Wait for the front: A trial run

Jeff's avatar
Word on the street is that they're going to try allowing people to wait for the front tomorrow. It has been slightly less crazy on that ride this year, so it should be interesting to see what happens.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
Hopefully slow, i get sick of letting people pass me in line, lol.
It will be interesting. I never wait for the front anyway, so I like the current system. Also, I think it seems more organized when the station isn't so jammed packed full of people.


Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Well they have the queue setup for front and back so they might as well use it..True its a good system they have going but I've always been a "choose your seat" kind of guy....

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Yes, I was there yesterday and one of the ride ops was explaining it to us. I agree it should be quite interesting today. It feels kinda' cool to know that I got the front on the last day you couldn't wait for it. But I hope it works out, I can't wait for my next front seat ride.

At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs.
PLEASE say it works!! I have gotten the front once and I am DYING to return!!

They sould do it like Magnum does in its station.

Crady Crady!! CRADY CRADY!!
.. again.. if they do it.. they can't do it like Magnum.. ther simply isn't enough room in the station..

MF 2000 - 269 laps

MF 2001 - 68 laps as of (6/4/01)
...and sometimes Magnum's station is a mess...

AIM: MagnumAndy
Is it possible to have a 2 ques one for the front car and the back car and the other for the middle cars
I don't really see why this has ever been an issue. It seems that they could just cut off the line for the front when it gets too long (too long meaning near the station entrance). Other than this, regulate the number of people that can be on the platform at any given time just like on any other ride (although this will be a decidedly smaller number of people than on most rides). Your average joe is gonna head to the line with the shortest wait, so it should work just like the other rides.

In summary...when the line for the front is full and there are about three or so trains worth of people on the platform, cut it off. This *should* work nicely.
Hey from a Millennium Force employee, today we have been running the wait for the front and to tell you the truth it is working really well. However, the line for the front is always going to be longer and most people are not going to wait after they have waited just to get there. Most people who I saw that waited today were those who were not in a large group of people and did not want to be seperated from the group that they were with. So as of right now, come to MF and wait for the front we invite you and have a great time.....but if you want to ride and get on fast just sit wherever we put you.

Jamin.. were you guys cutting off the length of the front line?? Are you guys setting a rough number of people to allow in the line? If that happens I can see someone whining "Ohh come on.. you can let one more person in that line" or are you letting it span the wall?

P.S. see you at Louie's tonight.. heading out of town in abotu 45 mins.. Want to catch the Summer Spectacular.

MF 2000 - 269 laps

MF 2001 - 68 laps as of (6/4/01)

So are you guys allowing people to wait only for the front? Or can you wait for any seat you want?
FINALY! I should actualy be able to ride the front car now after 21 laps! Woohoo! LoL.

We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
I agree with Force312, They need seperate queue's for each row of seats. Why didn't they do that in the first place, Like a normal ride.

After the 40th ride on blue streak, It hurts !
if the line is cut off at times, it will in a way still be chance thing wont it?

Don't they cut off Mantis and Raptor if they get longer than their que?

2001 park line up:

Cedar Point: June 11th, July 3-4

Soak City: July 5th

(other parks N/A a
I need to move to Jeff's Street so I can hear all this cool news.

They appeared to be letting people wait just for the front and it did seem to work very well. Except when I rode I don't know why you would want the front unless you wanted to be a human windshield splattered with bugs.

I was not there to see if they "cut" people off but there was a significant amount of temporary queue rails set up against the wall where a good amount of people could fit. That is if they wrapped it around. For an estimate I would say even if it was just against the wall and it was full, it would be still a BIG wait for the front, talking like 30 minutes. (2 minutes for every 2 peeps). If they tell people the wait for the front is as long as the line itself, they should lay off

At the end of the night the cut it off like any other ride so the crew did not have to go home any later. Sure if it works I'm all for it. Less people to get in my way for car 5 :).

Second thought though, they did give the "assinged seating policy" speil becuase I was on the last train. and you could not wait for paticular seat on the last train. I did see a couple of people waiting for the back.
2001 Force Count-47

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 6/9/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Joe E. on 6/9/2001. ***
As far as I know they never cut off the line tonight, we will allow the line in the front to get the protable cue lines in the station full and then we will start to wrap it around if it something that has to be done. As far as the other seats are concerned we are allowing people to wait for the back seat as well as the front (the two most popular sections of each train) but we will not allow any waiting for the other seats. MF needs a full train to run at the speeds that it is suppose to and we don't want you guys to miss the full power of the FORCE. We hope that all of you guys enjoy getting the chance to ride in the front and that this helps move the line more efficently and quickly, we love to see all of you guys and love when you all let us know that the Force is the best and that the crew makes it even better.....See you on the Big Bad And Blue real soon...and this time, I will have the front seat for ya!


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