mantis 4. Lightning Racer 5. Wicked Twister (front seat)
"The key to a happy life is moderation" -- Jon Stewart

We have to keep in mind that we are looking at the progress of the construction of a new ride for 2003 and it has only been ONE WEEK since the 2002 season ended. I remember seeing construction photos of MF where there was snow on the ground and they had barely crested the top of the 300' hill with track. There still MAY be some hope for #16 to be more. It's going to be a long, cold winter in Ohio.
Bob, while you're correct that MF wasn't even topped off until the winter, there wasn't a brake run already set up after the pullout.

In other words, this is a totally different situation. We can see what can only be described as the ride's end already being put up...right after what is obviously the first element.

mk468zz - I agree with what you are saying. However, who is saying that the brake run is right after the first AND ONLY element. There have been disucssions about the possibility of other elements coming off of the main tower before coming back to the main tower and then into the brake run.
Getting back onto the subject of "Why such a secret?":

I am assuming that one or more of the 75 people who truly know what this ride is going to be are among those who regularly post here. I would be curious to know WHY you guys think that CP has not announced this yet. I have never been to CP in October but a friend of mine said that by the last weekend of the season in 1999, there was a big sign announcing MF and it included a layout drawing, etc. WHY would CP not do the same thing with #16?

The discussions about some other things coming off of the tower are just from more people in denial...there are no places for supports to branch from the tower.

Launch: Tophat: Twistage: Brakes...

...Denial is an ugly thing.
*** This post was edited by CP_bound 11/1/2002 10:40:05 PM ***

there was a small crane near the back end of the tower today...I GOT IT, they are going to use the cranes as supports!....and its going to have a 7000 ft track length!

- Dennis

i'm not gonna waste my time reading thru all these posts, so if it's been said...its been said.

Look at the publicity theyre getting from all the speculation alone. Why not ride that out? Keep the hype strong into the winter when everyone is going thru CP withdrawl and start snatching up season tickets.

If putting up that tease of a structure 2 months before the park was closed is any indication, an announcement wont be made for quite some time.

Ahhh!!! just think of the number of people who will be glued to message boards like this all day everyday all winter long!

Are you wearing your CP boxers, socks, tshirts, and sweatpants? haha!

magnum crew 2002

I would bet that CP is not gaining as much publicity from this and other discussion forums as they did from the fact that they had a 150/200/250ft tower sticking up in the middle of the park for the last portion of the season.

IMHO, the people who frequent these forums represent a small percentage of the total number of visitors to CP. I mean, with 25 000+ people a day at the park for the better part of 5 months, we would see this board totally swamped with visitors (maybe Jeff can confirm/deny this?) if everyone came to check it out. Outside of this and similar forums, there is hardly a murmer about the new ride.

Now, it is true that there is a huge buzz amongst CP (and coaster) enthusiasts, but I don't think that there is an awful lot going on out there about this in the GP's mind. To repeat what Kevin said, none of the guys I work with were even aware that CP is building a new ride, never mind that its probably going to break all records known to man.

In the light of this, I'm surprised the announcement has not already been made.


"Will all those who said they were disappointed about the new ride please leave the park now"

They are waiting first they are getting tons of publicity, Second they want us to keep guessing (notice they haven't worked vertically in a while). They are hiding somthing from us.

They are also not telling us because, once they do announce it, the people over at SFMM will start drawing out plans for say a one ft highter coaster then ours. Thats exactly what they did when CP built the Mantis SFMM went and built Riddlers Revenge. Thats the same with MF and Steel Dragon.

Other parks are doing one better than CP ,but CP is still the best. THey don't want that to happen this time for at least some time.

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