Top Thrill Dragster: Years from now.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Yes, but will it be 500 problems that keep it down for an hour here or there, or 1 problem that keeps it down for 3 months? I won't believe dragster can run a consistent season until it does.

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

Agreed, Jugga.

I wouldn't get too excited about TTD having a breakthrough season just yet. I mean, who's to say that an entirely new problem won't pop up? For all anyone knows, there could have been a problem brewing since it was built, and that problem may just be "ripe" enough to cause a major headache.

Hopefully, though, the problems will be limited to a few minor short downtimes, and perhaps a major one at some point. Personally, I'd prefer one long span as opposed to numerous short-lived problems.
*** Edited 3/2/2006 6:12:24 PM UTC by djDaemon***


Millennnium Force is going into it's 7th season. It still has quite a few problems that appear from time to time. It's overall downtime is pretty good despite.

The problems of Top Thrill Dragster is caused by a highly sophisticated control system, a huge number of parts, large amount of wear on the launch components, unforeseen problems ( such as heat on the catch car, cavitation of the hydraulic system, shock loading, and many minor difficulties), and other problems with operation including movement of trains within the station.

To be honest, the original design of TTD turned out to smash train together. Actually, all those sensors are there to detect problems and shut down the ride if they occur. An example is if the trains get too close or one train is approching another at too high of speed. This ment that the trains wouldn't get far with 6 trains in it's intended operation before the ride would shut itself down. It was intended to run the trains faster and closer together than they do now. When they ran te ride with 5 trains, it ended up being more efficient than with 6 trains where they would move at regular speed and following standard blocking. The problem is that they made the curvature in unload which turns out to lower how quickly the trains can stop (tires should have static friction, the unload tires don't). This screwed everything up for the intended 6 train operation.

The launch system was about $5 million. All of the mechanical parts of the entire system have been replaced except some of the guide pulleys. Everything. Pumps, valves, motors, accumulators, gears, drum, catch car, cables... replaced. The most recent was the large gearboxes between the motors and drump went out, both sides. I wonder if Cedar Point is going to order 1 or 2 of those for stock in case the 2 new ones go out in the future. Those suckers take a week to replace each. Though they took a beating in 2003 from all of the mid launch estops, this is partly why I think parts that were designed to last 20-30 years, failed just before the end of their third.

TTD 120mph's avatar

So the fault of the breakdowns is the fact that Dragster just didnt have strong enough parts?
Would that mean we can agree that most of the parts are more updated compared to the previous parts?

P.S.-What was maintenance replacing here...a motor?

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

TTD is a fantastic ride, let's not forget that. It provides a "CP quality coaster experience" IMO. People are loving it if you hang out at the ride exit.

Rather than just beat the dead horse over how long TTD will last, I want to say that a lot of TTD's downtime is weather related. I worked in the park last year and it rains quite often...we all know that Dragster can't run in ANY rain whatsoever. This contributes to a lot of the GP's TTD is always down mentality.

If you want to talk about a ride that has serious issues let's talk about WT. That poor thing was hurtin' this past season. I worked on WT for a 2 weeks and it was sad to see that ride breakdown so often, not to mention its extended downtime in the middle of the season.

P.S.-What was maintenance replacing here...a motor?

I'm a little surprised they did that stuff while the park was still open. *** Edited 3/3/2006 12:49:49 PM UTC by Frank Sinatra***

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.

Do you think that cp should install breaks on the top hat like KK? All they would have to do is to launch it faster and with the breaks on top thats how they could control the speed going over

djDaemon's avatar

If such an unlikely thing happened, I would hope they'd set it up so that the entire train would hang there for a few seconds.


TTD 120mph's avatar

johnny1note said:
Do you think that cp should install breaks on the top hat like KK? All they would have to do is to launch it faster and with the breaks on top thats how they could control the speed going over

The brakes on KK are positioned to only slow the train. If Dragster were to get some in the same place, it wouldnt require an added amount of speed.
It's possible to do, but it's highly unlikely to happen.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Gomez's avatar

The brakes on KK are there for effect. From what I've read, the effect isn't very noticeable.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

TTD 120mph's avatar

It's pretty noticeable in video. But, like you said, the effect isn't very noticeable to riders.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Obviously this is an old thread, but I think it may be appropriate to bring it back. Top thrill will be ten years old next year, and it seems in the last few years the kinks have been worked out. I can honestly say I don't remember the last time I've seen this ride down (though I only visit the park about 8 times a year). Here is a question I have though... I understand why they removed the spoilers, mock engines, and wheels shortly after it opened, but is there any chance Cedar Point would make the decision to put the train props back on or replace them? The reason I ask is because I have always thought with the props, Top Thrill's trains were the best looking trains I've ever seen, and without them, I just feel like it takes away from the theming of the ride. Any thoughts?

bucks30 said:
p thrill will be ten years old next year,

When I first read that, my first thought was, "that can't be right, Top Thrill has really been around that long?". But sure enough it has. For some reason, I always feel like their was a bigger gap between MF and Top Thrill being built. When you think about it, getting two huge coasters built in such a short time span is pretty amazing.

Maverick00's avatar

The props were removed to higher the capacity of the ride, I would not want them added back.

I love reading these old threads :)

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

I read the props were removed because one of the fake tires flew off into the Iron Dragon lake. Can anybody confirm this?

JuggaLotus's avatar

Yes. In mid-2003, on the way down the tower, the right side tire separated from a train. The tires were then removed from all trains. Shortly after that, the "spoiler" was removed.

Goodbye MrScott


Jason Hammond's avatar

I'm not sure where it "Flew" to. But, yes a tire came off. I imagine not having the props helps with minimizing the roll backs as well. Less drag and all.

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Less drag, more thrill?

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Top that.

Reading some of this thread prompted me to check out the PB photo gallery of TTD, and man, I didnt realize just how much the paint had faded. I'd love to see it spruced up a bit for its upcoming anniversary.


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