Top Thrill Dragster 2022 Status

Valid points...

I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride! Glad the ride is staying in some capacity though!

djDaemon's avatar

Agreed, Adam, that Zamperla's rumored involvement in a project of this scope is exciting. More big players in the amusement space drives competition, and competition leads to innovation, improved reliability, and so on. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if there were some hiccups along the way, since it seems this may be one of the biggest projects they've taken on.


MichaelB's avatar

I'm not grasping at straws, I'm sharing my opinion -- one based on professional experience in the field of engineering and construction.

Just because something isn't on your radar due to lack of expertise in something, doesn't mean it's a nothing-burger when someone else with experience sees it. For example, I won't pretend to have an iota of medical expertise because I know nothing about that field. You'll never catch me saying, "Well, this patient can't have this but it's very plausible they have that," and I'll be the first to admit it. I can't imagine dying on a hill of which I have no expertise in, but you do you.

TTD 120mph's avatar

Having an opinion is fine. But not all opinions are created equal. All of these opinions (more speculation in all honesty) about an extended layout are more heavily centered around what CP is saying than what we are seeing. You could make an argument that what they've removed is a possible sign of an extended layout. But it is a weak argument at best. At least understand the points the non extended layout camp are making.

It's not about what's possible, it's about what is most likely happening. Could they add on to the layout? Sure. Will they? Most likely not. It's fine to speculate and imagine what an extended layout could look like. But don't assume it will happen just because it could. And definitely try to not take everything CP says literally 😂

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

djDaemon's avatar

MichaelB: based on professional experience in the field of engineering and construction.

By all means, explain how your experience (which I would note does not include financial experience, but I digress) leads you to conclude that the most likely outcome is that they will add to the layout of TTD.


Jeff's avatar

Cedar Pointer:

Eltororyan stole your video? Where is the proof? What was the video? What do you mean? That's a major claim that would need major evidence.

I could show you the emails, but regardless of what I think of his video, it's none of your business. I don't need to prove anything to you. And no, it's not fair use. YouTube agreed with me. I've never lost a YouTube take-down case, and there have been many. I'm still getting royalties from someone else who stole video years after they were caught, in lieu of taking it down. It is worth something. Nothing is free.

There's a whole segment of YouTubers doing theme park stuff that don't actually make anything. My kid is getting sucked into it now, parroting things he saw as fact, and it's all speculative nonsense. (At least it gives me an opportunity to teach critical thinking with something that isn't politics.) The Orlando people are the worst. Sure, speculation is fun, but if that's what you want to do, sit in front of the camera and speculate without ripping off the work of others who spent money on equipment and software to actually make original things.

Better yet, get actual answers from people who know. Before I got remarried, had a kid, focused on my career and changed priorities, I did content. I was posting video before YouTube existed. I interviewed two Cedar Fair CEO's and dozens of theme park and ride manufacturer presidents and engineers. I was in the room where Gatekeeper was manufactured. I broke the Kinzel-Falfas breakup before any mainstream or industry press, with two verified sources. I networked, did the work, built relationships, got the facts. So if you want to talk to me about content creation, keep in mind that I've been there. And I didn't need to lift anything from others to do it. Get off my lawn.

You'd love the Sandor emails. (I think a few people here have seen those.)

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


By all means, explain how your experience (which I would note does not include financial experience, but I digress) leads you to conclude that the most likely outcome is that they will add to the layout of TTD.

The reality is that everything that they have done so far can support both theories. Based on what they have ripped out and said in their press releases you can make a case both for and against a layout change. Bottom line is we just don't know but it should become a lot clearer over the coming months. I will say that this has created a buzz in the community that we have not seen for several years and that does add a little bit of excitement.

