Update: September 16

Jason Hammond's avatar

If you couldn't tell from the pictures, I was at the park Saturday. Anyway, around 4:30, they were working on what currently is the last piece of track that they placed. The first full flat section at the base of the lift hill. Anyway, they seemed to be having a hard time with it. using a come-along and prybar to get the holes for the bolts lined up.

After reviewing todays webcam captures, I think they made a mistake that they have now corrected. I could be wrong though. I'm not posting photos from every minute of the day, but I will explain what I think happened today.

First they removed the top of the near side support. Next they remove the top of the far side support and placed it on the near side. Then they took the piece which was on the near side and put it on the far side.

These are some of the pieces that were put in on Saturday that they were having problems with.

To clarify, this is only my interpretation of what they did today and should in no way be taken as gospel. It could be just as likely that they put the pieces back in the same place and only removed them to make some minor adjustments. But if you look at my captured photos minute by minute I think they switched them.

*** Edited 9/18/2006 11:27:21 PM UTC by Jason Hammond***

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

Pics wont enlarge there Jason

I can believe that. They seemed to have a problem figuring out which corner piece went where, and things seems way too far off when they went to put that track in.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
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Jason Hammond's avatar

Oops. I fixed it. :)

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

Great Job on the update Jason. Maverick really is looking better and better everytime I look at it. Halltd I wanted to comment on the camera thing. These newer cameras that are coming out are so thin, if you would happen to drop it, the odds of someone getting severly injured are not that bad. I don't understand the logic of not allowing it on Giant Wheel. The cars don't exactly always sit over top of the other cars all the time depending where you are on the wheel.

PKIDelirium's avatar

Thin or not, they have batteries and other electronics in them that have enough weight to cause harm.

Jason Hammond's avatar

Besides, where do you draw the line and who enforces the rule. Ok, you can take yours, but yur friend has to leave theirs behind.

No, it's easier to just say everyone can not.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

Yeah. My friend can't take pictures with his digital SLR on the ride, but I can with my wicked thin T1? I don't see how you would enforce that. Plus, many people would be complaining about that. Its easier (and safer) to just say no picture taking period.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Shawn - what about the ops down below on Giant Wheel? Or if a guest tries to lean for a better shot and finds that the latching mechanisms on GW are less than existent?

Goodbye MrScott


I always wondered about that....why are those not secured?

Owner, Gould Photography.

JuggaLotus's avatar

2 reasons -

Common sense (and the law) tell you to stay seated for the duration of the ride.

Should common sense fail, you'll help prove Darwin's theory correct (provided you haven't already passed your gene's on)

Goodbye MrScott


Those doors open in. So, you can't fall out by leaning on them. You'd have to pull them inward and then lean out through the opening. If you're that dumb, you deserve to fall to your death.

i thought this thread was about maverick...


Jason Hammond's avatar

Well it's about the September 16th Mavrick Update which unintentionaly included an illgotten photo taken by myself which spured this discussion about on-ride photography.

Eveyone caught up?

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

We were all caught up before because we read.

Jason Hammond's avatar

Well aparently not everyone did. I was in fact responding to BigDrops post.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

I know what you were responding to. I was just mocking him for saying this thread was "off-topic." Conversations RARELY stay talking about the same exact thing for hours, if not weeks like these threads. So, I think its perfectly natural for threads to change course. I would only call something "off-topic" if someone said something totally out of context.

Jason Hammond's avatar

Potato Salad ;)

*** Edited 9/19/2006 9:17:50 PM UTC by Jason Hammond***

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
http://www.rollercoasterfreak.com My YouTube

Lets get back to Maverick. According to one of the videos of Maverick, I was wondering if they'll be using the whole White Water Landing station? The reason I ask this is because there is a lot of room inside that station and just having the queue inside seems odd.

Cole slaw. :) Oh wait, I'm off-topic again. LOL!!

From cedarpoint.com: "Queue line utilizes White Water Landing loading/unloading station."

Granted, it doesn't say the ENTIRE station, but I'm sure it will. They'll need quite the queue at least for opening season.

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