Virus Impact on CP

CoasterMania is cancelled/postponed till 2021.


Entire 150th celebration "postponed". Snake River Expedition not opening. "Some" rides being prepped to be open. If they open at all, I think ride availability will look like HalloWeekends Fridays for all operating days.

CP Coaster Top 10: 1. Steel Vengeance (40 rides to date) 2. Top Thrill Dragster (191 launches to date, 4 rollbacks) 3. Magnum XL 200 4. Millennium Force 5. Maverick 6. Raptor 7. GateKeeper 8. Valravn 9. Rougarou 10. Gemini

DRE420's avatar

Looks like only the most popular rides will be available. Rides like corkscrew and ccmr probably won't open, only 1 kids area, maybe a flat or two, probably rule out Cedar Point Shores and water rides completely.

I'll still enjoy myself,, and I definitely won't complain, but unfortunately many will. A ride on SV, a meal from BackBeatQue, and a frothy ice cold beer is more than enough.

Last edited by DRE420,
vwhoward's avatar

^I read that whole press release and I don't know where you interpreted "only the most popular rides will be available". I did not see that in there anywhere. I'm not saying everything will be open, but I'm also not making the giant leap you're making.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

DRE420's avatar

"Some of your favorite rides being prepped to open". Key word is "Some", that's how I interpret it.

Last edited by DRE420,
vwhoward's avatar

I'm sorry, but you went way farther than common sense. You're predicting one kids area, closed coasters, no water rides, CPS completely closed, only one or two flats. So that leaves 2 dozen rides for 20,000 people? Meh. I'll wait and see what CP says before I make crazy guesses.

Edit: The post above this eluded to using common sense, that's why I said that. He deleted that in an edit.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

I’m really surprised with them moving the entire 150th celebration and new ride back a year. But it sounds like they just couldn’t meet social distancing guidelines safely. To that end, I certainly would anticipate the water park closing also. It’s impossible to maintain distance especially on a hot summer day in July. As far as rides, who knows...probably a few big rollercoasters, the flats, train and sky ride for sure. But again no one knows anything yet. This certainly enforces that extending passes to next year was absolutely the right call to make.

Dvo's avatar

It begs the question as to how they will pick the rides. Obviously they want their most popular rides open... but some rides (TTD in particular) take a large number of staff to operate, when compared to Rougarou, Gemini, Corkscrew, etc. There's certainly a balancing act between providing a strong product and saving cost, and if the park opens in some capacity, it will be interesting to see what makes the cut.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

Mandatory masks on Top Thrill Dragtser would certainly be a "challenge". Millennium as well.

Last edited by James Parker jr,

CP Coaster Top 10: 1. Steel Vengeance (40 rides to date) 2. Top Thrill Dragster (191 launches to date, 4 rollbacks) 3. Magnum XL 200 4. Millennium Force 5. Maverick 6. Raptor 7. GateKeeper 8. Valravn 9. Rougarou 10. Gemini

Jeff's avatar

Sorry for the duplicate post problem, folks. I pushed the wrong button on an updated deployment.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

DRE420's avatar

vwhoward said:

I'm sorry, but you went way farther than common sense. You're predicting one kids area, closed coasters, no water rides, CPS completely closed, only one or two flats. So that leaves 2 dozen rides for 20,000 people? Meh. I'll wait and see what CP says before I make crazy guesses.

Edit: The post above this eluded to using common sense, that's why I said that. He deleted that in an edit.

Just my opinion on what I think man. I'm just as hopeful as you. The no water rides is a pretty safe assumption, and the kids area comment is staffing related. Similar to what they do on a Halloweekend Friday night.

Last edited by DRE420,
Cargo Shorts's avatar

I question if Forbidden Island will open at all "near term". The whole play structure seems like it would be a sanitation issue and the quests with kids running packages back and forth between areas as well.

Holiday World seems intent on opening their water park, never been there, but I just don't see SD working at all in CPS. Sure will miss the beach if that doesn't open, although we probably won't attend the park I was hoping for we could at least do that on some weekdays. At least the few times we went last year crowds were light enough that SD occurred naturally.

Last edited by Cargo Shorts,
vwhoward's avatar

I get it. I am hopeful, too. I assume that they will need a good chunk of attractions available to accommodate physical distancing as well. If only a very limited number of things are open, people will congregate in those areas. CPS seems like it could be open. Especially with the chlorine levels. It'll probably be the most sterile place on the peninsula! 🤣

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

kylepark's avatar

mgou58 said:

I’m really surprised with them moving the entire 150th celebration and new ride back a year.

After announcing passes are good through next year, it really didn’t come as a surprise to me. I commend the staff for making an effort to just open the park.

Last edited by kylepark,
DRE420's avatar

^^ I also thought the pools would be safe with all the chlorine in the water, however, quite a few County waterparks in my area announced they won't open this year. I can see it now, you are next in line for the slide, you step up, and as you await the light to turn green, they spray your backside with lysol, and down ya go! Weeeee!

The whole park needs to be treated like a hotel. This is easy for me to say because I have to plan out my trips. Season passes should be treated much like concert tickets are (At least for DMB) where they are good for next year or you can just get a refund.

When you make a reservation you pay 50 bucks a day or whatever and hotel guests would already be factored in. If you cancel there's a fee. If you have a season pass maybe the compromise would be a cheaper ticket price. While this will piss a lot of people off it does give CP an extra revenue stream and gives them control of how many people are in the park. While at the same time preventing people from just reserving a day because they might go to the park.

I'm just throwing this out there. It may only make sense to me, feel free to critique!

Jeff said:
Sorry for the duplicate post problem, folks. I pushed the wrong button on an updated deployment.

Moving fast and breaking things, Jeff?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

99er's avatar

Dvo said:

It begs the question as to how they will pick the rides.

I'd say whatever is ready to operate and signed off by the state.

JennRenn's avatar

Cargo Shorts said:

I question if Forbidden Island will open at all "near term". The whole play structure seems like it would be a sanitation issue and the quests with kids running packages back and forth between areas as well.

I've seen posts from friends who were supposed to work on Forbidden Frontier this season, it has also been suspended for the season. At least, just the interactive portion. Without the actors, I can't see a reason they'd open the play area and food on the island.

Character Escort- 2018, 2019, 2020
Ambiance Performer- Halloweekends 2019
CP Top 5: Steel Vengeance, Maverick, Millennium Force, Raptor, TTD
Dragster Rollbacks- 1

Kevinj's avatar

First, I'm glad there is an explanation. I was wondering why everyone was deleting/reposting/deleting/reposting.

Second, I think this is more or less "best case scenario" for Cedar Point, given the current climate. While it has to be a hard pill to swallow, postponing the 150 plans is definitely the smart move, even if the hand was forced due to staffing issues and all the other crazy dynamics at play.

There were/are really only two options. 1) don't open at all and pull the plug on 2020, or 2) open in a limited capacity with limited staff, limited ride, and limited guests.

The park knows what rides the guests ride/love the most, and I am sure there is a task-force assigned to making the selection decisions. I would expect a robust and well-balanced selection, but none of us know what type of staffing they even have to play with. Rides with limited down-time and high reliability would have a better chance.

As the season evolves, the pandemic will also evolve, and its also possible that Cedar Point's situation could also evolve. I would venture a bet, however, that park reservations, increased virtual queuing, and scaled down ride selections are the best any of us can hope for this season. If anything.

Last edited by Kevinj,

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