Top Thrill Dragster: Years from now.

If TTD continues to have the maintenance issues it has been having, I don't think it'll be around very long at all...which is sad. It's a good ride. But how long will CP want to sink money into this?

It's like having a nice car that continuously needs work. After awhile, it's just going to be cheaper to sell it.

djDaemon's avatar

Recycle that thing...


I'm sure if Cedar Point thought they were spending too much $$$ on it, they would dismantle it now rather than later. TTD is basically the main part of Cedar Point. When someone says they went their, everyone asks, "Did you ride the Dragster?!" TTD is also by far my favorite ride, as with a lot of other people.

djDaemon's avatar

That is true. Its a great ride, but if the problems persist, eventually it will be taken down.

If it were a horse, it would have been shot already. ;)


I HATE Six Flags said:
Yeah, but maitenence will get higher every year and CP would rather sell it or something and build high quality coasters like MF than record breakers. I'd rather have a ride that is fun and long with a 1% down than a ride that isn't record breaking anymore with a 10% down time.

Oh yeah by the way, 200th POST!!!!!! WOOT WOOT YEAH!!!!
*** Edited 10/17/2005 12:07:43 AM UTC by I HATE Six Flags***

I'd actually want 15 high quality long coasters and one short and record breaking ride. ;)

2007 hear I come...

Would you guys take TTD being down for one whole year and be completly fixed forever? Or would you rather have it break down now ang again? Only if the ride lasts more than 20 years though.

Gomez's avatar

2005 saw major improvements in TTD's running abilities. Of course, the breakdowns we're currently facing aren't things they can't get rid of (things will always break), but the hour to 2 hour breakdowns throughout the day are happening less and less. I'd wait another year or so and see if the ride runs even better. I have faith in the ride, it surpass my expectations for 2005 and I'm hoping it will do it again in 2006.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

Does anyone think CP would ever consider takeing TTD down or redoing it some how?

^ Read the first page.

101 on Magnum and counting...

I love TTD just as much as all of you do but if the problems persist I don't see the ride there 10 years from now.....alot of people get upset when the go to the point to ride the Dragster and they see those damn signs that says "Top Thrill Dragster will not open today"


Cory Marshall

TTD 120mph's avatar

The problem with most people is that they expect too much. I love Dragster allot and although I've only been to the park once when it wasnt open for the day, I can go to Cedar Point expecting the posibility that Dragster mighty have some down-time.
Some people expect the ride to be running just for them and that if it's not, it's Cedar Points fault. Thats when they get mad and hate the ride.
It's a very complex coaster and it is prone to breaking down, believe it or not. Coaster moves, coaster launches, coaster goes up hill, down hill, stops......thats all that some people think, which is wrong! Have they ever though of how it moves, what it takes to launch it, what it takes to stop it...again, most people dont.

My point is people expect too much out of Dragster. It will get better, and it will break down. Look at this year and how it ran and then look back at 04 and 03. I dont think we've had any(if not a little bit) of the problems that it has previously had. For example: We havent had one cable snap this year......and thats thanks to CP.
And dont get bad ideas just because of this recent problem, because it was anticipated(I think).

Next year will be Top Thrill Dragster's year to SHINE!!!
See you opening day 06 Dragster!!:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

djDaemon's avatar

If this problem was anticipated, then we have EVERY right in the world to get mad at CP. If they anticipated this problem, why wasn't the part ordered before it failed???


I read the first page and I get your point. In the future i'll start on the first page

TTD 120mph's avatar

djDaemon, Believe me I have taken that into thought. What I think is that they knew it would but didn’t know when. And they didn’t want to order the part because it was (from what I've heard) too big and would have been too much of a hassle.

It's not like buying extra light bulbs so you can have some on hand incase of any blow-outs. It's more like buying a diesel truck and immediately buying another diesel engine for it because you know for sure it will breakdown in the future. The thing is that you don’t know when and your other engine would just be taking up space, possibly forming some kind of problems as it just sits and sits and sits (even though I know that would take a while for something like that to happen).

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I'm siding with all of TTD120mph thoughts.

