Where Everyone Is Working In 2002

So who wants to take a stab on how many times Chaos will break down this season?Just Kidding Chaos is a fine ride with no mechanical quirks whatsoever...HAHAHAHAHA.


"It Was A Dark And Stormy Night I Had Taken A Creative Writing Course."

Well i wont and its not becasuse of what happon its just because i dont fell like going on it.
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
Wicked Twister 2002
"Ahh When Is The Rain Going To Stop"
Noone said ya had to ride it I'm not riding it are you nuts?

"Trumpy You Can Do Magic Things,It's Called Evil Kid"

jon-O!!! I miss you baby! I can't believe you're coming back for a second season. I'm not sure if I'll be back, but I could go for winning some more stripper tickets while "working" again... ah the good old days ... "Parrrrrrk Op, Chiquita Bannana!" Don't forget to "Signal One--wwwwwwang chung!"

Love lee ann

AH Chaos where guests get sick and we have to call park op about 5 times an hour followed by maintnnce about 4 times an hour.
anyone remember national move a trash can day?
I remeber something about that...refresh me... :)

CP & LE RR Crew '01
ATL Swings and Swans '02

Chad I remember, didn't that start at Magnum and Lisa was mad that everybody kept moving the trashcans? Good times :)


Mean Streak/Magnum 2000
Mean Streak ATL 2001
Magnum TL 2002

National Move a Trash can Day was the funniest day,  I miss Andy he cracks me up soo much.  I remember poor Lisa going crazy over the trash cans moving.  That had to be one of the funniest memories that I have from that summer.
Magnum 00'
Pet farm 02'

*** This post was edited by killerseagual on 2/15/2002. ***

National Move a Trash Can day? wow when was this..
I remember what the trash cans in Meanstreak little area where moved to say.  I also remember people getting locked into that control booth because the door handle fell off. lol

*** This post was edited by Tigger on 2/15/2002. ***

OK, so this might be my first year working at CP.....haven't signed the contract yet, but I've been offered a marketing assistant position.  Here's my question--is there anyone else working there that's my age (23)?!  I've been looking through everyone's info and it seems as if everyone here was born in the 80's......really makes me feel old!!

Neil Rupp
'02 Marketing - Group Events

Rollcoast--our ages range from 15-?? but yea there are people your age.  There is no need to worry about that.  And even if thier weren't the rest of us are still pretty kewl to hang out with.  I mean we don't act immature all the time.
LOL i am 23 turning 24 this year...ya dont worry u will meet alot of people around ur age lol :)
Kelly the crazy coaster freak of cp
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
"Ahh When Is The Rain Going To Stop"
"Trumpy you can do stupid things...Its called evil kid"
My mom who was 40 worked at a food stand so age really does'nt matter at Cedar Point.
I'll be processing in June 14 if there is anyone that needs a roomate or knows of someone that does and they're going to live off point please drop me a e-mail or IM me at Melisslamb.  Thanks


Melissa (melslambs@hotmail.com)

Magnum 00'

Pet Farm 02'

Well, thanks for making me feel a little better, Kelly!  I knew there had to be people my age since someone's got to buy the alchohol, right?!  I didn't mean to sound like I'm too good for the younger crowd, I'm just thinking that I might not be able to party as much since it's harder for me to recover the next day (you'll know what I'm talking about some day....).  Figured I might not be able to 'fit-in' as well because of that....still looking forward to a fun summer, though!
Neil Rupp
'02 Marketing - Group Events
Don't worry about finding a crowd to fit into it's Cedar Point.I myself had the same problem my first season and by the end of my first week I knew I had found my group of friends.

Camp Shoot-me 2000-2001

Troika/Chaos/Super Himalaya-2002

"Hello? Anybody in there Mcfly?"

No problem neil hey if uwant to msg me on aol im its taztwisterkelly take care...see ya at the point
Kelly the crazy coaster freak of cp
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
"Ahh When Is The Rain Going To Stop"
"Trumpy you can do stupid things...Its called evil kid"
P>ONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #b8b8b8">Tigger, you should have been on the inside of the control booth that day! I called Maintenence to get us out, but I could not stop laughing! They didn't think it was too funny though. And Erin was cracking me up passing notes to the guests through the window to give to her boyfriend down at the train. What an experience. Where did you work anyway...did I know you? Yeah, there were many other crazy things going on at the Mean Streak./P>
Mean Streak/Magnum 2000
Mean Streak ATL 2001
Magnum TL 2002

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