Virus Impact on CP

Cargo Shorts's avatar

There went CGA.

Any word on SEAS?

djDaemon's avatar


Thabto's avatar

Sea World is staying open

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Cargo Shorts's avatar

To bad about Castaway Bay. There is always Maui Sands, surely this won’t stop them.

I hope Kalahari doesn't do the same. We have a 5 bedroom villa rented for next Saturday. Taking our grandson. My 3 sisters and their families. Been looking forward to it.

In Michigan everything is closed. All Colleges/University's, K-12 Schools, Librarys and museums. It seems like something out of a movie.

I can't imagine that Cedar Fair won't make another announcement on how this will be affecting their park's operating season/status.

And I know it's still a month ahead of opening, but they should inform Cedar Point employees on if the intended opening date is still a go a head, as a lot of us have already made travel arrangements (Me included) to arrive next month and work there for the summer.

Last edited by Corporate Mouse,

redsfan- As I’m sure you’re aware, there are a lot of closings and cancellations happening everywhere. It sounds to me like you are planning on bringing at least 4 families to a place where many have congregated and lived, which may not be a good idea right now. There’s nothing wrong with being cautious during this tentative time. And everyone is disappointed about missing something these days. You may thank yourself later for erring on the side of caution.

Given the screen name, I would say redsfan is definitely an optimist.

Add SeaWorld and Busch parks and Dollywood to the list

I think the bigger problem is that everyone is following the whole two week closure timeline; I would sincerely hope that the expectation is not: in two weeks everyone can go back to normal. Because a pandemic doesn’t work like that. I assume it’s easier to go two weeks at a time rather than a month or two.

Thabto's avatar

Looks like SeaWorld has changed their minds. They are closed now per their FB page.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

buckeyesbrownsindianscavs's avatar

Hopefully, this all blows over by the middle of May. I'm heading up there May 18th-22nd, my first trip there by myself, and my last big hurrah before getting deployed in June.

Last edited by buckeyesbrownsindianscavs,
The god of speculation
Cargo Shorts's avatar

We all do and especially for you. Thank you for your service BBIC.

mgou58 said:
I think the bigger problem is that everyone is following the whole two week closure timeline; I would sincerely hope that the expectation is not: in two weeks everyone can go back to normal. Because a pandemic doesn’t work like that. I assume it’s easier to go two weeks at a time rather than a month or two.

I think it works something like this...
A major problem with COVID-19 is that it has, if I remember right, an incubation period of between 2 and 14 days with an average of 6 days. The problem is that right now with few known cases (13 total in Ohio when last I checked) there may be hundreds or thousands more who are infected but asymptomatic.
So we take action NOW to try and halt the spread. Get all the asymptomatic people to stop interacting with one another and to start taking precautions. Meanwhile, over the course of the next 14 days, those infected people will become sick. At that point, if the proactive measures worked, then anyone who has not become sick will have a better idea whether or not he has been in contact with anyone who has become sick; and those who become sick will know it and be able to separate themselves from large groups, public events, etc.
In other words, in two weeks, the disease progression will have reached a stage where, if all goes well, the sick people will be able to self-select and the rest of us can get on with our lives.

The progression of the epidemic won't be over in two weeks, but it will be far enough along that at least commerce can resume.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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SuperS0nicSam's avatar

Maui Sands is closed for good. Has been for a while.

2015 Cedar Point Visits = 93

Kings Island & Cedar Point will still open on-time as scheduled. I contacted both parks through the Contact Us page on the park website.

Jake Padden
13-Tiques/Wave Swinger
12-Camp Snoopy; Tiques/Wave Swinger
11-CP & LE Railroad Platform; Cedar Creek Mine Ride; Tiques/Wave Swinger

they say that now, but I don't think anyone can predict what is going to happen with this virus. I'd love to think that by opening day this has all calmed down a bit but I wouldn't put any money on it.

Yes that is true, and yes the operating calendar “could” change. But those of us who have Season, Gold, or Platinum Passes are hoping for opening to be on schedule. Not trying to be rude or a pain in the butt, but just making a point.

Jake Padden
13-Tiques/Wave Swinger
12-Camp Snoopy; Tiques/Wave Swinger
11-CP & LE Railroad Platform; Cedar Creek Mine Ride; Tiques/Wave Swinger

Banshee72 said:

they say that now, but I don't think anyone can predict what is going to happen with this virus. I'd love to think that by opening day this has all calmed down a bit but I wouldn't put any money on it.

The travel ban is a really big deal to Cedar Point, as a big portion of employees are international. As of now it'll be lifted before the scheduled opening, but there's no knowing if it'll be extended.

Just the travel ban will cause quite a bit of confusion to Cedar Points HR, reduced staffing as internationals have already canceled, ect if Cedar Point opens as scheduled.

Last edited by Corporate Mouse,

Corporate Mouse said:

Banshee72 said:

they say that now, but I don't think anyone can predict what is going to happen with this virus. I'd love to think that by opening day this has all calmed down a bit but I wouldn't put any money on it.

The travel ban is a really big deal to Cedar Point, as a big portion of employees are international. As of now it'll be lifted before the scheduled opening, but there's no knowing if it'll be extended.

If the travel ban would be lifted, why would they need to extend? Yes it’s good and excellent that Governor Dewine is taking precautionary measures. However, is “some” of it too extreme in “my opinion” YES.

Jake Padden
13-Tiques/Wave Swinger
12-Camp Snoopy; Tiques/Wave Swinger
11-CP & LE Railroad Platform; Cedar Creek Mine Ride; Tiques/Wave Swinger

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