BDash | Toro | Maverick | Bizarro | Voyage | RFII | X2 | TTD | DBack | Cornball

Gomez's avatar

^I swear, it's like beating a dead horse.

If you try to say TTD is a great ride on Pointbuzz only one will agree (me or TTD 120mph). It depends on who asked the question.

*** Edited 10/19/2005 8:07:47 PM UTC by Gomez***

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

TTD 120mph said:
The problem with most people is that they expect too much. I love Dragster allot and although I've only been to the park once when it wasnt open for the day, I can go to Cedar Point expecting the posibility that Dragster mighty have some down-time.
Some people expect the ride to be running just for them and that if it's not, it's Cedar Points fault. Thats when they get mad and hate the ride.
It's a very complex coaster and it is prone to breaking down, believe it or not. Coaster moves, coaster launches, coaster goes up hill, down hill, stops......thats all that some people think, which is wrong! Have they ever though of how it moves, what it takes to launch it, what it takes to stop it...again, most people dont.

My point is people expect too much out of Dragster. It will get better, and it will break down. Look at this year and how it ran and then look back at 04 and 03. I dont think we've had any(if not a little bit) of the problems that it has previously had. For example: We havent had one cable snap this year......and thats thanks to CP.
And dont get bad ideas just because of this recent problem, because it was anticipated(I think).

Next year will be Top Thrill Dragster's year to SHINE!!!
See you opening day 06 Dragster!!:)

Well the other rides hardly ever break down. Like MF, maggie, or raptor. If they do break down its not for long. Dragster was down for over a month. People have every right to get mad. Most people come to CP to ride MF or TTD because they are the biggest thrills.

Yeah people should expect a lot better out of TTD. First of all is CEDAR POINT!!! CP is thee best park ever and they say CP takes care of their rides the best. This ride was down for a long time compared to other rides. CP could have put in a better coaster for 25 million. I really think TTD is a flop.

TTD 120mph's avatar

Gomez said:
If you try to say TTD is a great ride on Pointbuzz only one will agree (me or TTD 120mph).

Like I've said before, Welcome to Dragster Town. :) LOL!

I HATE Six Flags said:Well the other rides hardly ever break down. Like MF, maggie, or raptor. If they do break down its not for long. Dragster was down for over a month. People have every right to get mad. Most people come to CP to ride MF or TTD because they are the biggest thrills.

Yeah people should expect a lot better out of TTD. First of all is CEDAR POINT!!! CP is thee best park ever and they say CP takes care of their rides the best. This ride was down for a long time compared to other rides. CP could have put in a better coaster for 25 million. I really think TTD is a flop.

You must be one of those people I mentioned. You think Dragater should run at 100%, and if you're a CP fan you know that that's something Dragster just can't do(yet;)). CP is the best at keeping up with the running of their rides....and that includes Dragster, you just cant seem to see it. You look at all the negatives and not on how or what CP did to fix it.
I'll admit that I have wished that Dragster was open more or that it didnt have downtime, but I've come to terms with that. You have to accept that it is a FAR more complex coaster than, Raptor, Magnum, Mean Streak, Gemini, or Mantis and that it is more prone to breakdowns than they are.

How many times do I have to say how complex Dragster is?!! I feel like a broken record!!

If you think Dragster is a flop, then fine! I can't change you mind, it's your opinion.

*** Edited 10/19/2005 9:22:15 PM UTC by TTD 120mph***

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I don't think TTD should run at 100%. That's impossible for ANY ride. I know TTD is very complex and it does have breakdowns, but not this many. Down for a over a month? Sometimes it's down for 2 or 3 days too. That can really disapoint people who come to CP once a year from out of town that are looking to ride TTD. Okay TTD 120mph let's just stop this argument and actually talk about the thread Ok?

P.S. Does anybody know if KK has many breakdowns? Besides the one in the beginning of the year.

TTD 120mph's avatar

Ok, agreed. Sorry for blowing up in you face.:)
I can answer you question to. Besides the major breakdown, KK has been fairing about as good as Dragster did its first year(not so hot;)).

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

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