Web Cam Activity and Testing..Oh My!

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
Sweet! The only way you could ask for better proof of full circuit testing is if the words came from Monty himself.

-Chris Woodard
"If you're standing in an uncomfortable position, that means you are in the right position because you are riding Mantis!" - Mantis ride op doing spiels on closing day.

I thought my images settled it already :\ ..guess thats not good enough for some people. Some people are just too skeptical.

- Dennis
When I die, They'll read this And say a genius wrote it.
*** This post was edited by Big D 4/18/2003 6:31:47 PM ***

what are you talking about, Monty is my uncle's fraternity brother's pet's former owner who happened to speak with him when he was making a solicited phone call raising money for the fraternal order of police... I have the hookup. ;)
2001 - Hooray For Hollywood
2002 - Hooray For Hollywood: The Sequel

watching the webcams is so much more interesting now that we know they are sending them over.

Looking at that train coming down makes TTD look so much larger!!

Now are they painting the concrete black inside the circuit??

"Scream early, because once you reach 420 feet no one will hear you."-Rob Decker

hey robby, that spiders still there! maybe it's dead.

"Thursday, March 17 2003, 2:58 PM, the greatest moment in rollercoaster construction history!
*** This post was edited by KICKTHESKY 4/18/2003 7:01:02 PM ***

does anybody know anyone with NON- webcam pictures......? Since Cedar Point hasn't posted any yet :(
Actually Big D, LiveEdavid's web cam shot is the first to show full circuit testing. Yours showed a train on the way up - that doesn't mean it was a full launch test. No one was skeptical, there just wasn't any proof.

Dgenx321 said:

Now are they painting the concrete black inside the circuit??

I think so, but what would that be for? A drag strip? That would make most sense because of the transfer track with a train on each track looking they they are going to race down the real drag strip. That could also explain why the transfer track is so low to the ground-to make it look like the dragsters are on the track.

"Scream early because once you reach 420 feet, no one will hear you!"-TOP THRILL DRAGSTER

Heres the link to the pictures at the top of the tower and nearing the top of the tower:


All of these pictures are really great. So much for them "hiding" the first lauches from us huh, never thought they would anyways. But just to clarify things, I was joking around when i said i thought they weren't doing the full circuit testing on my post last page, that's why there's the ;) guy. Just thought some people may appreciate the humor, but i guess not.

Can't wait to be at the Point!

th3digitalmind said:
does anybody know anyone with NON- webcam pictures......? Since Cedar Point hasn't posted any yet :(

Be patient, they only started testing full curcuit today. They need time to actually take and post the pics

"Scream early because once you reach 420 feet, no one will hear you!"-TOP THRILL DRAGSTER

THANK YOU nkcomp, those pics were great. It is greatly appreciated since I live in Boston, ya got to love the internet for seeing pics of TTD testing the day it starts.


YAY!! Seeing these just makes my weekend on top of everything else that is going so well! Now it's more exciting than ever... I want to process in tomorrow, but alas I have a little over a month left :(

2003 - Gemini Crew

Kel's avatar
Looks like there putting in trees and bushes, right in front of the ground cam!

DOG spelled backwards, is still mans' best friend!

Yeah, I see they are landscaping right in front of webcam2, at the exit of the ride...

EDIT: They also have a big white crane out by the station, what do you guys suppose that could be for?
*** This post was edited by Voodoo 4/19/2003 9:17:18 AM ***

Pouring concrete for the Midway would be my guess.
YAY!!!!! I can't believe, that the train, LOOKS!!! that small! wow. Simply amazing.

Besides the great rides and being the best of everything, the best part about Cedar Point is that it isn't Six Flags! YAY!

is it just me or are all the trains on the track?

Besides the great rides and being the best of everything, the best part about Cedar Point is that it isn't Six Flags! YAY!

Yea all of the trains are on the track. if you take a look at the Power tower cam you will not see any on the transfer tracks

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