vwhoward's avatar

I don't think there will be a layout change. I will admit I was hopeful that they would have done a little extra, nothing crazy. I'm no longer hopeful for such a thing. I dont think think the theme will change much either. It is most likely a new launch system, new train, and (hopefully) a paintjob. As for the paint job, Zamperla did a drone fly through and posted it on their TikTok and at one point you can see a section of what could be TTD's box track freshly painted yellow. Boo! And with all that being said, I see nothing new here. Innovative? Meh...maybe with these new, non welded trains. Which 99.9% of people don't give two 💩 about. One of a kind? Far from it. A new ride experience? Unlikely. Most people won't notice the difference between the LSM and the hydraulic launch. And if they do, it seems as though as everyone has posited that it will just be less forceful. I will say again I'm not hanging on marketing terms. I understand why they use the words they use. It doesn't mean I have to agree with how they use them. So Dragster 2.0 will not be a change akin to SV but more like Rougarou. And that seemed to be well received. I'm sure people will be glad to have this coaster back. But let's be honest, that's really all they're getting back, the same coaster.

Last edited by vwhoward,

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

heric's avatar


There's a whole segment of YouTubers doing theme park stuff that don't actually make anything

Jeff - I hear you and agree that your history is between you two and further about that segment of YouTubers. As others have said, I find this TTD conversion insanely interesting, I check this thread daily.

To my knowledge, EltoroRyan was the first to break the news about Zamperla and the video I posted was the first I heard about 4 shorter train operations. With that do have a recommendation on where or who I should consume TTD and roller coaster content beyond this thread? I'm more than happy to support those who are putting in the time and effort as you stated about your own history.

As for new paint, has anyone seen pictures or anything that clearly shows different shades of grey being tested on the supports?

This is the photo where the dark grey speculation comes from. Not sure if that is actual paint though.

Last edited by heric,
djDaemon's avatar


Zamperla did a drone fly through and posted it on their TikTok and at one point you can see a section of what could be TTD's box track freshly painted yellow. Boo!

That appears to be track for Playland's Zamperla-converted coaster coming in 2024.


vwhoward's avatar

Thank goodness. I'm really hoping for not one of the three colors they predominantly use.

Eat 'em up, Tigers, eat 'em up!

They’ve swiftly removed all parts of the ride that won’t be re-used, yet the brake run supports remain. If there was going to be an extended layout post top hat, those brake supports would be long gone.

If they change the trains, I hope they make em friendlier for us fat boys.


They’ve swiftly removed all parts of the ride that won’t be re-used, yet the brake run supports remain. If there was going to be an extended layout post top hat, those brake supports would be long gone.

True, but that doesn't prevent them from doing anything pre-top hat like a transfer track with a swing launch or something like that. In addition, there have been things that they didn't take down right away that did eventually get demolished like the interior of the station or the flags on top of the station. Thus, there is nothing preventing them from taking down those brake supports when they get to stage of the project where they need to dig in that area.

But they left all the launch side supports also?

Yes, the launch supports from the station on are still there. That would still work for a swing launch especially since they gutted the station. A transfer track or "S" track right out of the station onto the track with the existing supports and you can do a swing launch.

I'm not saying that is what is going to happen or that it's even likely. I'm just saying that it's not off the table yet with what has been done. I personally think there is going to be no layout extension but I'm not going to go and harass people on here that have that opinion like some others are doing. Until we see differently, their opinions still have some weight and I will be extremely happy if they are right and I am wrong.

Also... Is it just me or does CP sound like they arent even done with their final designs and result yet.

Its possible it still may be a work in progress and theyre at the very tail end of finalizing it.

Buckeye122's avatar

I feel like the answer to the question of an extended layout or not is right in front of us.

CP has been very deliberate in their demolition up to this point. The countdown tree is still there, the flags on the station are now gone, supports with no track still standing, and…

the finish line is still up…

Last edited by Buckeye122,
Jeff's avatar

One does not generally endeavor to send parts around the world uncertain what they intend to do with them.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


Its possible it still may be a work in progress and theyre at the very tail end of finalizing it.

What if they did plan to do just the LSMs/trains/theme in 2023, but something happened to delay the project? They're quiet about their plans, obviously they won't reveal unplanned problems. Will we end up with the smaller project over a longer time frame because 2023 was just too optimistic?

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