Top Thrill Dragster 2022 Status

Does that Theme Park Predictions guy actually have sources? His video was 7 minutes of saying lots of words without really saying much. Seems like he just throws a bunch of stuff against the wall to see what sticks

^ I would guess no. I have someone in my wife’s family who 1000% is in a position to be privy to the situation. Tried to ask them recently at a family gathering for hints/info. And got absolutely shut the hell down. Didn’t even give me a “I can’t say but wink wink” answer. Just straight up refused to answer any questions. And anyone who IS in a position to know I am almost certain would not be ratting to a two bit joke on YouTube for internet clout.

Last edited by SpeedDemon,
99er's avatar


Looks like the contractor is Adena

They have been doing work at Cedar Point for years. It's funny because just the other day while driving down I4 in Orlando, I was reminded of how big Adena has gotten since their early work with Cedar Point.

TwistedCircuits's avatar


unless it goes backward first and then forward, up and over.

That's what I was thinking for efficiency. I didn't think about it cutting out rollbacks though, that would be sad.

Still haven't been able to uncross these circuits...
DJ Fischer

djDaemon's avatar


I looked on Zamperla's website and cannot find a unique roller coaster?

Again, at a certain point Junior Gemini was Intamin's first coaster. Everyone starts somewhere. And it's not like Intamin's TTD debut went well. Or pretty much any of their debuts.

It looks like the Dragster redo will not be a record breaker.

Um, excuse me, but may I introduce you to the world's first converted strata coaster? Also known as the world's fastest and tallest converted strata coaster? Not to mention the world's most-near-a-lagoon converted strata coaster?

Tl;dr - being a "record breaker" means nothing.

A big disappointment for coaster entusiasts.

Enthusiasts will complain about anything, so it's not like being a "big disappointment for coaster entusiasts" is a bad thing. Hell, it's practically an endorsement that it'll be a success!

Last edited by djDaemon,



at a certain point Junior Gemini was Intamin's first coaster.

And Intamin didn’t go straight from having a portfolio of exclusively flats and baby coasters straight to Top Thril. Look at their history and there is a pretty linear path of ascension from Jr Gemini up to being a premier coaster designer breaking the limits of what’s been done. Zamperla redoing Top Thrill would be like Intamin having built 200 Jr Gemini clones and then one day being like “Well let’s work on a coaster that is already in a class of its own and then put ground breaking technologies on top of it while also melding existing ride with brand new ride”. The thought is just so ludicrous to me that I seriously can not take Cedar Fair seriously anymore if they actually picked Zamperla who can barely get a Wild Mouse to run reliably to do this project.

Yes can confirm adena is the contractor and they are currently unloading shipping containers at the laydown area looks like white track also

^Which area do you mean? Going to be in the area soon and would like to sneak a peek!

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Sit tight has a whole new meaning today fellas! Hang on tight to those lightning trains. ;)

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.

Behind express

djDaemon's avatar


The thought is just so ludicrous to me that I seriously can not take Cedar Fair seriously anymore...

Cedar Fair in shambles as of 8:00AM EDT, Tuesday the 27th day of June in the year 2023. Stock price plummeting. Executives preparing resignation letters. Competitors preparing hostile takeovers. Six Flags preparing parking lot space for ride relocations.

And to think, this calamitous chain of events could all have been avoided had Cedar Fair chosen the world class, exemplary Intamin for the "reimagining" of Top Thrill Dragster, instead of dumbface stupidhead Zamperla, a disastrous decision which led directly to someone on the Internet no longer taking the multibillion dollar Cedar Fair seriously.


I’m not 100% sold on Zamperla, but there is no concrete evidence to disprove this theory either. What I do know is, per a recent interview with Adam Sandy, Zamperla is investing a considerable amount of money in their roller coaster division. The lightning trains they debuted look promising, and I think they have the engineering power to tackle this project. If this project is completed by Zamperla and it is a success, they could be in a position to become a major contender in the thrill ride market in the coming decades. That sounds like a win to me.

Greg A:

Behind express

Well someone alert Lake Erie Lifestyles to prep the drone lol!

Jeff's avatar


People are going to go to the park for the next few months with the expressed intent to literally watch paint dry.

I'm sure both of them will overwhelm the front gate.

To their point...I looked on Zamperla's website and cannot find a unique roller coaster?

If only they would have brought some product to IAAPA or made press releases and videos about the new product.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Its interesting seeing people get upset about speculation that another speculated happening may not happen.

If they are indeed beginning to start track re-installation count me pretty surprised. Figured they'd wait until the offseason

djDaemon's avatar

Typically they start staging track well in advance of installation, so that once the heavy (and expensive) equipment is on site they can keep it busy without having to wait on track shipments to arrive in Sandusky. So it's possible track installation won't start for quite some time.


Plague on Wheels's avatar

Typically they install the new track a few months before opening day, to allow for adequate testing and quality checks on the new system. This is most important for the control panels, because I don't think the old control panels will hook up to the new interface without heavy modifications, so new controllers will most likely be used. Sorry if I'm using too many technical terms and jargon that may go over people's heads here.

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.


Cedar Fair in shambles as of 8:00AM EDT,

Ok I’ll give it to you Brandon this post was pretty funny

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