Virus Impact on CP

Thabto's avatar

If people would just obey the stay at home orders, we would get through this faster.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

At this point at least part of the problem is that the State has made it impossible for the park to prepare for the season. Presumably it's safer for a relatively small number of employees to be crowded into their houses for a while than to be spread across a 400-acre property. So even if this thing turns quickly (which, given the actions taken over the last two weeks in Ohio, it just might...) there's still several weeks of seasonal prep work that simply hasn't been able to happen. Not to mention similar problems with domestic suppliers. Anybody see the recent video message from PTC where President Tom shows trains from Holiday World and SFOG under renovation in a shut-down workshop?

Right now we don't know if the actions taken by the Governor have had the desired effect. The first drastic measure, closing down all the schools, officially happened last Tuesday, although some districts were down on Monday. I know that Monday was the day my morning commute was cut in half (I work in an essential industry, so I'm off to work five days a week...). That means anybody who was infected on Monday *might* start to show signs of the disease today at the earliest, and potentially well into next week. So if the initial shutdown orders actually started to reduce infections, we won't really know for a few more days. I know it was Monday when it seemed like people really started to take this thing seriously, so I'm hoping that was a real turning point.

And now I am wishing the hoarders would quit cleaning out the grocery store so that I don't have to go there every night looking for the stuff I'm running out of!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

/X\ *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _____

jimmyburke's avatar

The "hoard" shopping is interesting, I realize many have different theories for stocking up on certain items they deem necessary, so I am not meaning to belittle someone who may have some anxiety in these historic times. At Sandusky Walmart Sunday there were some areas that appeared nobody had shopped such as the gluten free area. However, the Ramen Noodles & Cup-a-Noodles were completely picked through & out of stock. I hope Dave Althoff wasn't out seeking some.

djDaemon's avatar

MaverickLaunch said:
No exposure.

Even in the best PPE you will not have eliminated your risk of exposure, only reduced the risk. So the 14-day clock resets regardless.

Which isn't to say you shouldn't go grocery shopping, obviously. The idea here isn't to completely eliminate risk, just reduce risk such that we slow this thing down.

Last edited by djDaemon,


Pretty disappointed in this forum for sure, what should be a distraction from this daily garbage isn't so on this forum. Since when did this become a political forum? We should be using this to discuss the issue at hand and maybe discuss some fun things with regards to the best amusement park on the planet.

Just amazed this particular forum has not been "closed" by the powers that be since it has gotten far from Cedar Point related.

We should be using this forum on PB to distract us from this daily crap we are now dealing with.

We need some positives to help us get through this and not the bickering that I'm seeing going on here.

That's just my two cents.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Sounds great Staaber. Can you point to your posts in the other threads to keep the conversation going on other subjects?

Yeah, Staaber. And thanks for *your* positivity today!
And btw, the “powers that be” is participating in this thread. In fact he’s one of the loudest. Which I’m glad for.
What I think is garbage are all the complaining posts, not just here, from enthusiasses who think the parks are somehow doing them wrong rather than trying to do the recommended, right thing.
And in fact, this thread (maybe for a change) represents everything that is right about PBuzz. For once we’re having a discussion that really matters, about something that’s important, as opposed to the usual “Tear Magnum Down”, “It’s Too Crowded”, and “FastLane is Criminal” posts. Need a mindless day-brightener? There are plenty of roller coaster YouTubers out there. And kitty videos.

XS NightClub's avatar

Name calling, repeating disproven talking points, spreading misinformation = we’re having a discussion that really matters, about something that’s important.

ok. Smh

Last edited by XS NightClub,

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

If people would just obey the stay at home orders, we would get through this faster.

From that I understand of the stay at home orders (and social/physical distancing in general), the goal is to have us get through the pandemic slower. Flattening the curve means that it takes longer for the virus to run through the population. But the goal is to avoid overwhelming the healthcare system with a large quick spike. The way to get through the pandemic faster would be to live as normal but that would overwhelm the healthcare system and result in more deaths (see Italy). Not a doctor though.

Not saying I've never complained on this site, I'm guilty of it for sure. I haven't been posting too much because of this negativity but mainly because I am trying to keep my guys working in these difficult times.

I just wish this would have remained a place to post about CP and not turned political. Politics suck, no matter which side of the aisle you are on. You can't win, and that's what makes this country so great, we can have our opinions and not be shot for it or sent to exile.

It would be nice to have come to this site to get away from all the political BS and pandemic news that's encompassing our lives right now.

I know CP always puts a smile on my face even when I am upset with something they've done or changed. I have nothing nut great memories from this place and again even when things haven't gone the way I would have wanted them to I am still smiling just at the thought of the best damn amusement park on the planet.

Ride on all of you!! We will get through this and be riding our favorite rides sooner than we think! We will defeat this crap and get back to our daily lives.

