What changes to the Halloweekends events would you like to see?

I'm confident that the number of haystacks at cedar point has remained constant from year to year, holding steady at zero.

For the love of god... Get rid of "Carnevil" for one. Along with the atrocious walk-through up by Raptor in the pavilions. They are dated and really need a facelift (and new theme). Change is good...

They really need to re-do those two zones and I will be happy this season. I wish they did things more like Canada's Wonderland, personally. That park has a few incredible HHN quality houses. Zones are lacking, but houses make up for it.


While I don't think Carnevil and Fear Faire are bad (quite the opposite), it would be nice to have them rotate with other ideas. I.e. give one a year rest here and there.

I will agree that CarnEvil should be changed, but that may be because in 2012 I had an issue with a screamster that honestly probably should have been reported...

2015 - Ride Host: Shoot the Rapids 2016 - Team Leader: Ripcord/Challenge Golf 2017 - Supervisor: Thunder Canyon 2018 - Supervisor: Camp Snoopy 2019 - Supervisor: Power Tower

I'm always tickled by those who don't know the difference between hay and straw.

Hay is made from alfalfa or timothy, usually, and is likely at least twice the cost of straw and is used for feeding livestock. Straw is used for animal bedding, protective covering for grass seed, and in the autumn, decoration. You wouldn't want to use hay for those applications as one, it's too expensive, and two, it contains seed and you'd wind up growing a bunch of plants where you don't want them.

Straw is a by-product of wheat or oats once it's harvested. There was a time a few years back when weather was just right and hay ran 2 bucks while straw was about 1 dollar. Lately though, weather conditions in certain areas have been such that straw might run 3 or 4 bucks a bale while hay might be as high as 6 or 7.

So, you eagle-eyed fanboys who march up and down the midway counting bales might be onto something. If farmers in the area were forced to raise prices perhaps CP felt the need to cut back a little.

One would think all that CP straw would be re-purposed at the end of the season, but most of the beautiful flower beds we see in the summer are planted with annuals, so those beds are dug up and laid bare in the winter and need no covering. Maybe there's a compost/recycling effort there, or maybe they just pitch it. Farmers wouldn't buy it back, as it would be rained on, moldy, or compromised in some other way, and would be unsuitable for livestock to use as bedding.

There. The More You Know...

99er's avatar

RCMAC said:
One would think all that CP straw would be re-purposed at the end of the season.

They do. Most of the time they stack them 2 high from the Beach Gate along the boardwalk all the way out past Magnum to help prevent sand from blowing up in the winter. I have also seen them used as a "cushion" along walls, light posts, supports, etc. in the winter for when driving around the park in the snow.

Nice, that's good to hear, and it's certainly a good use for them. I've been through the park in the off season, but I guess never around that area to notice. Thanks.

99er's avatar

I forgot to add that when they pick them all up in the spring, they are taken to Barnes Nursery for compost.

samosuband said:
I will agree that CarnEvil should be changed, but that may be because in 2012 I had an issue with a screamster that honestly probably should have been reported...

Ya I had allot of trouble with the old Fright Zone there was some real foul mouth screamsters back there. I did report it but nothing happened , was there a couple weeks later and it still happened.

Last edited by Daretoscare,

Red Garter Rob said:

Rugrats2001 said:
The number of pumpkins, haystacks, and hay bales have been reduced by at least a factor of 5 from the early years

And you know this how? You might be surprised.

couple areas are spread out now so it looks less but it is more the last couple of years.

Scottyf said:
I'm confident that the number of haystacks at cedar point has remained constant from year to year, holding steady at zero.

Heh, you're right, of course. I meant cornstalks, must have had hay on my mind...

djDaemon's avatar

Still, where are you getting this information from?


trust me they'll never get rid of or change Carn evil or scream works there originals and there meant to be that way

Maverick - "The West Was Never This Wild"

Plus I like the idea of bringing Terror Island back to Millenniums island like it was at 2008-2011

Maverick - "The West Was Never This Wild"

A HalloWeekends poster near the front gate features the silhouette of a witch with the words "She's DYING to meet you..." Does this mean that the Green Witch from Knott's Scary Farm is coming to Cedar Point? Or perhaps a witch-themed haunt?

"Thank the Phoenicians!"

Shaun said:
trust me they'll never get rid of or change Carn evil or scream works there originals and there meant to be that way

Huge flaw in your logic. Screamworks is not an original zone. Fright Zone was THE original zone.

The first version of CarnEvil wasn't around till the 3rd year of Fright Zone.

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.

99er's avatar

And even if he is talking about an original theme, both of them are based off of scare zones from Knotts.

Very true sir.

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.

Red Garter Rob said:

Shaun said:
trust me they'll never get rid of or change Carn evil or scream works there originals and there meant to be that way

Huge flaw in your logic. Screamworks is not an original zone. Fright Zone was THE original zone.

The first version of CarnEvil wasn't around till the 3rd year of Fright Zone.

sorry for no response im not on much but with the scream works you have a point on that cause right after my post I knew someone would point that out but Carn evil is still the same theme still all about clowns

Maverick - "The West Was Never This Wild"

Lusyrsgirl's avatar

This fall will be my 14th year in a row going to Halloweekends.

I love the addition of Skeleton Crew - however it was better the first year (two seasons ago) than last year - bring back the strong men guys!

Zombie High school has potential but was lame last year because they didn't space groups apart enough - it was too continuous. No real scares there.

Terror Island was my favorite walkthrough, after the old Fright Zone. Bring both concepts back! More fog machines!

And wouldn't it be cool if they put the paddleboat back in and incorporated a ghost story telling with that?

While I'm at it - what's with people walking strollers through Frontier Town after 9pm? I felt so bad for those kids! Mature themes people, clearly stated at entrances to scare zones - get with the program! There's Boo Hill for you parents who bring small children. Let us adults enjoy our frights.

Rant over. :-)

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