Virus Impact on CP

Jeff's avatar

I wonder where all of these champions of liberty have been when it comes to reproductive rights, marriage equality and voting rights.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

vwhoward's avatar

Funny you say that. There were actually people holding signs up at the protests at the governor's mansion and the Capitol building in Lansing that said, "My body, my choice". And I would bet dollars to donuts they were not pro choice.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

There’s a difference between being free to go outside and do things you enjoy, and murdering the unborn. That’s a ridiculous comparison VW.

MaverickLaunch said:

There’s a difference between being free to go outside and do things you enjoy, and murdering the unborn. That’s a ridiculous comparison VW.

So killing born living humans is the acceptable? Your choice should not equal my death, or my mother's death. Being free to go outside and possibly spreading a virus that has taken 60,000 american lives to date in 3 months. They compare very well and demonstrate that hypocrisy certain individuals have especially when it now effects them.

If it's your body your choice than that applies to all social issues like abortion.

ILS 0523 said:

Public Service Announcement for today.

SMH. I have no words.

That's obviously fake news or he is being misquoted. Just like Trump..

WolfBobs said:

So killing born living humans is the acceptable?

Of course not. But protesting and maintaining social distancing is a whole lot different than reaching up into a uterus and crushing a living being.

I really hate that Jeff had to bring abortion into the virus debate. Entirely unnecessary IMO.

I deleted that WolfBobs. Thought about it and providing him coverage was counter productive. I was just pointing out one of the fine protesters and the ridiculousness that was being spewed. But giving him more coverage was wrong so I tried to remove.

Last edited by ILS 0523,

My point is, if someone wants to use the "my body, my choice" argument for anything medical related then you can not pick and choose when that right goes away. If you believe no one should tell YOU what to do with your BODY for this virus because it is YOUR choice then you should not be able to look at anyone and tell them what they can do with their body when it's their choice.

Ethics can not have loopholes because it's convenient for you.

Don't come out and scream "MY BODY MY CHOICE" and then turn around and tell someone else what they can and can not do medically with their body.

Edit: I'll agree that they don't relate in terms of one choice only effects one person and one body while the other choice has the potential to effect hundreds if not thousands. So in those terms they are not similar.

Last edited by WolfBobs,
Scott Cameron's avatar


FYI, you certainly can buy lottery tickets with a CC and at any place I've done so, it was coded as regular purchase just like any other would've been from that particular party store. And as someone else mentioned, you can fund your balance on the MI Lottery app with a CC as well and that codes as a regular purchase too. I know from personal experience, these definitely don't code as cash advances.


You've mentioned a few times about balanced budgets and lottery sales. As a Finance Director for a local MI municipality, I can say that many budgets are completely destroyed due to the lock down. I don't know if you know this or not but every city, township, county, village, etc., rely on State Shared Revenue (SSR) in MI. This is a "sharing" of the 6% sales tax. For our General Fund, SSR provides more revenue for our budget than property taxes.

Two weeks ago the MI Treasury put out a webinar for municipal finance professionals discussing the impact COVID-19 will have on SSR. We've been told to expect our SSR payments to be decreased by 50%. Talk about an unbalanced budget. This doesn't just impact the State itself but every municipality operating in it. My point is I don't think deeming MI Lottery sales essential to "balance a budget" is accurate considering how many budgets are now "unbalanced" due to the lock down and sharp decrease in sales tax. Thankfully, our municipality is well off and has a significant fund balance so we'll be fine. I'm sure many others are in big trouble though.

That being said, I'm not against the lock down at all. It was necessary and still is. Saving lives matters and although I did think some of the extreme restriction inconsistencies didn't make sense, I wasn't upset. I figured there must be a good reason and it wouldn't last long. And lo and behold, they're already lifted.

vwhoward's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

There’s a difference between being free to go outside and do things you enjoy, and murdering the unborn. That’s a ridiculous comparison VW.

There's no difference in "insert right here" and "insert right here". It is ridiculous to think you decide which one are rights. As of now, only one of these has been upheld by the Supreme Court. Hmmm...which one, I wonder? The 10th amendment only pertains to other one. When you think you can take someone's rights away because it doesn't line up with your beliefs, it is only a matter of time before someone else starts coming after the rights you want to keep.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

It is ridiculous to think you decide which one are rights.