Walt's avatar

Some people need to avoid COVID-19 talk, others are comforted by it. It's certainly impacting Cedar Point, so I think it's a viable topic. The community has done a great job of more-or-less limiting virus talk to two topics. If you're not interested, those two topics are easy to avoid.

The social distancing has me working full-time from home, so I no longer spend 90 minutes a day on the interstate. I'm planning on using my newly found time to start up scanning my dad's film collection again. Hopefully, some vintage Cedar Point will be just what the doctor ordered.

Last edited by Walt,

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Cargo Shorts's avatar

How about a new rule?

One only gets to complain, if their post is the last one in the thread.

Staaber, just don't read this thread. I really cannot wrap my head around how this concept isn't sinking in. It's like complaining Netflix has a couple movies about Pandemics, yet there are thousands of other things you can watch on that platform alone!

Anyway it seems there are some at the highest level of government that want to relax restrictions after the 15 day guidelines are up, meaning at this point one week from now. If that line of thinking becomes a reality this will make the situation much worse. This is incredibly disturbing. I'm not an expert but every darn expert I've listened to says this is far from over.

XS notice this can be backed up by tweets and television programming. Wouldn't ya know no name calling either. Unfortunately our Bathroom Committee is on hiatus due to the pandemic and my promise that I wouldn't post about it for the rest of the year ;)

That's my daily check in. Be safe out there, take care of each other and have a nice day!

Çp4€và04 said:

Staaber, just don't read this thread. I really cannot wrap my head around how this concept isn't sinking in. It's like complaining Netflix has a couple movies about Pandemics, yet there are thousands of other things you can watch on that platform alone!

Anyway it seems there are some at the highest level of government that want to relax restrictions after the 15 day guidelines are up, meaning at this point one week from now. If that line of thinking becomes a reality this will make the situation much worse. This is incredibly disturbing. I'm not an expert but every darn expert I've listened to says this is far from over.

XS notice this can be backed up by tweets and television programming. Wouldn't ya know no name calling either. Unfortunately our Bathroom Committee is on hiatus due to the pandemic and my promise that I wouldn't post about it for the rest of the year ;)

That's my daily check in. Be safe out there, take care of each other and have a nice day!

Looking the other way, lol......

99er's avatar

Staaber said:

I just wish this would have remained a place to post about CP and not turned political. Politics suck, no matter which side of the aisle you are on.

That is literally the rest of Pointbuzz Forums. And to have a topic about this pandemic and expect it not to turn political is a bit much. The government is very much involved and naturally when you talk about a topic that is centered around the government, it will turn political.

So political arguments dominating a thread IS allowed in Pointbuzz?? That is what I am hearing from a few vocal posters here. The title of the thread is “Virus Impact on CP”. I too was disappointed when I opened the thread yesterday looking for what everyone thinks will be the fate of CP this season because of the Coronavirus, but instead there were several very aggressive political posts by people clearly with a political agenda. Put me in the camp of being clearly turned off by this and believe it as being inappropriate in this setting. Now if someone wants to start an off-topic thread titled “Political Blame for the Coronavirus” sure go ahead.

99er's avatar

Master D said:

So political arguments dominating a thread IS allowed in Pointbuzz??

Dominating? This thread started before the Orlando parks even closed and at 17 pages right now, I wouldn't consider the arguing to be dominating the thread. And also I wouldn't even call it arguing.

but instead there were several very aggressive political posts by people clearly with a political agenda.

What agenda does anyone here have? I have seen peoples views and opinions expressed but that doesn't equal a political agenda. Nobody is forced to open this thread that is still being used for the discussion of the virus and its impact, which is greater than just Cedar Point. But since you and others are turned off by this topic I can only assume you won't be back to post in this thread since it isn't your cup of tea?

Last edited by 99er,

I swear it might be more productive to slam my head against the wall.

Master D you claim to have read the thread. Every point and complaint you've presented has been cleared up and responded to. We here apologize that this thread isn't up to yer standards.

I've been on this site since 2004. Started young, now I'm almost 30. Common things are threads going off topic. I've been warned a few times in heated discussion "If you don't like it leave". Solid advise. Ironically the bitching and moaning about this thread has derailed it.

So lets try this one more time, so Master D is the last disappointed customer of a free service. We get it you don't like it. Take it up with Walt or Jeff. OR even easier just stay away from the thread.

This isn't a job or Thanksgiving with the family. You don't need to participate, show up or give a damn.

Jeff's avatar


Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Well the new Trump, Kudlow, Fox & Friends narrative rolling out is full on Boomer Remover. I guess they consider it win-win as it is natural cut back on entitlement programs

Just forget about going to the hospital, stay home and die quickly Grandma.

Last edited by Cargo Shorts,

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