Virus Impact on CP

^Numerous stores, including Wal-marts and Giant Eagles in the Cleveland area (and assuming across the country) have started to only "allow" customers to travel the store in a one-way direction. Aisles are marked which way you are supposed to walk while shopping. Hopefully to prevent face to face contact and people should all be traveling one direction.

I will admit, I simply forgot about the floor markings in my latest grocery shopping trip and on numerous occasions entered aisles from the "wrong" direction.

It's a behavior that will take some getting used to, as well as wearing masks in public, etc.

Uncle Steve's avatar

I haven't seen any one-way aisles in Sandusky yet.
I haven't been to Walmart in a while, but I was at Sams and the Meijer earlier.

vwhoward's avatar

Fair is a new thing then. I have yet to see that happen around me. It's really still a free for all in our stores. In fact, our Meijer has been under construction for the last 4 months and everything is even crazier than normal without the virus impact.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

TTD 120mph's avatar

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Walmart posted the new policy around a month ago and the release indicated it was a company wide policy but obviously was not rolled out everywhere. Probably only in select high risk markets at least initially. At as of 2 weeks ago the the isle arrows were not instituted near us in CBus, but they did have the plexiglas up at checkouts and designated in and out doors. Per my wife.

99er's avatar

It appears to be the choice of the store as to whether or not they participate. My local Publix has one-way but the Target around the corner does not. I honestly like it and wish this was an everyday thing even outside of this pandemic. Makes shopping a lot easier in terms of moving about.

Eh, what I have noticed is that the one-way aisles seem to be an idea that works a lot better on paper than in practice. In practice I find I have a lot more interactions with people with the one-way aisles (in a smaller Giant Eagle store) than without them, at least in part because most of what I buy tends to be near the ends of the aisles, and I don't usually go down all of the aisles. There's a reason that Piggly-Wiggly's store layout model has fallen into disuse, even at Piggly-Wiggly.

Of course what would really help would be for the stores to stay open later. Normally I don't even think about going to the grocery until after 11pm, when the store is far less busy...kind of hard to do if they're all closing at 9pm or earlier...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

Kroger also has the one-way aisles and I hate it. You still have to get close to people. And a lot of people don't follow the directions, particularly the clicklist order fillers who are probably busy but have lately been super rude in filling their carts. They don't follow the one-way at all and wear their masks down under their mouths.

I've found that shopping earlier tends to be better, right after the senior hours. When I've tried going in the late evening, the shelves are bare.

99er's avatar

When my local Publix started they just had blue painters tape on the ground and almost nobody noticed but after they put down actual nice label arrows and signs at the end of each aisle I almost never see anyone not following them. Maybe it just depends on the area but around me it's been surprisingly nice with everyone following directions and wearing masks when they are out.

Last edited by 99er,

I understand what they are trying to do, but now you've just got people passing in the same direction. I don't think it's doing much besides giving the illusion of safety and protection.

MaverickLaunch said:

Kroger also has the one-way aisles and I hate it. You still have to get close to people. And a lot of people don't follow the directions, particularly the clicklist order fillers who are probably busy but have lately been super rude in filling their carts. They don't follow the one-way at all and wear their masks down under their mouths.

I've found that shopping earlier tends to be better, right after the senior hours. When I've tried going in the late evening, the shelves are bare.

I am a Sous Chef for an upmarket Kroger. We don't enforce the one-way concept as there's never a crowd that's shopping. We do enforce safety temp checks before work, have to wear those God awful masks, Snot catchers.....

Yes, and I guarantee you that anyone who is about to sneeze while wearing a mask will lower the mask before the sneeze hits.
I was out a bit today and saw a few dozen people, many with masks, but not a single mask properly fitted (mostly noses out). Pointless and dangerous.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

vwhoward's avatar

Well I guess the quarantine isn't stopping B&M. I just saw a post with new track outside the fabrication facility.

Wonder where this is going...

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

3snoH un=l's avatar

Çp4€và04 said:

So I'll give a little update for you guys. As some of you know I have Covid and it's been one hell of a ride. Thank God for Tylenol, without it I would likely be in a mental institution and living alone doesn't help. It would seem the mental side of this has subsided, the fever is under control and sometimes I actually feel "Better" But when I go to do something like make this post I realize something is still very off. However overall I would say I've gotten off pretty easy.

My English is terrible on a good day so I don't know how all this reads. But suffice to say anyone that said a prayer for folks that have and will get it. Thank you.

Çp4€và04, are you taking anything besides Tylenol?

