Virus Impact on CP

Restricting inter-state travel should have happened a week or 10 days ago. Now with all the spring breakers returning home, snow birds returning home and people panic fleeing hotspots things are going to get worse.

Confirmed cases will continue to sky rocket as more people get tested and results are released.

On top of that you'll have people like Rand Paul who get tested, then return to work for 6 days while they wait for their results, oh and he tested positive by the way. So that's 6 days of ignorance which will end up causing more infections.

Dvo's avatar

For any rule put in place, there's always a loophole. The idea here is to limit the number of people in New York from traveling to places that they are likely to travel, since the virus is exploding in NYC (forgive the phrasing). And since New York isn't closing their airports, Florida is taking it upon themselves to try and at least reduce the number of people. It's a small step for sure, but unfortunately at this point people in NYC are very high risk of being carriers. Nobody wants to be there in the situation they're in, but the best course of action is to stay put and ride it out.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

Rusty's avatar

The reality of the situation with respect to politics = if you hated Trump before the virus arose, you will blame him now for its escalation in the U.S. regardless of the science or experts; if you loved Trump before all this came about, you will praise his efforts regardless of the same science or experts. Thankfully most of us fall somewhere in the middle, but we all still lean to one side or the other.

Anyone who refuses to give Trump credit for anything good that has happened since 2016 is an asshat. Anyone who believes Trump is 100% right all the time and would follow him off a cliff is a moron. (Feel free to interchange my asshat and moron references as both labels apply equally to both categories).

One thing that really sours me here or anywhere else is when people are outright insulted or belittled for their opinions regardless of which side that opinion falls. This is the main reason why I try to keep my opinions to myself when it comes to politics, because that is where it gets the ugliest. I personally don't have a problem with this topic existing on PointBuzz. The effects of the virus and the lockdowns etc. have saturated just about every Internet forum out there in one way or another, regardless of the primary focus of each forum. And many, if not most, of those threads have turned political in some capacity. There is no reason to expect that shouldn't happen here as well and there is no justification for prohibiting it.

All of that aside, this community - more than any others I have been a part of - has to have one of the highest ratios of dick measuring that I've encountered. I know it is the nature of the beast and the power of the anonymity of the Internet. I often wonder how much different these discussions would be face to face.

I know I am only one person and that this is an unreasonable expectation, but I wish sometimes people would just give their thoughts without feeling the desire to belittle someone else who has a different opinion... talk and discuss/debate differences rather than feel the need to prove to all the world that they have a superior intellect or more of a right to express a belief. On that note, even though I never met the guy, I sure do miss Pete.

Last edited by Rusty,

Proud to have fathered a second generation coaster enthusiast destined to keep me young at heart and riding coasters with a willing partner into my golden years!

A bit ironic that an ad saying I can win a signed “KAG” hat popped up here.

I guess ad money is ad money. Or is there no way to keep certain types of ads from showing up on a site?

Last edited by Shades,
Cargo Shorts's avatar

The ad intelligence is a little on the weak on this site. A constant on my iPad is “Bras for women over 50” or some industrial tooling equipment. I guess whatever pays the bills.

Jeff's avatar

I was getting Universal Orlando ads in Spanish up until a week ago.

Rusty said:

The reality of the situation with respect to politics = if you hated Trump before the virus arose, you will blame him now for its escalation in the U.S. regardless of the science or experts; if you loved Trump before all this came about, you will praise his efforts regardless of the same science or experts.

This is a terrible generalization, and not reality at all. There is no science and there are no experts giving Trump credit for anything. His experts are saying we haven't seen the worse, and he's saying we should all go to church on Easter.

And Trump's asinine fiscal policy, overseeing the biggest deficit and debt in history (which is about to get worse) benefits me like crazy. That silly tax cut that had no attached spending cut boosted my paycheck by about $200 that year. That's more than my wife makes part-time in a week, and her check didn't change at all. But yeah cool, he's a swell guy with the best words.

Furthermore, I don't hate Trump. I don't hate anybody, because I don't have time for that. But I do think he's a narcissistic moron and a dangerous autocrat. I also think he's immoral, what with the pussy grabbing, disabled mocking, war hero insulting and draft dodging. You know, the things that his defenders never defend (unless you count "her emails!" as defense).

