
What would CP do if they had a tornado.. problem.. that killed off most of their stuff? Close?
??? Uh could you please make your question more clear?
It probably would depend on how much damage it caused. If it took out most of their coasters they would probably have to decide if it is worth it to re-build them all. Maybe they could re-model a coaster or two.
First, becuase Cedar Point is vurtualy an island and since a tornado will most lilkely approach it form the sothwest, it will have to cross a large area of water. The water most likely will weaken the storm, to what degree I don't know. I am guessing since the winds will be crossing at deferent direction's than on land (known as wind sheer, which is a primary ingredient in tornadoes) it will dissipate. However, Tornadoes have been known to cross the Mississippi so one could make it over, but Lake Erie and the Mississippi are different in many respects.

My guess is the odds are greater for a waterspout forming and reaching CP. Since the winds above CP are pretty much the same as over the water, once it hits landfall I doubt it would hardy weaken. That said, most Waterspouts are only F0 or F1 which do hardly any damage.

If one of these were to cross the water and hit CP, my bet is it will be very week , 100 MPH at the most

Since the coasters are pretty much just support structure, I doubt anything would happen to them. Some roofing may peel of the top of the buildings, light objects may get bounced around, and some trees would loose some branches. CP probably wouldn't even loose power.

I am sure it would take care of the Building over DT and we would have Avalanche Run back.

THanx for answering that I have wondered it for a while

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
I was there with my school back in 98, and there were two water spouts. One was by the marina, and the other was by the magnums third hill. I was in line for maggy and all of a sudden i saw everybody rushing out of the queue at me. Then i looked up, and lets just say the all the rain wasnt the reason my shorts were soaked lol *** This post was edited by 300FTMONSTER on 2/18/2001. ***
I think it was the Summer of '77 that a tornado ripped through Frontiertown, damaging part of the Mine Ride and a couple of buildings, and knocking down a bunch of trees particularly in the area where they were planning to build Gemini...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
June 30th, 1977. Time of day 5:40 PM, Intensity F1 (73-112 MPH). Traveled through Sandusky and Huron Counties :) :)

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 2/19/2001. ***
Isn't that tornado the reason the queue entrance on CCMR isn't through the little mine thingie anymore?

-The Pants Has Spoken
"Yellow line? What Yellow Line..."
I remember the water spouts of 98'. I was on a break and I saw a two funnel clouds go over the point. I even remember raising a toast of Hawaii Punch to the last one before being pushed inside of the stockades back room.

Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP
I'm not sure of the year, but I'll edit this post when I find out, but my step-grandmother told me about a 4th of July there that were was a wicked storm that tore through Cedar Point. Everyone had thought it was a tornado, but I'm not sure if it really was one of just a micro-burst.

Mike McCormack
Millennium Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum XL-200: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 36
I think I know of that July 4th Storm you are talking about. The records show there was no Tornado.

It hit Lakewood Park right before the fireworks display that year. It uprooted tree's, damaged buildings, and killed my grandma's friend :( .

It may be the same storm that hit CP. I'm guessing a storm of that magnitude that lasted so long had to have been what is known as a Bow Echo. It shows up on the radar as powerful storm in the shape of a Bow. At the tip of the Bow, the winds can become so concentrated and fierce they can be more powerful than a tornado. This storm probably skipped along the edge of the shore. *** This post was edited by Joe E. on 2/19/2001. ***
Maybe we will get lucky, and some sort of storm will come and destroy Mean Streak, but leave the rest of the park unharmed. ;)
There were two July 4th storms to hit North-Central Ohio. One was July 4th 1969 (the big one) and a smaller, but wicked terrible storm on July 4th, 1976. It was before my time, but my parents tell me all about living in Sandusky and having their basement flood twice and their house getting struck by lightning, too.

"Give a man a fire and he's warm for the rest of the day. Light a man on fire and he's warm for
the rest of his life."

--Terry Prachett
Pete's avatar
I was at Edgewater Park in Cleveland on July 4th, 1969, with my mom, for the fireworks. The storm hit before the show started and we all ran to Edgewater Yacht Club to take shelter. The storm caused a lot of damage. A lot of boats ran into trouble trying to ride out the storm. That was one wicked night.
I was also their in 98. I remember seeing two funnel clouds, as one was pretty much hanging over are heads as we ran to the front of the park and the other was over the parking lot. I have been to A lot of places(ie. Middle East) and seen alot of things and nothing has ever scared me as bad as thoes funnel clouds.

MF Rides=50
I think it would be sweet to have a huge storm at the point. It gets that spring smell in the air as the sky darkens to a blackish-gray. Then it hits! If I saw water sprouts, I'd run my*****off and get over to MF. Employees would probably herd everybody inside, but I'd try to stay outside as long as possible.

Storms in the middle of the day in late August are a God-sent. They start up late in the afternoon, and last for just a few minutes. They last long enough to thin out the lines, and short enough to not spoil the afternoon.
Not to bring up an old post...but you would run for one the biggest lightningrods in northern ohio? Personally, I'd run for the Iron Dragon station (wait! I have done that!!)...
*2000 - Cedar Downs crew, WildCat crew
*2001 - Cedar Downs atl
What are watersprouts and why are they so dangerous?

May the Force be with you
Waterspouts are not inherently dangerous. Although the ones in 98 were about as powerful as they get....For most of the people who witnessed them, I can confirm, I was there myself....In all the shows you see and read about Funnel Clouds and Tornandoes - these were classic in formation. There was not any doubt about what it was - it was well formed and white stood out against the blue sky....The oddest part about them, is rather than in the storm, they led the storm...Everything was clam, serene and beautiful - but off in the distance you could see it - plain as was amazing and frightening at the same time....because regardless of how anyone can tell you are not in danger - its hard to believe.....when you see something like that - it just shows the power of nature and unpredictability.....I will never forget it....and oddly enough, I will never forget the phrase of a musician at the Gazebo that day - "I proclaim this a beautiful and marvelous day" - exactly one hour before all hell broke loose....

The midway was full of people just looking off into the sky and admiring the sight - everyone was quite calm - but when it appeared we would get a direct hit - all hell broke loose. Again, when the amount of people that large start panicking - its frightening.....

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