I may or may not have had this already, but I have been following this critical care pulmonologist's protocol that he has occasionally updated. I've actually been in communication with him, he recommended that I follow all as he described.

I have the Quercetin (a plant flavenoid) on standby, but am taking L-lysine (amino acid), instead, along with zinc, Vit D, and Airborne. Someone I know was having a hard time with wheezing with the coronavirus, and the L-lysine helped clear it up. Quercetin is a zinc ionophore, which is the gateway to allow the zinc into the cells to stop the virus from replicating.

If you feel any shortness of breath at all, get yourself to a hospital. Dr. Marik stresses that they must start treatment within 6 hours, and they have achieved near uniform success with their protocol.

I don't know what day you're at with onset of symptoms, but I'd say if you're running a fever and coughing, just go into the ER and get tested. No one is really rejected on testing, at least where I am. Not everyone will become severe with the shortness of breath, but you don't want to mess around. Note, you may have shortness of breath upon exertion more so than normal. You might not notice it as much when you're lying around. But if you get up and find yourself winded, you should go get tested and seek treatment. Waiting until last resort or in need of a vent, has a very poor prognosis with high morbidity and mortality, if you would be one where the immune system goes off into the cytokine storm among other issues. And as for treatment, don't forget the accompanying zinc. Right now, though, I am only taking 50 gm zinc gluconate daily.

Take note of Dr. Marik's scientific rationale on page 9.

You might consider printing this off in case you do go to the hospital to discuss with the doctor.

Can you tell us how it started? Was it a low grade temp and then worsened?

Last edited by 3snoH un=l,

Upside-down Fun House

vwhoward said:

Well I guess the quarantine isn't stopping B&M. I just saw a post with new track outside the fabrication facility.

Wonder where this is going...

Rumors on others sites, (reddit, etc).. have Sea World Orlando getting a B&M for 2021 (who knows now with parks closing for months), screen shots of shipping docs have popped up with a B&M code of SF-A for the model. Leading some people to believe this will be the first B&M "Surf Coaster" to be installed. Yet no one really knows what that is, what the passenger arrangement will be or what the special gimmick will be.

Just a guess.

vwhoward's avatar

Nice. I assume someone bought it...they're making it.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Cargo Shorts said:

Walmart posted the new policy around a month ago and the release indicated it was a company wide policy but obviously was not rolled out everywhere. Probably only in select high risk markets at least initially. At as of 2 weeks ago the the isle arrows were not instituted near us in CBus, but they did have the plexiglas up at checkouts and designated in and out doors. Per my wife.

Im in Canal and no one way here yet.. Wouldn't matter however as there is barely any actual food at WalMart these days and equally barely any people

RideMan said:

Yes, and I guarantee you that anyone who is about to sneeze while wearing a mask will lower the mask before the sneeze hits.
I was out a bit today and saw a few dozen people, many with masks, but not a single mask properly fitted (mostly noses out). Pointless and dangerous.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

I see that all of the time. I like it when a customer empties his lower colon and does not wash his hands.

DSShives's avatar

Ive been at the marina this weekend and its just strange looking into the park. Absolutely nothing going on. Millennium Force's trains havent been put on track yet. It looks as if a few coasters have their trains on and ready. Just lots of things sitting around. There is a ton of work to do to get the park ready for openings. We are restricted to just our boat and the parking lot so we cant even walk around to the boardwalk and beach. Here's a few pics I took. Not much to see really. The new toll both looks amazing and no doubt will increase the capacity coming into the park. The cell tower/fake tree looks totally out of place.

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina


Thank you for such a thoughtful response. I got thumped Sunday-Wednesday to the point where I don't remember all that much. Mind games, intense shaking, heart POUNDING and zombie like fatigue. But never to my knowledge any breathing problems (Thank God). By day 3 or 4 things get less fuzzy. Friday the fever was gone but having lost 15 pounds my body was drained, so I took an edible got an appetite (Go figure) and had my first meal. On Saturday woke up feeling fantastic, just ate and drank fluids all day, cleaned the house, dishes and actually gained back 10 of the pounds lost. Today still feeling 100%.

The last couple days I've slept 10-12 hours a day. In part because I couldn't for the first 4, I just suffered. A lot of times it felt better to just sit up than lay down. I'll tell ya guys this was one wacky experience filled with all these oddities.

As you all know anyone who's been through this has a different story and now you have mine. If anyone has questions feel free to ask or shoot a PM. Thanks to everyone on here and stay safe!

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