I'm not deciding. Even the governor said the protest would be allowed so long as social distance was maintained. Did some people not follow the last part, perhaps. But if *I* want to go protest safely, it's ridiculous of you to compare that to killing babies. So ridiculous in fact that I will not comment on it further. I'm obviously not a moderator here, but even the fact that THE moderator brought abortion into the discussion doesn't sit well with me, so I won't be commenting on that any further.

vwhoward's avatar

Again, that right (choice) was upheld by the Supreme Court. And the Michigan Court of Claims decided that the governor's order was indeed constitutional in a lawsuit that was brought against the State of Michigan. Protest on.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

Sollybeast's avatar

Somehow I'm feeling a complete lack of shock that MaverickLaunch is yet another man trying to tell me what I can and can't do with my body while fussing that people are trying to tell him what he can and can't do with his.

The right is the party of infinite hypocrisy- 'what's fine for me is not for thee'.

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

People took a knee during the national anthem to protest institutionalized and systematic racism present in every part of the country? Traitors!!

Now let's all gather at the capitol building heavily armed with every weapon we own to protest government but its also sort of a political rally for the president but also raise them stars and bars because states rights but also down with the governor!!1!

My body, my choice? You're murdering the unborn!!1!

How dare you tell me to stay inside! My body, my choice! If you're vulnerable to sickness, too bad!!1!

Last edited by cpblue,

Sollybeast said:

The right is the party of infinite hypocrisy- 'what's fine for me is not for thee'.

Very odd that someone would say this in the midst of a very credible sexual assault allegation against the democrat presidential candidate which is being completely blown off by the exact same people on the left who crucified Kavanaugh for the same, an accusation which had MUCH less factual evidence.

Yeah, the right is the party of hypocrisy. :Rolleyes:

I am guilty as charged of helping to derail this thread and ‘debating’ on topics I’m not an expert in on the Internet. But reading back through the posts, the title of the thread could now be changed to “Virus impact on PointBuzz members”.

Trying to sway someone’s view online is like trying to teach a pig to whistle. It won’t work and you irritate the pig.

FWIW, I don’t care what any of you do with your bodies. Once we can safely ride coasters again together, it will be a glorious time.

Last edited by ILS 0523,

I think Governor DeWine's (R) leadership in Ohio (up until this point) has been decent throughout much of this Covid-19 crisis. Some other governors and leaders of other areas (including New York state) not so much. A good leader isn't defined by being a Democrat, Republican, or whatever. I'll leave this here:

What is right isn't always popular, what is popular isn't always right. Do YOU personally know anyone who is currently on a ventilator or whose families' lives have been affected by the pandemic (death or otherwise)? I wish that I could say I do not. Feel free to chime in with your personal life altering experiences.

I think those “my body, my choice” right wing conservative pro-lifers were being ironic.
And ain’t they clever?

CPfan1976 said:

What is right isn't always popular, what is popular isn't always right. Do YOU personally know anyone who is currently on a ventilator or whose families' lives have been affected by the pandemic (death or otherwise)? I wish that I could say I do not. Feel free to chime in with your personal life altering experiences.

It seems to me that we should be quarantining the people at greatest risk. Not the entire population. A whole lot of scientists agree with that approach.

And unfortunately yes, I do know someone who was very seriously ill from covid, but has thankfully recovered. Her exact words “it’s the worst sickness you can possibly imagine”.

The rest of her family has 6 days to go on their quarantine assuming they are all-clear after 14 days.

Walt's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:

Yeah, the right is the party of hypocrisy. :Rolleyes:

Hypocrisy is a human condition. It has nothing to do with where a person falls on the political spectrum.

Yes, there are people who were outraged about allegations levied against a conservative Supreme Court nominee who are now dismissive about allegations against a liberal candidate for President. But, there are also people who dismissed allegations against a conservative Supreme Court nominee who are now concerned about “very credible“ allegations against a liberal candidate for President.

It’s easy for humans to recognize confirmation bias in others, but it’s difficult for them to see it in themselves.

Last edited by Walt,

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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