Where Everyone Is Working In 2002

Yes you know me it's Heather from the Train/WW.  I was there when Karrah called you she called you all she could do was laugh. 
well ill will be working in Games yet agin this year  along with my freind maurey  and  r friend mike  but mike is working his first year in camp shoot me  ( ride op)  i start in april im  goign in for set up  yeah for me yeah for me  well if u all don't know me my Name is sarah i  worked by Gemini  this past summer  in the games area  goblet pitch to be  exact ( across from monster) anyways  im hoping that some of my freinds   post on hear! i think i might know  Annie if its the Annie im thinking of   who went out with brian H  anways  hope to see u all  this comming season!

        sarah  -  goblet pitch chick   if any of u would like to eamil me it amtrackerangel19@aol

Do you know what area in games your going to working in Sarah???  My friend is a Sup in games, you probablly know him.. His name is Neftali... Oh I am REALLY looking "Wink" forward to seeing him this summer,lol.

"Excuse me, where is the entrance to Cedar Point?"

"What Ocean is that?"

Heather, I remember you. Yeah, that was so funny...I had to write it down in my notebook because it was too funny to forget. My crew was trying to get the door open with a credit card, and it wan't working. I was still dispatching trains, and I was laughing so hard I couldn't say "clear"
Mean Streak/Magnum 2000
Mean Streak ATL 2001
Magnum TL 2002
omg yes i know  Nef what a hottie!!  im not shure yet  im  hoping  area  3 agin!!!!!


LOL.. Yeah he is a hottie... He was my eye-candi last summer,lol, and will be this summer.  I use to go over to his apartment just to look at him,lol.  But the other games Sup. Christina didn't like me because of him, but thats a whole different story, oh well. 

You want to be all the way back in Area 3??? It was so quiet back there.  I liked Area 2 but I think that was for my own selfish reasons(Nef)LOL.  I didn't work in games although I with the games people so much that I might as well had been.  I used to walk through area 2 and all I would hear were people yelling my name.  Awww the memories.  I can't wait to go back.

"Excuse me, where is the entrance to Cedar Point?"

"What Ocean is that?"

Sarah, are you the same one I know. the one with the Marine boyfriend??? :)


CP & LE RR Crew '01
ATL Swings and Swans '02


OZ just said he was sending me a contract for mantis. See yall there on April 28th.

yes Annie!!!!  that would be me  and i was in area 3  last year  and i  loved it  oh i have lots of memories  like my first time working in area 2 and  nef  was my sup  he  kept checking on me and  asking  me  how i liked  it  well latter that day  i got an order  to the  game i was working  ( skatterball)  wich is rely  small game  and the  whole  ordrer  fill the entire game and  he  came around with  r money cards  and i told  him i was  gona  kill him and  he  goes u don't have to put it away just leave it for tommorws  moring person  any ways Nef  is like so sweet i can't wait to see him agin  god im gald i ahve pics of him oh  did u know there pis of him on the cedar point web sight!! yep there pics of  him



*** This post was edited by CedarDownsnewbie on 2/25/2002. ***

LOL.. Yeah Nef is a sweetie (when he wants to be).  We had our moments when we fought, he knew exactly what to do and say to piss me off,lol, I think he made me mad on purpose most of the time.  Yeah I know theres pics of him on there, he IM'ed me when they first went up and told me about them,lol, so I went to look at them.  He such a cutie in them and he has on the shirt I bought him for his birthday in one of the pics.  I was like Go me, go me, lol.  But I also had some bad memories from looking at that pic of him, The one of him at the Calipso bash with him, Tommy, and umm Tommy's girlfriend(can't remember her name), Ooh that night I wanted to kill him.  My roommate had to calm me down that night.   I could never stay mad at him though, it was something about his eyes that got to me everytime, I had to start looking at the ground everytime I talked to him.  Oh the CP memories,lol. 

But anyways... I miss the games people.. Oh did you know my friend Talisa, she worked in Area 2 in Break-A-Plate... Then there was Micheal and Cory(they both quit) Marqus, Tommy, Brian, Colin... thats all I can remember off the top of my head

"Excuse me, where is the entrance to Cedar Point?"

"What Ocean is that?"

this is a message for anyone that can tell me where jimmy luektte or james messer is? this is tracie from restrooms starting back in 98 and i worked at amazing photos last year for a little while and then i moved to dayton.... well anyways i was just wondering how they were and what they were up to... or anyone that might have known me from previous years..... thanks
Tracie Jimmy is living in Sandusky and I have no clue where James is.  Jimmy will be the TL or ATL of Troika/Chaos.  I forget which.  He is doing fine and next time I talk to him I will let him know you are looking for him.  If you would like me to relay a phone number or something e-mail it to me.
yeah i know all those  games people  and tons  more   Jhona, AD,  James ( big red) , heather , mandy ,  sara ,  lisa, jason , jared , chris marsh , steph  R, steph h,  oh gosh and so many more hey  any fo u  know Char? she  worked at the cedars store  in the  moring  she was relly talkative lol  thought id let u all know she doing pretty good 

    ~sarah~   aka smurfette!!!

Sarah, are you coming back next year??? Where at?? And when do you process in?? email me... :)


CP & LE RR Crew '01
ATL Swings and Swans '02

Hey Everybody, htis is Bart, from the Sky Ride 2001 crew. I am an ATL on Wildcat this year. I look forward to seeing you guys in mid April, alright.

Bart Wilmoth

Giant Wheel/Sky Ride 1999

Sky Ride 2000

Sky Ride 2001

Wildcat ATL 2002

OMG BART How the heck are you...lol its kelly i be at Wicked Twister this year....msg me sometime taztwisterkelly is my aol screen name and taztwisterkelly02 on yahoo im thanks seeya when do u process in ? i am in the 15th of april
Kelly the crazy coaster freak of cp
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
"Ahh When Is The Rain Going To Stop"
"Trumpy you can do stupid things...Its called evil kid"
Hey Kelly,  I am also processing in on the 15th of April, so I am sure we wil run into each other that weekend. Mat Lyons is also coming that same weekend. So, you're on WT, that's cool. Hey, at least you don't have to worry about the chutes or the lift this year, like WWL, lmao!
Hey Park Op Jon, wassssssuuuuuupppppppppppp! Hey, I'll be seeing you when I process in, if you don't see me first. How is the weatherman doing?
Hey Dustin, God luck at Wave Swingers and Swan Boats, buddy! See you when I process in mid April!  Bart, ATL on Wildcat this year!

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