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Cargo Shorts's avatar

From Wapo: “Florida will use an app to track New Yorkers arriving by plane”

Yeah, go ahead install your tracking app in this $50 burner phone I picked up at Walmart on the ride to the airport.

DeSantis is a (no name calling).

Jeff's avatar

Moron, asshat, dip****... yeah, they all apply. He said he can't see "telling Floridians they can't go to work" as an option, so there's that. Fortunately, the mayor of Orange County (yeah, we have mayors for counties here, because Florida) put a stop to that yesterday. The Orlando suburbs in particular have been particularly cavalier about this, so it was a good move. That OC is only at 89 cases is a miracle, but it was only 50 yesterday. The exponential growth is in full effect.

Last edited by Jeff,

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Rusty I've tried to do the same thing.


Thabto's avatar

yeah, DeSantis has his head buried in the sand. Beaches should've been shut down weeks ago. And there's more places than NY and NJ that could bring in the virus. It's in all 50 states now.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Dvo said:

For any rule put in place, there's always a loophole. The idea here is to limit the number of people in New York from traveling to places that they are likely to travel, since the virus is exploding in NYC (forgive the phrasing). And since New York isn't closing their airports, Florida is taking it upon themselves to try and at least reduce the number of people. It's a small step for sure, but unfortunately at this point people in NYC are very high risk of being carriers. Nobody wants to be there in the situation they're in, but the best course of action is to stay put and ride it out.

Florida has allowed spring break to party on and just recently took action. They have over a 1000+ cases now. The cat is out of that bag at this point.

NY is a nice scapegoat for the governor, I have a hunch most will fall for it. However I agree keep all NY people out of Florida unless they want to have a 14 day isolation. Because maybe we can prevent the blame being shifted on New Yorker's and spreading it further.

As someone who lives in Rochester NY, it's always been a shorter drive to CP than NYC. We are under the same laws thankfully. Because many up here still think it's just the flu. Still.

NYC is a nightmare for this and many other situations. Things like this make me grateful to live where I do.

Stay safe, have a good night all of you.

XS NightClub's avatar

Back on topic, Virus Impact on CP.

Unlike forum posts- CEOs and Corporate Guidance must be, by law, governed by fact and true understanding of business climate.
If anyone on here has any legitimate reason as to why Cedar Fair’s guidance is anything but a true and an accurate representation of what the future holds, than by all means report it to the SEC. If you truly believe anything that the “expert” analysts on paid cable tv have anything more educated to add than the governance provided, like maybe a website poster or admin, by all means help your fellow unit holder out and have the board removed so complete circumspect and cable news hyperbole can govern Cedar Fair leadership in the future.

Reality is very different 1083 miles away and it’s even more circumspect when you are adverse to the reality in your own backyard, side yard or whatever you call the princesses garden/lawn/moat or whatever on your block.

Last edited by XS NightClub,

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Jeff's avatar

I don't understand what any of that meant or implied.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Rusty's avatar

Çp4€và04 said:

Rusty I've tried to do the same thing.


It is what it is. I've said my piece, got chastised for it, will continue to think for myself, and life will go on. Not necessarily the same as it always has, but it will still go on.

I am hoping to get to use my new Gold Pass sometime in 2020, but when and whether that happens is out of my control at this point. Although this thread is far from the final authority on CP's official position or the determiner of my park attendance, I will continue to wade through the muck in search of items of interest - still appreciative of Jeff's efforts to maintain the site in the first place.

Stay safe and be smart everyone!

Proud to have fathered a second generation coaster enthusiast destined to keep me young at heart and riding coasters with a willing partner into my golden years!

Cargo Shorts's avatar

Hey XS, did I miss something in this thread? I don’t recall anyone claiming the park was being untruthful in their statements.

It is our hope to reopen that property mid-May or as soon thereafter as possible.

As usual a carefully crafted corporate statement that binds them to nothing. As soon thereafter as possible could be June, July or 2021 or 2022. Basically, To Infinity and Beyond!

