Virus Impact on CP

e x i t english's avatar

Less than a month until we fly out to California, and we plan to keep it that way.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and wash my hands for the 3rd time this hour.

Shane Denmark said:

I don’t know if it was a joke or what but I read somewhere that CP wouldn’t hire workers from China due to coronavirus.

I’m pretty sure that Cedar Point has never hired internationals from mainland China. I seem to remember a few from Taiwan one year.

Kevinj said:

Out of curiosity, does Cedar Point pay it's international workers at a different rate that those from Ohio and Michigan (and elsewhere in the United States)?

I wonder what percentage of their seasonal base is international, and how this will impact staffing.

It's getting weird. The University of Washington just cancelled all in-person classes, and we are being asked to prepare for such a shut-down here. I'll happily welcome that.

I don't think the sky is falling, but then again I'm not an older individual with a pre-existing condition.

ABC Nightly News just reminded me us all to get enough sleep, exercise, and stop smoking. Finally some helpful advice!

Cedar Point doesn’t hire the internationals directly, they are provided by outside companies with contacts in the originating nations, so the compensation isn’t really comparable.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

e x i t english said:

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and wash my hands for the 3rd time this hour.

Sounds like a lot of pleasuring has been going on...

Jeff said:

Banshee72 said:

I think the whole thing is overblown.

Science doesn't care about what you think.

As the disease shows up in more western nations, the fatality rate has remained over 3%, which is not ideal, to say the least. You can't just sit around and believe that it will run its course. If the doctors leading the WHO are concerned, it's reasonable to be concerned. It doesn't mean you have to suspend your life, it just means it's something you should not be ignorant about.

You're right. The public will self-isolate. That might hurt attendance. Good comments.

Skyhawk06's avatar

Speaking of isolation and whatnot, my college actually postponed classes due to this virus.

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I'd rather be sailing

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Cargo Shorts's avatar

Now tell them you want your tuition pro-rated to the online course rate. Mention you need to Be Made Whole.

Kevinj's avatar

The rate for the courses I teach online in the Summer is actually higher than the "regular" course rate. So by all ;)

We have gone full-social-distance mode at Mount Union until April 3rd.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Ohio governor just tweeted that he'll have an order coming out soon on mass gatherings in his state...

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Rusty's avatar

James Parker jr said:

Ohio governor just tweeted that he'll have an order coming out soon on mass gatherings in his state...

My daughter was scheduled to go to a dance convention this weekend in Cleveland at the convention center there. It was just canceled earlier today. I don't know if that came from the company putting it on or some city or gov't officials - or a combination of both.

Proud to have fathered a second generation coaster enthusiast destined to keep me young at heart and riding coasters with a willing partner into my golden years!

Thabto's avatar

There's a case in Stark County now. I live down the street from the border of Stark.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Cargo Shorts's avatar

All my boys teachers told them to be prepared for distance learning and they all felt it was likely to happen as soon as tomorrow. One splits his day with the Delaware district and heard the same story.

And now the 2020 NCAA Men's and Women's March Madness basketball tournaments are officially closed to fans. Say it isn't so!! (edit 10pm EST)...the NBA just suspended the rest of their season indefinitely after 2 players tested positive and according to the NY Times....Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson have also been affected. Wow! This is insane. Keep all those affected in your thoughts/prayers. Hopefully this will all be over when the weather warms up or in the summer. Yes, I'm sure vaccines are being tested as we speak. Just crazy.

Last edited by CPfan1976,
Kevinj's avatar

Yep. Our 2nd grader came home with a Chromebook...they usually don't get their Chromebooks until 4th grade.

In other words...

On a serious note, it's fine. I work at a place that 1) I could take my kids to if we had to (our oldest was practically raised at Mount Union, and 2) My own place of employment just asked me to work from home for a month.

What I always think about is how parents with jobs not like ours handle this, if K-12 schools do go remote.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Cedar Fair has certainly taken a pummeling. FUN is down 48.1% YTD vs the DOW at 17.5% YTD.

Thabto said:

There's a case in Stark County now. I live down the street from the border of Stark.

viruses don’t know borders.

Jeff's avatar

The weird thing is that it's pretty much business as usual at the Orlando theme parks, though they've put out hand sanitizers everywhere.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

DRE420's avatar

We have plans to visit Hollywood Studios in Orlando in 2 weeks, so I was wondering how the Orlando parks are doing. Thanks!

Jeff's avatar

Certainly a lot could change in a week.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Thabto's avatar

RCMAC said:

Thabto said:

There's a case in Stark County now. I live down the street from the border of Stark.

viruses don’t know borders.

I know that but it's not far from me and this person is in a hospital so they aren't out spreading the virus. But people are freaking out here. I heard an Aldi store near Canton was basically picked clean today. I was at an Aldi in Green which is where I live and there was no toilet paper to be found, it wasn't really picked clean like that store though.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

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