I would expect nothing less, they don’t know when the parks can open anymore than anyone else. As Fauci says it will be determined by the facts on the ground.

Jeff maybe you posted something in Spanish at some point. Let me give it a try.

Yo quiero Taco Bell.

Last edited by Cargo Shorts,

It appears that the majority of people on here don't like this thread and it is for a good reason. This is no open debate and people aren't really listening to each other. This thread has just become people yelling at each other. I have quoted a many examples of people not engaging in a civil debate, whether it is dismissal of information because they don't like it, or name calling. Basically this whole thread is just logical fallacies at this point. Most of us don't mind having a deeper discussion about serious topics but that is not what is going on here. This thread is essentially "I am 100% right and you are 100% wrong". I get it that I may have used some logical fallacies in this post but if you are here just to point that out then you didn't understand this post. So on my way out the door here is my suggestion, we keep this thread the dumpster fire it is and create a new one "Virus Impact on CP (NonPolitical)".

Here are my examples, there are many more but after 2 pages or so this got very tiring.

This is a terrible generalization, and not reality at all. There is no science and there are no experts giving Trump credit for anything.

We're in a world where a part of the population believes anything they don't agree with is "fake news," because the asshat in the White House says so.

This asshat doesn't care about science, as his environmental record already showed.

Which experts are those? Because I can read, that's not what any experts are saying.

I've seen enough lies and distortions from the NY Times that I won't read it anymore, and certainly not the Opinion piece you posted from them above.

You can vote for whomever you want, but if you don't like your boy being called out as a liar (and he is, objectively, a liar, and you can't deny that), maybe support a different boy.

Health care costs will go down under Obamacare. Umm, okay. "Read my lips, no new taxes". Yeah, right. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinksy"... and that one was under oath!

If I used "Jeff's" logic, then Cedar Point is racist.

President Obama said the word "Ebola", so he must be racist too.

My 10-year-old uses that one.

The New York Times is a joke, as is WaPo.


Rusty said:

The reality of the situation with respect to politics = if you hated Trump before the virus arose, you will blame him now for its escalation in the U.S. regardless of the science or experts; if you loved Trump before all this came about, you will praise his efforts regardless of the same science or experts. Thankfully most of us fall somewhere in the middle, but we all still lean to one side or the other.

Anyone who refuses to give Trump credit for anything good that has happened since 2016 is an asshat. Anyone who believes Trump is 100% right all the time and would follow him off a cliff is a moron. (Feel free to interchange my asshat and moron references as both labels apply equally to both categories).

I really try to avoid political discussions online but...

I'll gladly admit I voted for Trump, Kasich in the primary, but Trump in the general election, at the time it appeared to me the lesser of two evils and I do praise him for what he did with the economy up to about.. 3-4 weeks ago. I generally did not have much of a negative view of him, I disagreed with some policies but I know that's what Congress is for, checks and balances. And being an attention seeking reality TV star, I put most of his ridiculousness into a box of trying to stay relevant and trolling liberal media.

However, with the handling of the pandemic, the shear nonsense, lies, back talking and finger pointing instead of leading he has currently LOST my vote for re-election. And I doubt there will be much that can happen between now and November to get it back. Personally I TRY to vote for best candidate and not be blind to parties.

People need to learn to not blindly follow people based on red and blue. That's why our country has been stagnant with no real change for the good of the people for decades. Good for corporations? Sure. But the people? Not so much.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

A remake was already in the works. This should add some interesting twists to the plot.

Jeff's avatar

WolfBobs said:
People need to learn to not blindly follow people based on red and blue. That's why our country has been stagnant with no real change for the good of the people for decades. Good for corporations? Sure. But the people? Not so much.

It's reassuring to see that some people feel that way.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Rusty's avatar

Jeff said:

WolfBobs said:
People need to learn to not blindly follow people based on red and blue. That's why our country has been stagnant with no real change for the good of the people for decades. Good for corporations? Sure. But the people? Not so much.

It's reassuring to see that some people feel that way.

This is something I can agree with 100% and was basically what I was trying to say earlier, but failed miserably.

Proud to have fathered a second generation coaster enthusiast destined to keep me young at heart and riding coasters with a willing partner into my golden years!

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